Su-57 novi ruski lovac


Su-57 novi ruski lovac

  • Pridružio: 03 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1726
  • Gde živiš: Zemun

stegonosa ::salesam ::Taso za tako nesto sam i ja cuo da je bilo primenjivano na F-16 zbog neceg ali da je to djavolski skupo. Mozda Rujke imaju jeftinije zlato Laughing ?

Skup je postupak, da bi se naneo taj sloj zlata previse je i jedan zlatni novcic od 400 din za citav kokpit.

Malo sam se nasalio sto se tice cene zlata kod Rusa. Na postupak sam i mislio, mada na cenu od 30+mil po golom avionu, sta mu dodje onda skupo?

Dopuna: 02 Nov 2009 14:22

miodrag2 ::Primenjeno je na svim F-16 , za koje su musterije trazile , upravo zbog smanjenja radarskog odraza , jer je dobar deo odraza dolazio od elemenata kabine .
Nisam mogao da se setim razloga ali znam da je primenjivano.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

Jel neko primetio da je AL-41 motor promenjivog ciklusa Cool

Takav motor je razvijao GE za ATF, ali su izgubili od P&W jer P&W motor bio jednostavniji ali ne i bolji Confused

Dopuna: 02 Nov 2009 22:31

Inace varijante AL-41 ce se pojaviti i za starije Suhoje. Moguce da snaga nece biti na nivou motora koji ide u PAK-FA ali glavna dobit je promenjivom rezimu rada.

  • alchemy
  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
  • Poruke: 5252
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Jel bi mogao da pojasnis za nas duduke sta je to motor sa promenljivim rezimom rada ? Smajli

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

A ja sam vam bas neki vrsni znalac Mr. Green

Fora je da takav motor moze da radi kao turbo-ventilatorski motor (obicno na manjim visinama) i kao turbomlazni motor (obicno na vecim visinama).

Ovim se postize da motor ima idealan potisak u bilo kom rezimu leta. A to dalje dovodi do manje potrosnje jer je motor efikasan u bilo kom rezimu.

  • Pridružio: 21 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 76

evo nekih zanimljivih slika ... verovatno ste ih vec videli

  • Pridružio: 03 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1726
  • Gde živiš: Zemun

Sta ovo treba da predstavlja? Neke kompozitne materijale ili?
Jel ima nekom smisla da ce PAK-FA biti 50-65m$, a HAL FGFA
150-170m$? Izvor Wiki ali opet... Ko je ovde lud?

Dopuna: 08 Nov 2009 11:54

Samo da nije istina, nadam se da je novinarska patka;

Russia's next-generation fighter project cancelled

MOSCOW, April 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russian air force commander-in-chief Aleksandr Zelin has announced the cancellation of the $20-billion PAK-FA program after 20 years of escalating costs, technological glitches and redesigns failed to produce a single prototype aircraft.

The PAK-FA, once billed as Russia's next-generation fighter, had consumed $13.9-billion. The estimated cost of each aircraft had soared to $87.2-million from an original target of $30-million.

"It's had a long and troubled history," said Alexei Arbatov, a senior Duma official who heads the lower house committee for defense.

The PAK-FA, a new generation fighter aircraft concept, was designed to be comparable to both the American F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II and has been overtaken by the need to strengthen Russia's strategic nuclear forces.

Acknowledging that the PAK-FA no longer fit into the requirements of Russia, the Air Force said it would rather spend the money on an overhaul of its aviation system. If approved by the Federal Assembly, the funds would be directed instead to buy over 400 additional SU-34, SU-35 and other aircraft and to upgrade and modernize 1,400 aircraft already in service. Surface-to-air missiles also would be a priority.

"It's about having an effective deterrent force," said Air Force Colonel General Alexander Zelin. "It's a big decision. We know it's a big decision, but it's the right decision."

The end of the PAK-FA also reflects an acknowledgement by the Ministry of Defence that it simply cannot afford all the programs it wants. The move underscores the fact that the Ministry of Defence must begin economizing as the cost of new weapon systems increase and demands on military spending grow, industry analysts said.

The Air Force would have spent $20-billion on the PAK-FA program through 2012 without getting aircraft significantly more capable than the upgraded SU-35 it already plans to buy,Air Force officials said.

