Air forcec monthly avgust 2010 sa google translate
Citat:Sharp teeth of the new Russian fighter
When earlier this year made its first flight promising aviation complex tactical aircraft (PAK FA), it became clear that Russia is still really aspires to the role of one of the world's leading aviation powers. The Russian press is emphasized that the work of equipping aircraft with necessary equipment and arms carried out in full accordance with the special programs.
As noted in an interview the head of the Russian Corporation of Tactical Missiles "- the main supplier of guided weapons for fighter 5 th generation Boris Obnossov, the corporation is close to the door" on the final state testing of fourteen types of new missiles and corrected air bombs (KAB). They cover almost the whole range of air attack weapons, including a new missile air-to-air long range. Some appear in the next year, some next year. Moreover, the new missiles for the fifth generation fighter will be harmonized with other modern media - Su-34, Su-35 and MiG-35 ".
New development of aviation precision weapons (WTO) are based mainly on a fundamentally new design solutions, as well as the further development of tested and proven technologies.
Received further development directions of high antiradar and anti-ship missiles, equipped with a combined propulsion system, comprising ramjet booster and solid-block. According to their performance characteristics (TTX), new samples guided missiles (SD) of this type - X-31PD (antiradar) and X-31AD (anti-) considerably exceed the corresponding samples for the intended use of SD the previous generation.
Rockets X-31 family of new generation with modern accurate guidance systems and surpass their predecessors in the maximum range of applications - more than twice, power (efficiency) of a warhead - not less than 15-20%. On X-31PD applied broad-band passive radar seeker (GOS).
The modular principle of constructive performance multi-purpose missile was embodied in the new development of SD-type X-38ME, which provides the possibility of using some combination of guidance systems, which include an inertial system and options for the final precision-guided laser-based GOS, thermal imaging, radar, or the type of satellite navigation.
If we compare the X-38ME preceded by a number of well-known modular missiles Kh-25M, the first for all indicators have a distinct advantage. For example, the maximum range of start-up - and the mass of warhead X 38MLE exceed the Kh-25ML is almost 4 times (X-38MLE and Kh-25ML - version of the missile with laser homing).
Further development through low-altitude subsonic anti-ship missiles sold in the development of SD X-35UE, which compared with the previous version of the X-35E has undergone significant changes in terms of improved aerodynamics and propulsion, as well as equipping more sophisticated guidance and control system.
The new missile has doubled the maximum range of applications. The combined guidance system using an inertial system, satellite navigation and an active / passive radar GSN provides an X-35UE higher accuracy and noise immunity, as well as a wider range of the targeted objectives, including in electronic countermeasures (ECM). Range capture objectives of the new GOS increased more than twofold. In this case, the X-35UE made in the dimensions of the X-35E, which provides the interchangeability of these missiles. X-35UE can be adapted to aircraft carriers of various types (front and shipborne fighter, patrol aircraft and helicopters).
New samples guided weapons air-to-air missiles are SD medium (RVV-DM) and low (RVV-MD) range. Missiles of this class are known to venture GosMKB Vympel, part of the Corporation's Tactical Missiles.
RVV-MD - Aviation guided missile passing maneuver air combat is designed to arm fighters, attack planes and helicopter gunships. Compared with the previous SD P-73E new missile loaded with upgraded dual-band IR vserakursny GSN and has increased by 30% with a range of application. Increased energy, as well as a combined system aerogazodinamicheskogo management provide the ability to exit the rocket at large compared to the R-73E missile attack angles (the angles targeting - ± 60 deg.), And engage targets maneuvering with large accelerations (up to 12 g).
Compared with the RVV-AE in the RVV-DM significantly increased the maximum range of a start - up to 110 km. Launch RVV-DM is capable of hitting targets with an overload of up to 12 g at any time, in all aspects, in ECM, against the backdrop of land and water surfaces, including multi-channel fire on the principle of "fire and forget".
To create and produce a new generation of the WTO requires a fundamentally new design and technological level than the one that was inherited from the past century.
Since its formation in 2002, the Corporation Tactical Missiles "conducts a deliberate policy of gradual modernization of the technological base of their enterprises.
Despite the crisis of work to prepare the technological base of production of new developments Aviation WTO will not be suspended. Only now the corporation realizes 17 projects on technical upgrading and renovation of its production facilities. All this has allowed time to deploy complex development work on new designs WTO. Much attention is paid to the development of laboratory and test databases.
At the head office shall enter the final phase of work on the creation of a corporate laboratory and design of the complex (LRC) of ground tests. The central element of LRC is to become a modern "anechoic chamber" with a new set of seminatural simulation (PCF). This complex will simulate various conditions of application of new types of weapons and, through this, substantially improve the quality of projects. Reduce the cost of full-scale flight tests.