Saab J-35 Draken


Saab J-35 Draken

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6287
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

Панорама кабине симулатора за авион Дракен.

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  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
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  • Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska

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  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
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Свака част Данко, теби и твојим колегама на овим деловима књиге које повремено објављујете. Врло професионално. Када ће се књига појавити у продаји и где? Да ли у другом тому Ваше енциклопедије планирате да опишете јуришнике? Све најбоље од мене.

  • Bili smo vojnici
  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 4980
  • Gde živiš: Beograd - Srbija; Novi Grad - Republika Srpska

randja26 ::Свака част Данко, теби и твојим колегама на овим деловима књиге које повремено објављујете. Врло професионално. Када ће се књига појавити у продаји и где? Да ли у другом тому Ваше енциклопедије планирате да опишете јуришнике? Све најбоље од мене.

Zvanično naziv knjige nije Enciklopedija, to je radni naziv. O pravom nazivu knjige još se "razmišlja".

Kao što reče drugi deo biće posvećen lovačko-bombarderskoj/jurišnoj avijaciji.

Knjiga se još radi, stigli smo tek do 208 strane (:-))

  • Pridružio: 05 Mar 2006
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samo napred.Skoro nisam imao zadovoljstvo da o nekoj letelici saznom toliko na jednom mestu.Mislim da nista nije propusteno osim mozda crtez ili fotka jedinica gde su bili stacionirani/i Svedska,i Danska i Finska i Austrija/.Ja sam inace ljubitelj letelica iz zemlje Vikinga,pa sam ovih dana nabavio i maketu prvog mlaznog Svedskog lovca SAAB-21R/jedini koji mi nedostaje/.
pozdrav Djordje

  • Pridružio: 21 Apr 2011
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Porodica na okupu,zadnje tri generacije.

  • madza 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Nov 2010
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Evo jos nekoliko dobrih fotki.

  • 037  Male
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  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
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  • Gde živiš: Kruševac

Preseci Drakena.

Tekst iz knjige International Directory of Military Aircrafts 1996 - 1997.
International Directory of Military Aircrafts 1996 - 1997 ::
Saab 35 Draken
Country of origin: Sweden
Type: Multirole fighter
Powerplants: 35X - One 56.9kN (12,790lb) dry and 78.5kN
(17,650lb) with afterburning Volvo Flygmotor RM6C turbojet (licence
built Rolls-Royce Avon 300).
Performance: 35X - Max speed Mach 2 or approx 2125km/h
(1145kt). Max initial rate of climb 34,450ft/min. Time to 36,000ft 2min
36sec, time to 49,200ft 5min Osec. Radius with internal fuel only, hilo-
hi 635km (345nm), with two 100lb/455kg bombs and two drop
tanks hi-lo-hi 1005km (540nm). Ferry range with max internal and
external fuel 3250km (1755nm).
weights: 35X - Empty 8250kg (18,188lb), max takeoff 15,000kg
(33,070lb), max overload takeoff 16,000kg (35,275lb).
Dimensions: Wing span 9.40m (30ft 10in), length 15.35m (50ft 4in),
height 3.89m (12ft 9in). Wing area 49.2m2 (529.6sq ft).
Accommodation: Pilot only, or two in tandem in Sk 35C and TF-35.
Armament: One or two 30mm Aden cannon (one in each wing). Nine
external stores stations can carry 454kg (1000lb) each, weapons
include Bofors rockets, 1000lb/455kg and 500lb/225kg bombs, Rb 24
Sidewinder (licence built AIM-9P) and Rb 27 Falcon (licence built
AIM-4) AAMs.
Operators: Austria, Finland, Sweden.
History: The remarkable Draken (Dragon) was developed against a
demanding 1949 Swedish Air Force requirement to develop an advanced
high performance interceptor to replace the Saab J 29 Tunnan.
Among that requirement's specifications was performance 50%
greater than any other fighter then entering service. Saab's design
team led by Erik Bratt used the unique double delta wing, giving
Mach 2 performance and shorter airfield takeoff lengths than contemporaries
such as the Mirage III and F-104. The double delta wing
configuration was successfully test flown on the Saab 201 research
aircraft before the first of three Draken prototypes (powered by an
Avon 200) flew for the first time on October 25 1955.
Initial production RM6B powered J 35A fighters were delivered to
the Swedish Air Force from 1960. New build and converted J 35Bs
featured Saab's S7 fire control radar and a lengthened rear fuselage,
while the J35D was powered by an improved and uprated RM6C
turbojet. The final Swedish fighter Draken, the J 35F, introduced a
Hughes weapon system comprising a pulse doppler radar, automatic
fire control system and Falcon AAMs. The J 35F-II has a Hughes
infrared sensor. Sixty six J 35Fs have been upgraded to J 35J standard
for service through to the end of the 1990s, when they are due to
replaced by the JAS 39 Gripen.
Aside from the J 35 fighters the Swedish Air Force acquired reconnaissance
S 35Es with a nose containing five cameras and the Sk 35
two seat conversion trainer.
The export 35X was sold to Denmark (as the F-35 fighter, reconnaissance
R-35 and two seat TF-35) and Finland which bought 12
J 35XS and later ex Swedish J 35Fs. Finally Austria's J 350Es are
rebuilt ex Swedish Air Force J 35Ds (24 were delivered from 1988).
Photo: A Swedish J 35J Draken displays its new grey paint scheme
and armament of Sidewinder and Falcon AAMs and rockets. (Paul Merritt)

  • madza 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 1495

Evo i smestja kamera u verziji S-35e

  • Pridružio: 21 Apr 2011
  • Poruke: 1464

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