Su-57 novi ruski lovac


Su-57 novi ruski lovac

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16142
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

sivisoko ::

Novi motor druge faze bi trebao da bude daleko ispred bilo kojeg postojeceg motora danasnjice, a za "117" se tvrdi da nece biti losiji od P&W. 119

Živi bili pa videli u proseku ruski motori rade pola veka zapadnih.

sivisoko ::Za IRBIS-E se tvrdi da je vrhunac dostignuca tehnologije sa pasivnom resetkom i da su neke od karakteristika unikatne i neponovljive za druge radare.
Rusi smatraju da su daleko ispred svih u svetu sto se tice razvoja i tehnologije radara sa pasivnom faznom resetkom, a da novi radar za PAK FA sa aktivnom resetkom nece zaostajati za konkurentima, cak sta vise, smatraju da ce po nekim karakteristikama biti cak ispred svojih kolega iz amerike i evrope.

Slažem se biće glomazniji.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1462

Није проблем да они прудуже век трејања мотора као на западним,али то значи губатак неких вежних својства мотора и знатно поваћање цене.

  • Pridružio: 14 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 1179
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

nije tema ali kako mi je krivo zbog cinjenice sto Zapad rusima suprotstavlja sve mozgove i sve pare ovoga sveta... jos rusima uspe da stvore nesto bolje od ostatka sveta sto bih ja nazvao cudom.
ali tuga u svakom slucaju kada vidim sa kakvim se silama bore.

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4962

Jeste esto su ruske stvari lošije od američkih (mada su nekad i bolje). Ali najčešće SAMO Rusi osim Amera uopšte takve stvari i rade.

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

jazbar ::
Živi bili pa videli u proseku ruski motori rade pola veka zapadnih.

Slažem se biće glomazniji.

Ta pretpostavka da ruski motori i uopste da je vek trajanja ruske konstrukcije duplo manji od zapadnih je netacan, jer rusi daju broj casova leta na osnovu njihovih specifikacija i rezima upotrebe kojji nije isti kao na zapadu. Uslovi eksploatacije su "zesci" u odnosu na zapadne standarde.
Nedostatak novca za odrzavanje kod zemalja koje su koristile rusku tehnologiju (ukljucujuci tu ruse i nas) je doveo do pretpostavke da su ruske masine nepouzdanije i da im je radni vek kraci.
Pitanje je da li bi F-16 uopste mogao da poleti za vreme bombardovnja 1999-te, da je bio odrzavan u uslovima pod kojima je bila dvadeset devetka.

Sledeca stvar vezano za zapadne avione je "life extension update" koji se primenjuje kako bi se zivotni vek zaista odrzao na reklamiranoj brojci, jer je dolazilo do ostecenja strukture aviona.

Jedan citat sa drugog foruma:

Quote Defense Industry Daily from June 2006:

"Each (F/A-18 ) plane costs about $15 million when put through the deep inspections and refurbishment program"

At $15mil a pop I wonder how much of the Hornet's original airframe is left there.. Few years ago a 9.12 Fulcrum with zero hours was offered at $11mil flyaway with engines, radar and avionics..

Regarding the F-16, it was too quoted to be designed for 8,000 hours airframe life. Unfortunately, back in late 70s noone really knew how the design would develop.. The unexpected loads with F-16's missions have resulted in numerous (zabranjeno)s in airframe bulkheads which required a PACER SLIP modification program to be run. A good example would be RNLAF which needed additional overhaul program in order to achieve 3,500 flight hours, at all. Of course, this little detail usually doesn't prevent Viper fans from claiming that F-16's airframe lasts 8,000 hours..

Iz tog razloga mislim da je zivotni vek i jednih i drugih na priblizno istom nivou (prednost ipak u malom procentu dajem zapadnim masinama)

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

IProcena kineskih stručnjaka o PAKFA
zvinjavam se što je na engleskom , ali onaj Google prevodilac je katasrofa, a mene malo mrzi
Uglavnom kinez se u vezi nekih stvari našuketao,(u potpuno jasno i zašto)a nejveća glupost koju je izrekao je da je T-50 prikazan na MXU2011 samo Tehnološki demonstrator koji neće imati puno veze sa gotovim avionom, kako je polu proizvod...i sl...da bi na kraju zaključio kako će indija biti jedna od retkih zemalja koja će imati Avion 5.gen. u velikom broju.
kako 5 .gen kada je PAKFA po njegovom mišljenju tehnološki demonstrator-onda se po logici ni nezna kako će "Stvarno" izgledati i i kada i da li će ga uopšte biti.(što je u stvari slučaj sa J-20 i sada sam još sigurniji da je to tako) ide txt

In the studio of the Chinese state television CCTV was invited by the editor of the military magazine, Mr. Chen Hu (Chang Hu) and his colleague. They answered some questions.

- What kind of fighter FGFA?

- It must be a fighter, developed in accordance with the highest world standards. India's technological base is weak, therefore, perform the bulk of the work Russia. The country has already developed a prototype aircraft under the symbol T-50, which is undergoing flight tests.

