Su-57 novi ruski lovac


Su-57 novi ruski lovac

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873

zixo ::ОАК представит Т-50 в летной программе форума "АРМИЯ-2015"

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Полет истребителей Т-50 на генеральной репетиции форума «Армия-2015»


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  • zixo  Male
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Госиспытания Т-50 ожидаются в конце 2016 - начале 2017 года

  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
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Citat:But several incidents in flight testing, including two publicised engine failures, and Russia’s deteriorating economy has slowed development and slashed procurement plans. The state armaments programme (SAP) for 2015-2020 unveiled last year trimmed T-50 procurement to 55 aircraft over the five-year period. But that was before a currency crisis altered Moscow’s budget priorities. By last March, the number was further reduced to only 12 aircraft through 2020, according to Russian media reports quoting deputy defence minister for armaments Yuri Borisov.

Slyusar notes that the reduction in the five-year programme only postpones the aircraft purchases, rather than eliminates them.

“It’s not a decrease. It’s been postponed. The development cycle is still ongoing and there’s a little push to the right side of the whole programme. It’s not cut in numbers and we also hope that our co-operation with India would support this project. We’re not speaking about changing something major. It’s just a slip to the right basically,” Slyusar says. “

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873

Russia to Fly Three More T-50 Prototypes

Citat:United Aircraft Corp. plans to deliver three more prototypes of an advanced stealth fighter jet to the Russian military for testing as early as next year, a company official said.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873

Citat:Пара Т-50 над Кубинкой-Aрмия-2015

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

"including two publicised engine failures, and Russia’s deteriorating economy has slowed development and slashed procurement plans." Mislim da će na kraju biti, više T-50 nego što "ruski partneri" kako putin obožava da ih zove drugim rečima Zahebava, sanjaju, a Jerbo sam pratio malo broj naručeni i isporučenih na primer, Helikoptera i Mi28i KA52, i Ansata, Onda prelazimo na broj modernizovanih Mig31, koliko i do kada, pa broj proizvedenih Su34, i dodatne Narudžbine,Pa Su35S, koji sve više ubrzava i kako vreme prolazi mislim da će sa prvotnih 48, cifra biti dupla, pa 30 kom Mig35....A Russi su se jednostavno okrenulu bez više ikakvog zamlaćivanja, oprobanim metodama dezinformacija iz doba Hladnog rata, jer objektivno, to što USA priča da Neželi, i Rusi kao nežele, jednostavno se nameće sa strane zapada, Evo ovako , ako Se do kraja godine proizvede još tri T-50, ja sam onda siguran da od "prijateljskih i partnerskih želja" Zapada slabo da bude išta....Samo da što pre nađu do 2018 5 Gasni Turbinskih Motora umesto onih Ukrajinskih m da mogu da sastave svoje palnirane Fregate a od 2018 će ih praviti Saljut,

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31304

Citat:The Defence Ministry wants to reach an agreement, will not insist on the Indian work share at this stage and will agree to delivery of single-seater aircraft as against the earlier demand of two-seaters, the source added.

A firm order of 154 FGFAs will also be included in the draft agreement, the source said.

Defense analysts said that despite the delays, the FGFA project will not be dropped.

"At this juncture, given the unfolding international geopolitics and Russia's fast-depleting defense export order books, it is highly unlikely that Russia would take a

take-it-or-leave-it stand. FGFA is a landmark, collaborative, futuristic defense project that would doubtless benefit both countries," Kapil Kak, a retired Indian Air Force air vice marshal and defense analyst, said.

India-Russia FGFA collaboration benefits both counties, he said.

"Russia required FGFA for its industry to stay competitive with the Western systems, reduce development cost and guarantee an export customer; India saw it as a means to address the IAF–People's Liberation Army Air Force imbalance and impart a measure of resonance to its combat aircraft development programs."

A Russian diplomat here said India's concern about low work share can be addressed and its workload gradually increased as Indian industry is better able to absorb technology and produce components for the aircraft in the years ahead.

The FGFA is based on the Russian T-50 platform and is already in prototype stage for use by the Russian Air Force and could be inducted in 2016 or 2017.

India wants about 40 changes to the Russian prototype and has a preference for a double-seater.

However, the main sticking point has been resolving a dispute over an increase in India's work share in the FGFA from the current level of less than 20 percent to 50 percent. The increase in work share would help the Indian aerospace industry get additional orders for the fighter.

"Signing of the contract is mainly based on agreement on work share on research and development. While Russians have already taken the lead in this and the Russian prototypes are already flying, there appears to be deadlock on this aspect between HAL and Rosoboronexport on behalf of UAC," Daljit Singh, a retired Air Force air marshal, said.

"The work share would have to be finalized fast to get the project on track. Delay in this also dilutes the authority of the Indian side to have a say in major design of the aircraft. Final agreement can [be reached] if the contracts between the two agencies are signed," Singh said.

While defense analysts and Air Force officers agree on India's urgent need for the FGFA, they don't want the parameters recommended by the service to be diluted to rush the deal.

"Given that India entered the project after the FGFA design had been frozen and prototypes were flying, any changes would face constraints. But India is going ahead with plans to fit indigenous avionics, navigation-communication systems, aero-structures and other components," Kak said.

Singh says the essential features of the FGFA for both Russia and India will remain the same.

"The basic design of the aircraft is based on stealth, super-cruise and super-maneuverability features, and this would remain as the base design," Singh said. "Therefore aircraft structure and power plant would be the same for both air forces and that would also ensure lower R&D costs. The IAF would be looking at some of its own requirements of sensors, avionics and weapon carriage capability. These issues are required to be finalized and mutually agreed and then the project would move much faster."

However, Padamjit Singh Ahluwalia, retired Indian air marshal, said the service wants a greater share in development and production to give it an indigenous look.

"IAF questions the indigenous development aspect in this skewed ratio. The AL-41 engine, which is supposed to power the FGFA, is not yet developed. AL-31, which powers the Su-30 MK, is not capable of supersonic cruise. Avionics, including active electronically scanned array radar, do not have any visibility."

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

Koliko sam ja razumeo oni spominju Al-31, A me Al-117 koji je u T-50 i koji po svim dosada objavljenim karakteristikama tera T-50 u prilično veliki machov broj super cruza. AESA radar po njihovim rečima neradi uopšte, OK, Ako je to istina, ni Rusi sigurno neće primiti avion čiji radar i radari su beskorisni, mada meni ta priča nepije vodu, Može da bude da Indijci nisu zadovoljni trenutnim karakteristikama, ali zna se već sada da će i Avionika+Kokpit) i Radar i radari biti dramatično upgradevani od strane KRET koncerna, E sada možda Rusi neče indijcima da daju taj radar već prvobitni AFAR razvijan od strane NiiP Tikhomirov-a, Mada ja sve vidim da je suština da bi Idijci za iste pare dobiju avion Pete generacije i Know-How-kako da ga prave pa neće da može,Nek idu sa Kinezima da prave avion pete gen.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873


  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
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