Su-57 novi ruski lovac


Su-57 novi ruski lovac

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Дали мистерија је решена?

ај д авидимо.

Citat:Всем привет!!! Сегодня я расскажу о количестве произведенных СУ-57 и о перспективах его производства. Данный самолет очень важен для русских ВКС, т.к. считается их будущим. Сможет ли Россия осуществить задуманное и сделать СУ-57 основным самолетом.

Citat:You may have heard through the grapevine that Russia, as entrenched as they are in their "special operation" in Ukraine, just collected a fresh batch of their prized Sukhoi Su-57 gen-V jet fighter

pri;a o nekom napredku

Citat:Russia has made a big step forward in its ability to defend itself by showing off new upgrades to its prized Su-57 stealth fighter jet. The Su-57, which is also called the PAK FA, is one of the most important projects of the Russian aerospace industry. It was made to compete with other fifth-generation fighter jets around the world. Recent changes show that Russia is working hard to improve its armed power and technological edge. The Su-57 has been improved in many ways, but most of the changes have been made to improve its stealth, avionics, and general performance. The new radar-absorbent coating is one of the most important improvements. It lowers the jet's radar cross-section, making it much harder for enemy radar to find. This change gives the Su-57 a big advantage in stealth operations, making it easier for it to sneak into highly guarded airspace without getting caught.
The Su-57's electronics have been updated, making it better at data fusion and networking, and it has also been made more stealthy. This improvement lets the planes talk easily with other helpful assets, like command centers, ground troops, and other planes. This gives the pilots a better idea of what's going on in real time and makes it easier to work together on the battlefield. Also, the Su-57's on-board systems have been updated in many ways, such as with better electronic warfare skills to counter and disrupt enemy radar and communication systems. This gives the Su-57 an advantage in electronic fighting, which makes it a tough opponent in modern air battles.

[quote][In this video, we're taking a look at Russia's newest fighter jet, the Su-57. This aircraft is unique for a few reasons, including its cutting-edge digital comm system.

This system allows pilots to stay connected even in hostile environments, making it a powerful fighter jet. We take a look at the capabilities of this system and how it has helped make the Su-57 one of the best aircrafts in the world.

2027 navodno 76

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Laughing Iskopah ovo

Famozni RCS ali realan ne filmski

Интересная работа по оценке ЭПР СУ-57 и F-22 экспериментальным методом с использованием ультразвуковой локации.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
izvor: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

наводно модернизиран

Citat:Russian fighter jet Sukhoi SU-57 after a recent upgrade successfully made its maiden flight with takeoff from Russia's Gromov Flight Testing Institute airfield.
The most significant aspect of this upgrade is the installation of a new "izdeliye 30" engine, which can provide a thrust of around 16 tons replacing the current AL-41F-1 engine which only provides a thrust of 14.5 tons.
One of the important features of the upgraded version of the SU-57 fighter jet is artificial intelligence technology, which can act as a virtual co-pilot, collect data from various aircraft sensors, and provide important information to human operators.

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Final! Russia launches Su 57 with engine on the fracture technology product 30 incalculable power

још да је точно па да отворим вино.

Citat:Army Upgrade channel brings you the events of the defense industry in different countries of the world. The Russian Sukhoi Design Bureau announced that it is working on improving the Su 57 fighter, and the first flight of the already modernized fifth-generation Su-57 aircraft took place. The aircraft was tested with a set of onboard equipment with enhanced functionality, intelligent crew support and the ability to use a wide range of new types of weapons. The aircraft was also fitted with a second-stage engine. Presumably we are talking about a modernized version of the Su-57, which is being created as part of the Megapolis development work. Army Upgrade channel recalls now on the first samples of the Su-57 installed turbojet twin-circuit engine of the first stage AL-41F1 ("Izdelie 117").

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

нови зуби да буде опасан..

Citat:'' Су-57 има 5 нових ракета класе В-В и то су : Изделие 171-1 ( Р-77-2) макс 6 ком ,4 испод крила и 2 испод уводника ваздуха, Изделие 180 ( Р-87 ) макс 10 ком ,4 испод крила,2 испод уводника ваздуха и 4 унутар трупних спремника, Изделие 270 ( Р-47) макс 6 ком ,4 испод крила и 2 испод уводника ваздуха , Изделие 760 ( Р-74М2) макс 6 ком ,4 испод крила и 2 унутар подкрилних спремника и Изделие 810 ( Р-97) макс 10 ком ,4 испод крила,2 испод уводника ваздуха и 4 унутар трупних спремника. ''
изделије 170-1

Изделије 180


  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Napisano: 22 Avg 2023 13:05


Citat:Приемо-передающие модули, разрабатываемые в научно-производственной фирме "Микране" (Томск), будут применяться для бортовой спутниковой связи и в АФАР малых космических аппаратов. Об этом в эфире Видеодневника инноваций форума "Армия-2023" рассказал Андрей Матросов, главный конструктор 3D приемо-передающих модулей НПФ "Микран".