Some officials of the State Duma reacted angrily to the cancellation.

"I am outraged by the decision to terminate the PAK-FA program given that the Air Force has long argued that it is a critical weapons system that plays a pivotal role in our defence," said State Duma deputy Vladimir Medinsky. "What has changed? And how does the military plan to make up for the lost capabilities?"

Alexei Arbatov, Deputy Chairman of the Defence Committee of the State Duma, said the decision "reflects the difficulty that the services are facing with the cost of modernization requirements now coming to the fore."

The cancellation was a blow to the PAK-FA's prime contractors, Sukhoi and NPO Saturn.

A senior Duma official said the Ministry of Defense expects to have to pay a $450-million to $680-million termination fee to Sukhoi and NPO Saturn.

The program's elimination, however, could benefit the two companies. The Air Force now plans to pour more money into the SU-34 and SU-35, and ramp up the upgrade of aircraft already in service which would keep both companies busy for the foreseeable future.

  • alchemy
  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
  • Poruke: 5252
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Aprilska sala, pogledaj datum tih "vesti" Very Happy

Drugar iz Rusije mi je rekao na vestima da su odlozili poletanje prototipa za decembar 2009...a da je ceo projekat obustavljen, to tamo jos niko nije pomenuo

  • Pridružio: 03 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1726
  • Gde živiš: Zemun

Georgius ::Aprilska sala, pogledaj datum tih "vesti" Very Happy

Drugar iz Rusije mi je rekao na vestima da su odlozili poletanje prototipa za decembar 2009...a da je ceo projekat obustavljen, to tamo jos niko nije pomenuo

Sale su Prvo-Aprilske, a ne 12-og.
Cudno je sto se na Sukhojevom sajtu ni ne spominje PAK-FA. Kad se ode na projekte nema nista (osim neka dva aviona, bespilotni i civilni), a i preko opcije search izbacuje "not found" (za pojmove T-50 i za PAK-FA).

  • Pridružio: 13 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 122
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Citat:The PAK-FA, a new generation fighter aircraft concept, was designed to be comparable to both the American F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II and has been overtaken by the need to strengthen Russia's strategic nuclear forces.

Acknowledging that the PAK-FA no longer fit into the requirements of Russia, the Air Force said it would rather spend the money on an overhaul of its aviation system. If approved by the Federal Assembly, the funds would be directed instead to buy over 400 additional SU-34, SU-35 and other aircraft and to upgrade and modernize 1,400 aircraft already in service. Surface-to-air missiles also would be a priority.

...Što je po meni mnogo pametnije i isplativije. Ovakvom hiperprodukcijom SU-XX ili novog MiG-35 drastično bi im pala cena na tržištu i mnoge zemlje bi okrenulo ka nabavci istih što Ruskim kompanijama može doneti gomilu $$$. Takođe, ulaganje u strateške snage odvraćanja i PVO osiguraće bezbednost Rusije. PAK-FA će se, voleli mi to ili ne, ipak teško nositi sa Raptorom, eventualno protiv F-35. Pogotovo što će i broj istih u upotrebi (u operativnom stanju) sigurno biti simboličan Ako i kada PAK-FA počne da dolazi u jedinice i to na kašičicu, F-22 će već nekoliko puta biti modernizovan.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Salesam vest je kao sto je receno iz aprila,od tad je izasla gomila clanaka o tome kad ce prvi put poleteti,na Maksu je predstavljen radar za PAK FA,nista nije otkazano.Zar nemislis da bi se pricalo o tome,daj saberi 2+2 ne veruj u sve sto vidis.Jesi cuo da je prosle nedelje objavljeno da je otkazan F-35 ?
Sto se tice Suhojevog sajta on ne vredi nista sto se tice vesti....slicno kao i MIG a za PAK FA sacekaj da ga predstave pa ce biti...

@Lanjski sneg,PAK FA ce na kraju biti proizveden u vecem broju nego F-22 + Indija(bar sam tako nesto video za Ruse iz dva puta,150+160,mada to treba uzeti sa poprilicnom rezervom).Mada ne vidim zasto bi neko razvijao zdruzeni projekat koji bi bio proizveden u simbolicnom broju...

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