Su-57 novi ruski lovac


Su-57 novi ruski lovac

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

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Russia will overtake America in the new fighter

prevod sa google translate
Citat:The latest fifth-generation fighter T-50 began its test flight at supersonic speeds.
According to the developers, it is technically more equipped than the American F-22 Raptor, which already is used by the U.S. Air Force. Experts believe that the production of the new fighter could change the balance between Russia and the United States in arms exports. Details - in the material correspondent Vesti FM Sergey Tkachuk.

"Long-Term Complex Frontal Aviation" - the official name of the Russian fifth generation fighter T-50. Sukhoi is developing it since 2002. The first flight took place on January 29, 2010 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Second - there 10 days ago. The third flight is planned for this summer. According to the developers, radar, the fighter sees everything that happens in the air and on the ground at a distance of several hundred kilometers. He can "lead" while the set of goals and also at the same time they hit. T-50 can take off and land on the runway just 300-400 meters. The developers say the plane will reach speeds of more than 2 thousand kilometers per hour and to make flights at a distance of 5,000 kilometers. Armament of the new machine will be removed completely in the internal compartments of a fighter. In them, according to some, may be placed up to eight missiles.

But the biggest advantage of the Russian T-50 to U.S. F-22 and "export» F-35 is its ability to fire missiles at supersonic speed. American, as far as is known, in order to launch out of the inner compartments, must move at subsonic speeds. This peculiarity makes the T-50 and more competitive on the world arms market, said a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense Minister Igor Korotchenko.

"The Russian fifth generation fighter aircraft - is a breakthrough innovation project, which has great both military and political significance. In addition, we expect that this car will compete in the global arms market. The Americans have two fifth-generation fighter - an F-22 Raptor and F-35. F-22 is not available on the world arms market is supplied F-35. Therefore, we compete directly with two American cars ", - told Korotchenko.

With the "revolutionary new" fifth generation fighter, Russia can escape into the leaders of weapons systems - so the western media welcomed the successful testing of the T-50. According to the analysis of the Stockholm Peace Research Institute, now the U.S. and Russia control more than half of the world arms market - 53%. Internal rivalries between them while benefiting the United States. They accounted for 30% of world exports, while for Russia - 23%. However, with the T-50, this balance can be changed.

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
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Naprasiti Rusi! Znaci moci ce da ispaljuje rakete pri supersonicnim brzinama i to ce mu biti glavna prednost,kao i krajnja brzina veca od 2 maha!Tako sam razumeo!Pa bas lepo! Svidja mi se sto " trka" nije posustala!


  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
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алал им вера.... Zagrljaj

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

F-22 je u stanju da lansira AIM-9 i AIM-120 leteci supersonicno, ali problem je taj sto je lansiranje AIM-9 izvrseno pri 1,1M, dok je lansiranje AIM-120 izvrseno pri brzini od 1,19M.

Rusi verovatno pretpostavljaju da ce PAK FA biti u stanju da lanisira rakete pri vecem mahovom broju, sto bi zaista bila ne mala prednost.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
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Ja lično ne mogu da dočekam da vidim kako će izgledati "Izduvi"...a "savest" mi nalaže da verujem da će tu da naprave ČUDO....i još ako bi se onda malčico potrudili da im finalni proizvod bude "utegnut" do poslednjeg šarafa...možda i uspeju da "načnu" 26%-od svetskog tržišta naoružanja.

  • madza 
  • Super građanin
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Evo nekih novosti o naoruzanju Pak-fa.

Dopuna: 20 Mar 2011 21:28

  • lacko  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • doktor medicine
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drugi link nesto zeza kod mene..u cemu je problem

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Као и све нас иде на страницу паралај.цом

има све слике;start=120

  • madza 
  • Super građanin
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Ne znam u cemu je problem. Kod mene se otvara bez problema.

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