Poslao: 03 Mar 2009 01:42
- Besotted

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Nov 2006
- Poruke: 3782
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
sasans23 ::Текст који открива много тога.
И слике вероватно коначног изгледа Т-50
Ovo je ametesrki 3D model radjen u kuci a ne model iz MiG korporacije.
To samo deca sanjaju. Mozda klinac i potrefi nesto ali ne mozes tvrditi da je to verovatno konacno resenje jer se nista pouzdano ne zna o njemu.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 06 Mar 2009 01:48
- S-400

- Građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Mar 2009
- Poruke: 41
Ja ne bih voleo da previse lici na f-22 odmah bi ameri rekli da je njihova kopija!Bilo bi lijepo da ima krila kao kod su-47 cisto zbog izgleda a i manvrisanje bi bilo bolje(valjda:))!
Nesto slicno kao na slici!
I da prva poruka na forumu =)
Poslao: 28 Mar 2009 21:51
- acatomic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 4252
KnAAPO: Information About Shifting Dates for Realization of PAK FA Project Is Wrong
Information that dates for realization of the Russian PAK FA fifth generation fighter project may be delayed yet again due to forthcoming massive layoffs at KnAAPO Yuriy Gagarin is wrong, The newspaper Nash Gorod (Our City) reports referring to a KnAAPO announcement.
It is recalled that according to a number of information agencies who are referring to a the words of the KnAAPO union representative, Pavel Arslanov, notification about reduction of part of the workforce reached the enterprise at the beginning of March. Layoffs are supposed to start in 3 months.
According to the KnAAPO deputy director, Sergey Ageev, the information being spread by the union has nothing in common with the reality. "We actually intend to optimize the strength of the workers over the first half year. We do such optimization every year. The most socially defended group of KnAAPO workers falls under the decrease. Optimization is underway owing to reorganization of the enterprise's ancillary departments. We intend to let go not more than 700 people in the coming 6 months. Primarily it is a question of workers who have reached retirement age," one of the plant's manager's reported.
In fact, KnAAPO management has refuted the words of Pavel Arslanov, who maintains that more than a thousand people fall under the cut-back and also as "the official reason for the decrease" names "a reduction of manufacturing workload," the newspaper writes.
Source: 17.03.09, Avia.RU
i jedna slika:
Dopuna: 28 Mar 2009 21:51
RSM55 ::PS: Sukhoi is building the 3rd airframe of the PAK FA as we speak (albeit it will be used for static tests only). The programme is totally unaffected by the crisis and it will fly at the end of the year if they don't discover that paralay's pictures are better than the real thing
Poslao: 31 Mar 2009 17:14
- Trpe Grozni
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Apr 2008
- Poruke: 5918
Opet su se pojavile neke slike za koje tvrde da su PAK-FA
kao i neka oprema za njega
Ali opet nista nije sigurno.
Poslao: 07 Apr 2009 11:39
- Pridružio: 04 Mar 2008
- Poruke: 48
Brazil could make Russian new-generation fighters under license
MOSCOW, April 7 (RIA Novosti) - Russia may allow Brazil to produce its fifth-generation fighters under a license in the future, a senior Russian government official said in an interview with RIA Novosti.
"We are discussing with the well-known Brazilian company Embraer the transfer of technology and the construction of facilities for the future licensed production of the aircraft, including the fifth-generation fighter," said Alexander Fomin, deputy director of the Federal Service on Military-Technical Cooperation.
Russia's advanced multirole fighter is being developed by the Sukhoi aircraft maker, part of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), along with India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), under a preliminary intergovernmental agreement signed in October 2007.
The first prototype is scheduled to make its maiden flight before the end of 2009.
Last November, Russia and Brazil signed a series of agreements on military technology cooperation which emphasize the protection of intellectual property rights and technology secrets.
The agreements will facilitate the transfer of technology and the licensed production of the Russian aircraft in Brazil if Moscow decides to sign a contract with the South American country.
Meanwhile, Russia's Su-35 jet fighter is participating in an ongoing tender for the delivery of over 100 fighters to the Brazilian Air Force.
"We are actively participating in the Brazilian tender, which has been reopened. It involves over 100 fighter planes. Russia has made a bid in the tender with its Su-35 multirole fighter. The tender has stiff requirements, involving not only the sale, but also the transfer of technology. It is a key condition of the deal and Russia is ready to satisfy it," Fomin said.
Brazil wants a multirole fighter to protect its national airspace as well as to keep track of smugglers in the Amazon basin and guard the country's offshore oil rigs. However, it also wants the multi-billion dollar contract to reenergize the domestic defense industry through home-grown production and as much technology transfer as can be afforded.
Poslao: 11 Apr 2009 02:19
- Toni

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- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
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Neki Rusi malo razmisljaju kako bi sta moglo da izgleda....