Taso ::Zanimljivi komentari sa Keys Foruma u vezi Levcon-a...
Citat:@over G
I don't like to make childish commentaries, but this aircraft truly rocks...that picture is awesome.
Until now I'm thinking LEVCONS are slaved with the slats, things changes a lot if they can be differentially moved, now there are three possibilites
1-The levcons control is independient with the slats
2-The slats and Levcons can be differentially moved
I don't recall that slats can be differentially driven in another airplane or fighter, please let me know if so.
Now the BIG question remains
Are the Pakfa Levcons act as canards or are just big slats?, both are quite different.
Regarding the exhausts, I think since the program has started with a 3D TVC, IMO is very likely the production T-50 is MEANT to get a 3D TVC, because all the program, all the requirements and all the airframe was designed and tested with this kind of device, so the rounded 3D TVC is here to stay.
If indians want their exhausts ala Raptor...well, is their problem, go and pay for that garbage...
But I think russians are not that dumb.
(this is not a guess)
zillion pics of T-50 will be made on upcoming week, so you will surely see proof of that
Pa i na prethodnim fotografijama je "Over G" mogao da vidi i ustanovi da se LEVCON ponasa slicno klasicnom kanaru, cak mnogo slicnije nego kanar kod MKI koji ima negativan otklon koji se automatski regulise po napadnom uglu.
To se najbolje moze zapaziti pri poletanju i sletanju, gde kod PAK FA postoji pozitivan otklon LEVCON-a, dok obarajuca napadna icvica krila ima negativan otklon radi generisanja sto vece kolicine uzgona na krilu.
Posle poletanja LEVCON ima negativan (trim) otklon koji se upotpunjuje sa obarajucom napadnom ivicom krila.
Dakle kalsican primer po kome funkcionise kanar kod nestabilne platforme.
Postoji i verovatnoca da se LEVCON otklanja i asihrono sto bi imalo smisla zbog nesimetricnog opstrujavanja vazduha pri odredjenim uglovima i zaokretima, jer mislim da nema dovoljan "moment arm" (polugu) kako bi se koristio efikasno za valjanje.