- In that case, why Russia can not sell directly to these fighters in India? Why is the joint development?

- In fact, T-50 still has some drawbacks. Russia showed the plane on MAKS-2011 aviavystavke. It was immediately evident that the plane was designed "roughly", seen a lot of seams and joints. India's participation can cover a significant financial problems in the design of the aircraft. Currently, India selects which of the two European fighters - Typhoon or Rafale - go to the Air Force in the amount of 126 units. Given the difficult economic situation in Europe, India can succeed in the "extortion" in the field of technology transfer. For example, the aircraft avionics is very good, and India can become a "consolidator" of European and Russian technologies in FGFA.

- The Indian Air Force said that they expect to get this aircraft into service as early as 2017, that is needed only six years to develop.

- In fact, the entire technology platform of the aircraft will be established in Russia, but the T-50, most likely a technology demonstrator, and the path to real combat vehicle can take a lot of time. Russian Air Force said that the fighter will be adopted in 2015, what is hard to believe. Moreover, if the Indian Air Force will be able to get this plane in 2017, the rate of equipping the Air Force of this country may be even higher than the Russian Air Force. Probably India will be the second test site for the T-50.

- It is known that the U.S. is not exporting their F-22, then why allow Russia to another country access to the latest technologies?

- I think, firstly, that India poses no threat to Russia, and secondly, the design of this machine is far from the desired level. T-50 has a few on-board equipment, a lot will be created. For example, a digital transmission line, similar to the American 1553V. Russia lags behind in this area, but France may share similar technology to India if the Rafale fighter will win the tender.

So that India can consolidate the French military and technology in the new fighter. India has a special style of military thinking - she wants to get ready, not bothering to develop a new one.
But India will again be dependent on foreign technology ...

- I think that would be useful for India to participate in the development of modern aircraft, because it needs experience design. FGFA is a rare opportunity to gain experience in this field.

- Thus, India may become the owner of the most modern technology?

- Yes. It will be a big step forward. India will be one of the few countries in the world, has its own fifth-generation fighter.

- If all goes as planned, after all, India will surpass the U.S. in the number of heavy fifth-generation fighter?

- Right.

- How does this factor affect the environment in the Asia-Pacific region?

- India has the 11th Five-Year Plan, during which, and must be taken into service 214 fifth-generation fighter. In fact, everything depends on the amount of funding the Indian armed forces.

- But in such a short period is unlikely to have produced the aircraft type.

- Yes.

- There is still a question. At present, India can purchase weapons from Western countries including the United States. But India's military arsenal is still at 70% of Russian arms. Why India continues to prefer the Russian weapons?

- Firstly, it is the relative cheapness of Russian military hardware and equipment, and secondly, Russia proposes the transfer of more technology than Western countries. India uses this by diversifying arms purchases, thus achieving greater independence in the sources of weapons. For example, she buys a transport aircraft C-130 and C-17 in United States

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

Konsultuj literaturu pa ćeš videti kako zapadnjaci računaju radni vek motora. Jednostavno razlikuje se u odnosu na to kako su Rusi računali pre.

Kad je reč o održavanju MiG-29 onda su nekako reprezentativni bivši Nemački i Indijski.

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11723
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

па једва чекам да видим тај нови Т50 или како ће се звати по овом кинезу. јбг руси су нас изгелда малко варали што се тиеч ПАК ФА Т50...опет демонстратор GUZ - Glavom U Zid ....па кад ће се већ једном опаметити и направити нешто добро Evil or Very Mad ....

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12604

Jazbar jeste u pravu sto se tice motora (dan danas su solidno iza zapada npr. RD-33MK (4000h) i F404 (6500h) pri cemu je F404 mator motor a RD-33MK poslednja rec tehnike) ali T-50 vec sada ima dovoljno dobre motore a u buducnosti ce dobiti jace i trajnije dok npr. F-35 nikada nece dobiti bolju aerodinamiku Mr. Green

Dopuna: 13 Okt 2011 23:09

sremac983 ::па једва чекам да видим тај нови Т50 или како ће се звати по овом кинезу. јбг руси су нас изгелда малко варали што се тиеч ПАК ФА Т50...опет демонстратор GUZ - Glavom U Zid ....па кад ће се већ једном опаметити и направити нешто добро Evil or Very Mad ....

Ma videces pak-fa u sluzbi. Avion je za Ruse idealan. Ne planiraju Rusi sa njim da napadaju Tajvan/Indiju pa da im treba sto manje vidljiv avion zbog PVO-a. Eto ja cak mislim da nece uposte sakriti motore. Ne vole da komplikuju. Doduse mogli bi da ukradu ideju Japancima pa da u narednoj deceniji vidimo nesto ovako od Saturn ili Saljut:

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11723
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

ма потпуно си у праву када си рекао да неће прекрити отворе са радарским блокаторима. јбг не воле људи да компликују ствари...ал ипак остаје да се види какве ће моторе добити и да ли ће добити и те блокаторе.....

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