Томская научно-производственная фирма "Микран" специализируется на разработке телекоммуникационного оборудования, контрольно-измерительной аппаратуры и аксессуаров СВЧ-тракта, сверхвысокочастотной электроники и модулей, радаров для навигации и обеспечения безопасности, мобильных комплексов связи, комплексных решений в области связи и автоматизации.

Видеодневник инноваций форума "Армия-2023" – это серия видеоэфиров про инновационную продукцию наиболее передовых предприятий ВПК. Эфиры пройдут с 14 по 20 августа, в ходе форума "Армия-2023", и ориентированы на руководителей головных предприятий и командование Минобороны.

Ежедневные трансляции проходят в ведущем военно-промышленном видеоканале TV.Mil.Press и в крупнейших военно-промышленных СМИ России. Также материалы эфиров войдут в итоговый фильм "Форум Армия-2023", спецфильмы для командования Минобороны. Эфиры предыдущих лет увидели тысячи специалистов ВПК и силовых структур.

Спецпроект состоит из пяти видеоэфиров; в каждый из них включается не более 10 сюжетов про продукцию предприятий ВПК. Таким образом только 50 предприятий-участников форума "Армия-2023" будут продемонстрированы в Видеодневнике инноваций и гарантированно получат внимание потенциальных заказчиков.

Организатор: военная информационная группа Mil.Press. С 1998 года формирует ежедневные сводки для руководителей ВПК и командования Минобороны через открытые информационные ленты Mil.Press Военное, Mil.Press FlotProm, Mil.Press FLOT, Mil.Press TV.

Устроитель: ведущий военно-промышленный видеоканал России Mil.Press TV. Видеосюжеты с первыми лицами предприятий ВПК о разработанных ВиВТ, запущенных и модернизированных производствах – строго в формате "ВПК – потенциальному заказчику". Обладатель статуса "Официальный Инфопартнер форума "Армия". Все видеосюжеты транслируются в топ-10 крупнейших военных СМИ в мире с охватом в 600'000 специалистов ВПК и силовых структур. Более 2’500’000 просмотров военными специалистами.

Официальные сайты видеодневника – Видеодневник.РФ | АрмияОнлайн.РФ.

Международный военно-технический форум "Армия-2023" проходит с 14 по 20 августа в КВЦ "Патриот", на полигоне Алабино и аэродроме Кубинка. Mil.Press выступает в качестве официального информационного партнера выставки. В рамках этой работы публикуются обзоры новинок и мероприятий деловой программы в тематическом разделе "Форум Армия".

Dopuna: 22 Avg 2023 17:07

колко убрзали???

Citat:scary! Russia's speeding up production of the Su-57 shocked the world

The Su-57 manufacturing line in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia, completed its 2022 program to produce Su-57 and Su-35 fighter jets to meet Defense Ministry orders. According to a statement by the corporation's Director General Yury Slyusar, "Aircraft scheduled for delivery next year are already in production."

The Su-57 is a fifth-generation fighter jet that was first introduced in 2010. It is designed to be stealthy, maneuverable, and equipped with a variety of advanced weapons systems. The Su-57 is still in the early stages of production, but it is expected to become a major part of the Russian Air Force's fleet in the coming years.

In 2022, the Su-57 manufacturing line produced a total of 12 aircraft. This was a significant increase from the 8 aircraft that were produced in 2021. The increase in production is due to a number of factors, including increased funding from the Russian government and the completion of the development of the Su-57's production line.

The Su-57 is a very expensive aircraft to produce. Each aircraft costs an estimated $50 million. However, the Russian government believes that the Su-57 is worth the investment. The Su-57 is expected to give the Russian Air Force a significant advantage over its rivals.

The Su-57 is scheduled to enter full-scale production in 2023. The Russian government plans to purchase a total of 160 Su-57s by 2028. The Su-57 is also expected to be exported to other countries.

