Poslao: 04 Dec 2010 21:27
- Georgius
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
- Poruke: 5240
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
Problem je nastao u nedovoljno jasnoj izjavi. Rekao si :
Citat:nikad T-50 nece moci da zameni Su-37, niti ce to moci bilo koji drugi Sukhoj. Tacnije bilo koji drugi Ruski avion.
Nisi precizirao da se to odnosi na tvoje licno misljenje vec si napisao tako uopsteno da se 'ladno iz te izjave izvlaci sasvim pogresan zakljucak.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 04 Dec 2010 22:15
- salesam
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Sep 2009
- Poruke: 1726
- Gde živiš: Zemun
Tacno ali je sve pocelo od toga sto mi Lieutenant sugerisao u sali (nadam se) da zamenim u potpisu perfektne neprijatelje. Po logici znaci da sam pricao o svom misljenju. Ili stvarno mislite da sam toliko blesav da mislim da T-50 nije doneo nikakav napredak u odnosu na avion star 15 godina? Nema tu sta da se shvati ili ne, osim da ja iz svega pomislim da mislite da sam opicen.
I da ne sirimo ovo vise za dzabe i da se vratimo na T-50. Raci mi da li tebi deluje prodajna cena od samo 100 milki $ relano? Ako bude tako, treba malo da se strpimo, skupljamo pare, mozda budemo neki period bez avijacije kao i do sad, i da u prvoj ruci kupimo T-50. Meni tako mala cifra deluje neverovatno kad uzmemo u obzir koliko se danas placaju avioni IV generacije.
Dopuna: 04 Dec 2010 22:19
Top od kad je ovaj tekst? Pise 2010 ali ima dosta cudnih izjava, a i po nekih nagadjanja. Pominje se FB-22 za koji sam bio ubedjen da je ukinut. Verzija Pak-Fa koja ce biti mozda zamena Su-34 koji je tek na pomolu. Meni je gotovo sve interesantno, pa jedino ceo tekst da kopiram . Nadam se da ce iz ovog teksta neki uvideti koliko su lupetali sto se tice cene kompletnog programa. Procitajte obavezno, interesantno je.
Evo za FB-22 deo;
The FB-22 would possess the stealth and supercruise characteristics of the F-22A, and it would provide a stealth and supersonic medium-range bomber capability for the Air Force, filling a niche between the F-35 fighter-bomber and the proposed 2018 long-range bomber. The FB-22 would be able to carry 30 Small Diameter Bombs and have 50 percent more range than the F-22. In the future, Russia may deploy a medium-bomber version of the PAK FA while the U.S. Air Force may be left without such a bomber capability.
Poslao: 04 Dec 2010 22:26
- Lieutenant
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 29 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 1096
- Gde živiš: Beograd
salesam ::Tacno ali je sve pocelo od toga sto mi Lieutenant sugerisao u sali (nadam se) da zamenim u potpisu perfektne neprijatelje.
mislio sam da je su37 kao predstavnik najsavrsenijeg ruskog aviona i sada kad je tu Pak Fa napisao sam u sali da sad postoji jos savrseniji neprijatelj... nema ljutnje
Poslao: 04 Dec 2010 22:47
- salesam
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Sep 2009
- Poruke: 1726
- Gde živiš: Zemun
Evo o stelthu PAK-FA;
The PAK FA Compared to U.S. Fighters
According to information in the public domain, the PAK FA could be superior to the F-35, equal ornearly equal to the F-22, and superior to fourthgeneration fighters. This section compares these fighters across a range of capabilities and discusses nascent and unfolding security implications.
Stealth. The PAK FA will likely incorporate several advanced stealth features. According to the Sukhoi firm, the fighter’s “use of composite materials and advanced technologies, improved aerodynamics, and reduced engine heat signature minimizes its radio-frequency, optical and infrared visibility.” Like the F-22, the PAK FA was designed according to the principle of planform alignment, which means that surfaces and edges—such as the leading edges and horizontal control surfaces of the wings and the vertical sides of the engines’ air intakes—are aligned to share the same angles. The pilot’s canopy is also angled to deflect incoming radar waves away from the radar source.
An additional stealth feature that could be incorporated is curved S-ducts to mask the engine compressor blades from radar. The T-50 prototype tested earlier this year was not fitted with stealthy engine nozzles, but the operational version of the PAK FA will likely have stealthy thrust-vector-control nozzles, like those on the F-22. A stealthy engine nozzle has been fitted on one of Russia’s Su-27 test aircraft.
The PAK FA is expected to be built with radarabsorbing material. About 30 percent of the aircraft fuselage will be made of composite materials. It could also be fitted with a “stealthogenic” system, an advanced technology reportedly developed by Soviet scientists. This stealthogenic technology is a form of anti-radar cloaking device using “wisps of plasma formed by pencils of electromagnetic rays from special generators installed on the aircraft; the plasma absorbs radio waves, reducing the aircraft’s radar cross section (RCS) approxi-mately 100 times,” making it almost invisible to radar. The U.S. Air Force is reportedly interested in using a similar, cold plasma cloaking device “as the next generation of stealth technology” for its fighter aircraft.
Russia is likely to reserve the more advanced stealth capabilities for its own aircraft. The stealthogenic cloaking device under development could reduce the PAK FA’s radar cross section even further, making it potentially as stealthy as the F-22, which has the RCS of a small bird or a bumblebee at between 0.001 and 0.01 square meter. The stealthogenic system may even enable the fighter to carry a full load of missiles, bombs, and/or drop tanks externally and still remain stealthy. It is possible Russia may have already tested the technology successfully; if so, one could reasonably assume Russia would then be readying it for deployment on the operational version of the PAK FA.
Za Indijsku verziju necu nista stavljati.
Poslao: 05 Dec 2010 14:11
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31404
salesam ::
Top od kad je ovaj tekst? Pise 2010 ali ima dosta cudnih izjava, a i po nekih nagadjanja. Pominje se FB-22 za koji sam bio ubedjen da je ukinut. Verzija Pak-Fa koja ce biti mozda zamena Su-34 koji je tek na pomolu. Meni je gotovo sve interesantno, pa jedino ceo tekst da kopiram . Nadam se da ce iz ovog teksta neki uvideti koliko su lupetali sto se tice cene kompletnog programa. Procitajte obavezno, interesantno je.
Evo za FB-22 deo;
The FB-22 would possess the stealth and supercruise characteristics of the F-22A, and it would provide a stealth and supersonic medium-range bomber capability for the Air Force, filling a niche between the F-35 fighter-bomber and the proposed 2018 long-range bomber. The FB-22 would be able to carry 30 Small Diameter Bombs and have 50 percent more range than the F-22. In the future, Russia may deploy a medium-bomber version of the PAK FA while the U.S. Air Force may be left without such a bomber capability.
Pa lepo ti kaze da bi mogla da se napravi bombarderska verzija PAK-FA nalik na FB-22, koji bi imao sve to, ali ga nece biti dok ce takve verzije PAK-FA mozda i biti.
Inace tekst je kao i sto pise decembar 1. 2010. Oni su tu skupili otprilike sve sto smo do sada mogli da vidimo o PAK-FA i sve sto je receno uz poredjenje sa postojecim avionima i sta ako ovi budu izvozili PAK-FA. Solidno zanimljivo, samo sto je zakljucak svakog zapadnog tekst sada isti, " F-35 je naj***, daj jos F-22"