- flysky

- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
- Poruke: 512
- Gde živiš: Srbija
Citat:Zna li se koliko je napravljeno sitara? Je li se odustalo od nje ?
Do sada su napravljena 2 prototipa (mart 2003 i mart 2004) sa Francuskom pogonskom grupom Snecma ( testiranja 2003 i 2004 ); Potom okretanje Rusiji > ( In 2005 HAL and NPO Saturn inked an agreement for the delivery of the more powerful AL-55I engine in India. The agreement included assistance in setting up the AL-55I production facilities at HAL’s aeroengineering centre in Koraput, western India. The contract stipulated production of at least 250 engines, with an option to produce more if needed ).
Tokom 2009 HJT-36 Sitara testirana je sa ruskom pogonskom grupom, kasnije 2012 i početkom 2013 nastavljaju se testiranja, međutim opet nastaju problemi i od 2013 i pojavljivanja na Aero India 2013 suštinskih pomaka nema. ... ( “The Sitara still hasn’t achieved initial certification as of late 2013, and remains saddled with serious aerodynamic issues. The question is whether the plane can enter service by 2015, and whether it will be safe if it does.”) .
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India’s brand new intermediate jet trainer has a Russian heart and Western flight control systems, but after backing the project for 14 years the IAF now wants to bail out and shop overseas.
Gde je suština problema , te slično Tejasu u nedogled prolongiranja :
HAL’s problem: Project overload :
A key problem with the HJT-36 is the plane is the United Nations of components. American vendor GE Aviation Systems is contracted to supply the integrated avionics system; the cockpits displays are from Thales of France; and Martin Baker is the ejection seat supplier. The list includes just the major ones.
Initially, HAL faced a number of issues during the integration of the engine with the aircraft’s other systems, not least being issues with the throttle control and the various indicators in the cockpit. Could this because HAL engineers are not up to the mark or is it because of incompatible vendors?
The company has also taken on too many projects, leading to delivery issues. For instance, the delivery of India-assembled Su-30MKI jet fighters to the IAF has been delayed because of development issues at HAL.
HAL is also manufacturing the Light Combat Aircraft, Hawk AJT, Advance Light Helicopter, Light Combat Helicopter, Light Utility Helicopter and the Dornier-228 transport plane, and some of these programmes are also experiencing delays.
The IJT project has exposed the rudimentary state of Indian aeronautics. When it comes to state of the art aircraft, India seems to be good only at screwdriver technology – which is euphemistically described as locally assembled. HAL's ability to absorb high-end technology is now in question.
But despite the numerous issues buffeting it, the jet is hardly a writeoff. For a start, it has actually been airborne – multiple times. That’s a milestone the Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas, took over 25 years to reach.
Moj lični stav : Kada neka zemlja poput Indije ima toliko novca za nabavku novih vazduhoplova bilo sa zapada ili istoka , a znamo da se idejno rešenje aviina gradi oko već odabrane pouzdane pogonske grupe prilagođene za dati vazduhoplov (ista greška kao kod decenijama po meni bespotrebno razvijanog Tejasa ), ma koliko da je aerodizajnom HAL’s HJT-36 Sitara prijemčiv , od već postojećih Pilatus PC-7 MK 2 i licencno proizvedenog HAWK-a Mk 132 gledajući namenu Sitare , neuporidivo je mudrije pristupiti nabavci npr. Italijanskog Alenia Aermacchi M-345. ( Providing high-speed training for pilots entering the second stage of training. Rookies begin flight training in a basic trainer aircraft (BTA) and then on an on low-cost jet trainer, before moving on to an advanced jet trainer (AJT) to finally learn the art of combat flying..) Po meni nepotrebno bacanje novca u stalnoj težnji dokazivanja da HAL može sam da iznese do kraja bilo kakav moderan vazduhoplov.
Aerodizajmom zaista koncepcijski lep ali sa suviše bačenog vremena. Isto kao kod LCA- TEJAS ovde se primarno radi o nacionalnom ponosu i trci sa Kinom (AVIC) koju po meni nemogu dobiti.
- Kada neko ima toliko novca i može sebi da priušti SU-30-MKI , duboku modernizaciju MIG-29-ke , MIRAŽA-2000, ulagati u duboku modernizaciju Sepecat Jaguar do 2017 god ... preko enormnog plaćanja za indijsu izvedvu PAK-FA do nabavki Dassault Rafala ... , ulaziti u razvoj na dugom štapu, sa velim znakom pitanja ne samo isplatljivosti nego i realnog uvođenja u sastav ( od prve najave 2007, pa 2009 ... do zadnje 2015 a suštinski pomaka nema do puke statike i slikanja ) sve i da je u pitanju nacionalni ponos je krajnje neracionalno.
Šta se jedino od HJT-36 SATIRA može sem odličnog aerodizajna do zadnje prezentacije na statičkom delu "Aero Indija " može videti :
Aerodizajnom zaista pleni ali isuviše kasni (gledajući perod poletanja 2 prototipa od 2003 i 2004 i u nedogled prilagaođavanja adekvatne pogonske grupe). Odatle i nečudi stav iz gornjeg linka da će Indija pribeći nabaci u inostranstvu ( IAF now wants to bail out and shop overseas ).
Prva dva prototipa ( davne 2003-2004) :
Zadnje, aktuelne fotografije HJT-36 Sitara ; Međutim uvođenje u sastav jedinica je veliki znak pitanja i na dalekom štapu :
I modernoj rešenoj ergonomiji glaskokpita nema se šta prigovoriti, ali opet se vraćamo na KLJUČ = U startu odabrana adekvatna pogonska grupa.
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The Indian Air Force (IAF) plans to alter its pilot training regimen following delays with the Sitara ('Star') intermediate jet trainer (IJT) that state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has been developing since 2000.
Officials told IHS Jane's at Aero India 2015 that under the revised instruction schedule pilots will graduate from newly inducted Swiss Pilatus PC-7 Mk II tandem-seat, basic turbo trainers direct to BAE Systems Hawk Mk 132 advanced jet trainers (AJTs).
Na Aero India 2015 Sitara nije viđena. Zadnje pojavljivanje za javnost bilo je na Aero India 2013.
Sledeći reči u kome se koristi izraz = razočarenje i pored 185 probnih letova 2012 i 25 januara 2013 , sve govori >
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Citat > A day after HAL chairman R.K. Tyagi's press conference at Aero India, where he described the HJT-36's turnaround (645 total test flights, of which 185 were in 2012, 25 in January 2013 alone -- and a targeted initial operational clearance 10 months from now) and professed confidence in the platform, Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal N.A.K. Browne responded. In response to a question I asked him about the HJT-36, Browne said, "We have been disappointed. It has been in development for 8-9 years, and has now been stalled for so long. There are engine issues too. It has only been cleared for 100 hours of flying before overhaul. It needs to be expanded to 1,200-1,400 hours." (Flight International's Greg Waldron quotes me in his detailed report on the HAL-IAF trainer spat).