Ružan je fotošop sa jednim MFD. Izgleda biće 3D, a to znači da će se jasnije razabrati informacije. Tu je i Cobra HMD. Znači da ima Gripen u tom trenutku najnapredniji kokpit (ne kažem da je i najbolji).
Afrikanci to demantuju
Citat:There will not be a Gripen fighter weapon school at Air Force Base Overberg in the Western Cape, the defence department said on Wednesday.
Czech to look for new fighters if Gripen lease not extended Citat:The Czech government will start looking for a new provider of fighter jets unless Sweden improves its offer to extend a lease of its Gripen fighters now used by the air force, the Czech prime minister said on Wednesday.
cesi se u zadnje vreme zale na sve avione sto imaju, gripeni preskupi, a casa 295 m samo oni nezadovoljni... malo cepidlace u zadnje vreme bas jako, ili su nestrucni.