Su-57 novi ruski lovac


Su-57 novi ruski lovac

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4252

@ mean_machine & sebab

Pre jedno 5-6 godina sam čitao da su u Rusiji razvili neku vrstu "secundary" radara čiji cilj je da raztereti primarni radar i ujedno da avion dobije veču pokrivenost sa strane.

Mene više zanima gde če mu biti OLS i dali če biti sličan onome na F-35 (EOTS),


pogledaj zgornju desnu sličicu tamo je lepo nacrtan zakrivljeni uvodnik.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • sebab 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4232


u pravu si, nisam video dobro...

jos nesto vezano za onih vise radara - nije mi jasno cemu emiteri na krilima, kad emiteri u nosu - ceoni i bocni daju siri ugao skeniranja. mozda otpornost na protivelektronska dejstva? skeniranje sa vise frekvencija odjednom?

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

acatomic ::@ mean_machine & sebab

Pre jedno 5-6 godina sam čitao da su u Rusiji razvili neku vrstu "secundary" radara čiji cilj je da raztereti primarni radar i ujedno da avion dobije veču pokrivenost sa strane.

EPOLET Phased Array

Verovatno je za T-50 predvidjena napredna verzija ovog sistema.


Na slici postoji i repni radar pa kada startuje Irbis+epolet+repni radar ima da svetli ko bozicna jelka Mr. Green

  • sebab 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4232


sa onda ukupno 6 radara, sigurno ce biti "jeftin".

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

sebab ::au,

sa onda ukupno 6 radara, sigurno ce biti "jeftin".

Ma tu su samo dva prava radara tj. jedan pravi radar a to je AESA Ibris a onaj repni radar je verovatno Kopyo-F da li ce biti PESA ili AESA nemam pojma ali je taj radar vrlo jeftin (u poredjenju sa AESA Ibris).

A epolet Rusi ne smatraju radarom a cena mu je simbolična u poredjenju sa AESA Irbis radarom.

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4252

@ sebab

Evo kako bi izgledao radar u krilu:

Evo jedan noviji Ruski HMS koji bi pokazivo podatke na viziru. Čuo sam da bi i Su-35BM morao imati nešto takvo slično ali da su piloti rekli da je pretežak i da bi si povredili vrat pri manevrisanju tako da če kod Su-35BM ostati HUD i klasični ruski HMS (a moguče je da če rešiti problem do 2015 za T-50).

I na kraju presek mig 1.44 S-37 i F-22:

  • sebab 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 19 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4232

evo sta kaze jane's za epolet:

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

ukratko, omogucava navodjenje raketa kao sto je r27 (pretpostavljam naravno i drugih) i ako se avion okrene za 90o u odnosu na inicijalni pravac leta.

koristi svega 68 modula koriscenih na vecim aesa radarima - valjda misle na zhuk-mae.

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28836
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Epolet se pravi u dve varjante. Prvobitno je zamišljen kao sekundarni radar u sistemu Ađutant u kombinaciji sa osnovnim radarom, za navođenje raketa čime bi se rasteretio osnovni radar, pokrila veća zona napada i omogućilo lansiranje i vođenje ruskih raketa sa aviona zapadnog porekla(laka integracija naoružanja). To su ipak skromniji radari sa svega 8 modula i mase do 5kg.
Ovaj od 68 modula je Epolet-A, pravi AESA, višenamenski radar mada broj modula zavisi od zahteva naručioca.
Rusi tvrde da će u velikoserijskoj proizvodnji cena modula sa sadašnjih 1000 pasti na 500$.

  • Pridružio: 04 Mar 2008
  • Poruke: 48

Ne znam da li se ovdje postavljaju vjesti dsa drugih portala, ali evo jedne, pa ako treba obrišite.


India, Russia to develop 2 versions of 5th-generation fighter
15:03 29/ 09/ 2008

NEW DELHI, September 29 (RIA Novosti) - Russia and India will jointly develop two versions of a new fifth-generation fighter, the head of an Indian defense company said on Monday.

A Russian-Indian advanced multirole fighter is being developed by Sukhoi, which is part of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), along with India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), under an intergovernmental agreement signed in October 2007.

"The aircraft will have different wings, electronics and radars," HAL Chairman Ashok K. Baweja said after a meeting of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on military technical cooperation in New Delhi.

He also said India will develop a two-seat version to meet the requirements of the Indian air superiority doctrine, while Russia will develop a single-seat fighter.

Russia's Sukhoi aircraft maker earlier said it had started the construction of a prototype of the fifth-generation fighter, which will feature high maneuverability and stealth to ensure air superiority and precision in destroying ground and sea targets.

The Russian version will be built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft-manufacturing plant in Russia's Far East.

Flight tests of the fifth-generation fighter will begin as early as 2009, and mass production of the aircraft may start by 2015, Sukhoi said.

Russia's military cooperation with India goes back nearly half a century, and the country accounts for about 40% of Russian arms exports.

Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission sessions are held annually and alternate between New Delhi and Moscow. The previous meeting took place in the Russian capital in October 2007.

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4252

Russian and Indian Versions of 5th Generation Airplane to Have Substantial Differences

The fifth generation fighters intended for Russia and India's air forces that are being jointly developed will have substantial differences. Whereas the Russian air force plans to bring a single-seat variant of the fighter into the inventory, India's air force intends to obtain a twin-seat airplane. This is determined by the doctrine that has been adopted which envisions the solution as an airplane with a wide spectrum of combat missions, "India Today" reports.

As the head of HAL ((in Latin letters)), Ashok Baweja, has announced, the Indian fifth generation FGFA (Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft) ((in English)) fighter will differ significantly from the Russian variant, since the availability of a second pilot requires increasing ((the size of)) the fuselage, wing and rudder surfaces.

Analyzing the results of the India-Russian intergovernmental commission on military and technical cooperation, A. Baweja reported that the parties made advances in the question of agreeing to the areas of participation in the creation of the new fighters, an agreement on joint development of which was signed in 2007.l As is expected, India will concentrate on the production of light, high-strength composites for construction of the airplanes, the use of which should reduce the fighter's weight significantly.

As Unified Airplane Building Company president Aleksey Fedorov has declared, at the present time the company is determining which part of the work on the creation of the airplane will be transferred to India manufacturers. It is planned to adopt a decision on this question not later than the end of this year.

According to A. Baweja, the new airplane will be created using low-observable technologies, equipped with engines which allow flying at supersonic speeds without using the afterburner, fitted with weapons systems mounted internally that are capable of attacking several targets on the ground, sea and in the air simultaneously and with the newest communications systems.

The first prototype of the FGFA will be equipped with AL-31FP engines. However, according to the wishes of the Indian side, the series-built fighter is supposed to receive a power plant that is 15 - 20 percent more powerful that the existing one. It is planned that the FGFA, which is supposed to reach the Indian air force inventory by 2015, will replace three types of combat airplanes presently in service.

Source: 02.10.08, ARMS-TASS

Dopuna: 26 Okt 2008 11:58

Razlog zašto če Rusi imati obične izduvnike a ne onakve kakve ima F-22
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The AL-31FP boasts an axial exit nozzle. That is to say the nozzle is circular. It is known that your overseas counterparts used to try to solve the thrust vector control problem via the use of a flat nozzle that should be easier to swivel. What do you think of that?

In the late 1980s, we were engaged in the development of the flat nozzle too and conducted a thorough research. The Ufa-based Motor Scientific Production Enterprise under the guidance of Chief Designer Alexei A. Ryzhov manufactured an experimental flat nozzle that underwent a series of tests. The conclusions were as follows. Presently, the flat nozzle has two inherent snags which, in principle, have not been dealt with yet. Firstly, the turbine is round but the nozzle is flat with a distance between them being small. The distance cannot be increased because this would lead to an increase in the overall length of the aircraft, a loss of thrust, etc. While transforming the circular gas stream into the flat one, the nozzle, developed by Mr. Ryzhov, was losing 14-17% of thrust. Unfor-tunately, the gas stream cannot be "bent" as we would like it to. It has its own laws too. So far, no one has managed to transform the circular gas stream into the flat one without losing thrust. The very same snag was hit by the Americans in developing their F-117 featuring a non-afterburning engine. Such engines lose approximately 15% of thrust too. However, the F-117 is a specialised Stealth aircraft with the main requirement of ensuring "invisibility". It does not need a real good thrust/weight ratio. That is why the Americans put up deliberately with an unavoidable loss of thrust but benefited from reduced signatures.
Secondly, the other primary problem is weight. The circular TVC nozzle produces only tensile stress while the flat one exerts bending stress as well. Those stresses require special measures to be taken to ensure the nozzle strength in order to avoid deformation of the nozzle. Those measures mean additional weight. The flat nozzle made of metal is heavier than the circular one by approximately half a tonne. Mind you, the whole AL-31FP fitted with its circular swivel nozzle weighs a little bit more than 1500 kg only. So, the use of a flat nozzle implies an extra tonne at the rear of a plane (two-engine are meant here, which make up the most of modern fighters). The problem can be circumvented through the use of the "carbon-carbon" materials which have low specific weight and can stand high temperature. But they burn in the end anyway, since they are based on the very same coal. Nobody has solved the problem of preventing carbon-carbon units from burning during their operation as part of an aircraft engine. Currently, such materials covered by a thick layer of fire-resistant ceramics are used only in manufacturing the control surfaces of rocket engines. The latter are actually disposable since their operation never exceeds 40-50 seconds while an aircraft engine service life amounts to 1,000 hours or more.

So, the problem of ensuring an effective long-term protection of the non-metal nozzle is still to be solved. Thus, development of the flat nozzle encounters two problems - the loss of thrust (and it is not resolved even in theory) and the extra weight. With those two problems in mind, we stick to the circular nozzle.

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