The Su-57 is a significant technological achievement for Russia. It is the first Russian fighter jet to be designed with stealth technology. The Su-57 is also equipped with a variety of advanced weapons systems, including the R-37M air-to-air missile, which has a range of over 400 kilometers.

The Su-57 is a potent weapon system that will give the Russian Air Force a significant advantage over its rivals. The Su-57 is expected to play a major role in the Russian Air Force's future.

a note to you!...Be careful in choosing news: double-check the news for truth from all sources, don't trust only one media. This video and cover is for illustration purposes only.

Video footages are use for illustration purposes

Dopuna: 24 Avg 2023 9:27

на тему Микроелектроника

Citat:Раменским приборостроительным КБ, входящим в Концерн КРЭТ, разработали целую линейку уникальных бортовых графических станций нового поколения с технологией искусственного интеллекта

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Сага о Су-57Rostec from Russia showcased remarkable Russian weaponry portrayed as monstrous mechanized creatures, including the advanced Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jet, the T-90M tank, the Lancet unmanned aerial vehicle, the Pantsir surface-to-air missile system, the Ka-52 assault helicopter, and the formidable TOS-1A "Solntsepek" heavy flamethrower system. Approximately 90% of the military apparatus used within the specialized operational area has been manufactured by Rostec-affiliated establishments. Each of these armaments possesses its own distinct yet consistently imposing demeanor.

So how are the updated visual designs of these Russian weaponry, especially the Su-57?

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Russia claims their Sukhoi Su-57 multirole fighter jet is a state of the art fifth generation stealth aircraft. But have we ever seen the Russian plane out in public in actual combat before? Or is this like the Russian T-14 tank with wings? What is the story behind Sukhoi SU fighters vs. Mikoyan MIG fighters?

Written by: Chris Cappy and Josh Simpson
Edited by: Maksym

The work for what would eventually become the Su-57 began in 1979 when the Soviet Union outlined a need for a next-generation fighter aircraft to enter service in the 1990s. They launched the I-90 program in the eighties with the aim of developing a multi-role fighter with substantial ground attack capabilities to replace the MiG-29 and Su-27 in frontline tactical aviation service. Two projects were designed to fulfill this need: The MFI or Multifunctional Frontlight Fighter program and the LFI, a program designed to make a lighter fighter jet with respectable air-to-ground capabilities.

But wait slow down for the slow learning soldiers like myself in the back of the class. What the heck is a multirole fighter. BAE systems labels it as “Swing role aircraft” quote: “An aircraft that can accomplish both air-to-air and air-to-surface roles on the same mission and swing between these roles instantly offers true flexibility. This reduces cost, increases effectiveness and enhances interoperability with allied air forces' ' So pilots can take on all enemies, generals can send one aircraft for all jobs and the military industrial complex gets to save money… Everyone wins!

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

Napisano: 30 Avg 2023 18:45

Ја мислим д аје из МИг 31 погодила мамац на 400 км

Citat:The Russian administration asserts that the Su-57, a fifth-generation combat aircraft, is actively participating in missile defense operations. This state-of-the-art fighter jet is reportedly executing long-range strikes on specific targets located within Ukrainian territory.

Dopuna: 31 Avg 2023 11:36


[quoteIn a remarkable leap for Russia's defense capabilities, the Su-57 stealth fighter jet takes the stage with cutting-edge upgrades. This prized aircraft, also known as the PAK FA, aspires to stand tall among fifth-generation fighter jets worldwide. The recent enhancements reflect Russia's unwavering commitment to fortifying its military might and technological prowess.

The upgraded Su-57 unveils a host of improvements, with a primary focus on bolstering its stealth capabilities, avionics, and overall performance. Key among the advancements is a new radar-absorbent coating, rendering the jet nearly invisible to enemy radars. This empowers the Su-57 to venture into heavily guarded airspace without raising alarm.

Beyond its stealth mastery, the Su-57's avionics undergo a modernization makeover, enabling seamless data fusion and networking. With improved communication capabilities, the aircraft becomes a powerful ally, in sync with command centers, ground troops, and fellow planes. This real-time situational awareness ensures optimal coordination on the battlefield.][/quote]

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 3572
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

[quoteОборона и нападение. Американские авиаспецы заключили, российский тяжелый истребитель пятого поколения Су-57 непрерывно совершенствуются, на подходе новые двигатели изделие 30 и адаптация к самолету гиперзвуковой ракеты Кинжал. Однако есть ещё две революционные и редко упоминаемые разработки, призванные улучшить маневренность новейшего истребителя России, что резко увеличит шансы Су-57][/quote]

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