Poslao: 04 Jun 2015 17:54
- flysky
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
- Poruke: 512
- Gde živiš: Srbija
http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150604/1022942121.html 04.06.2015.
US military and intelligence officials have expressed alarm at the capabilities of Russia’s PAK-FA fighter jet, which some say is even superior to its US counterparts.
Last year former US Air Force intelligence chief Lt. Gen. David Deptula told The National Interest that “the analysis that I have seen on the PAK-FA indicates a pretty sophisticated design that is at least equal to, and even superior to US fifth-generation aircraft.”
He added: “It certainly has greater agility with its combination of thrust vectoring, all moving tail surfaces, and excellent aerodynamic design, than does the F-35.”
Russian military experts are certain that it definitely is superior to its US counterparts in every way.
Stealth Ability Neutralized! Russia’s T-50 Jetfighter to Rule the Skies
Viktor Bondarev, Russian Air Force Commander-in-Chief, said that the Sukhoi PAK FA, also known as T-50, will be able to outduel America’s F-22 and F-35 fifth generation fighter jets.
Besides its ability to fly at speeds well above Mach 2, the T-50 boasts other, even more important, features such as invisibility to radar, powerful weapons and high maneuverability.
The single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter — the first operational aircraft in Russian service to use stealth technology — is designed for the air superiority and ground attack functions.
The T-50 also carries the upgraded BINS-SP2M strapdown inertial navigation system that autonomously processes navigation and flight information, determines position and motion parameters in the absence of satellite navigation, and can integrate with GLONASS, Russia’s space-based satellite navigation system.
Poslao: 04 Jun 2015 18:00
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12607
Brzina je limitirana na 2.1M zbog osetljivosti materijala tako da nije "well above 2M".
Poslao: 04 Jun 2015 18:50
- flysky
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
- Poruke: 512
- Gde živiš: Srbija
@mean_machine Citat:@flysky
Brzina je limitirana na 2.1M zbog osetljivosti materijala tako da nije "well above 2M".
Jedino prenosim šta > http://sputniknews.com/russia iznosi.
Iz ranijih postova i generalno čitanja o razvoju PAK-FA znam da je bzina limitarana na 2,1M što sigurno nije značajno iznad (well above 2M).
U tekstu se i koristi i buduće vreme ( will be able ); Sigurno tekst ima marketinške svrhe sa ciljem predstvljavanje PAK-FA u što boljem svetlu bez obzira što lete daleko od očiju javnosti samo prototipovi.
Ko zna, moguće je da novi motor još u razvoju donosi i veće brzine (mada sumnjam i nevidim da je to inperativ).
Da su Rusi skloni da i te kako pribegavaju marketinškim trikovima vidi se i iz zadnjeg videa gde navodno lansira R-77. Kada se dobro pogleda video i u sekvenci manjoj od 1 sekunde nemoguće je da se R-77 tako brzo otkači sa pajlona i sa ovakvim inicijalnim-startnim ubrazanjem lansira. Klasična montaža.
Marketing je "čudo" gde de fakto vidimo da ni zapad ni istok ne prezaju od "šminkanja".
Poslao: 04 Jun 2015 18:50
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12607
Jel ima nekih informacija o mogucnostima 101-KS-U senzora? Koliko vidim radi se o ultraviolentnim senzoru sto nije bas za pohvalu, nadam se da je u planu infracrveni senzor na bazi qwip OLS-50 senzora.
Poslao: 04 Jun 2015 19:03
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 15 Mar 2008
- Poruke: 548
Vala bi mu The Vympel R-27 missile (NATO reporting name AA-10 Alamo) odlicno pale :-)
Poslao: 04 Jun 2015 19:14
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12607
MILO-VAN ::Vala bi mu The Vympel R-27 missile (NATO reporting name AA-10 Alamo) odlicno pale :-)
Aaaa, samo to ne