Poslao: 05 Mar 2012 17:30
- Pridružio: 07 Jun 2011
- Poruke: 785
- Gde živiš: Beograd
ray ban11 ::
Interesantna slika ,vidimo poletanje dva Su-27PU ali bez Bort brojeva .Predpostavljam da je ovo slikano 1993 g ?
naravno, vide se tragovi alatke clone stamp....
Poslao: 05 Mar 2012 18:44
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Napisano: 05 Mar 2012 17:37
I ucinilo mi se takvo nesto .Cak mi pade na pamet da nisu mozda ona dva 52 i 54 sto su bili u Bataji pa reko mozda poletanje bas tada ali opet hm.Zato sam i napisao da je mozda u pitanju `93 ili vec ?
Nego nam je znaci ostalo da nadjemo fotku sa Bort 55 a valjalo bi da skupimo jos koju od 51 ,53 i 56 posto od 52 i 54 imamo i previse.
MK2 vijetnamskih VS-a
Ostatak slika
Dopuna: 05 Mar 2012 18:44
Neki podaci sa Milavia
Citat:The Su-30s are operated by the two Centres of Combat Employment and Flight Personnel Retraining: Savasleika (tail numbers 50, 51, 52, 53) and Lipetsk (tail numbers include 66)
Ovom 66 u Lipecku treba dodati one preostale tj. 67,68 i 69.
Medjutim za Vijetnam pise ovo
Delivered: 7x Su-27SK, 5x Su-27UBK, 2x Su-27PU, 8x Su-30MK2V
Koji su to PU isporuceni ? Sa kojim brojevima ? Mozda upravo 55 i 54 .
I ovde imamo potvrdu da `55` nikada i nije isporucen 54 IAP u AB Savaslejka ( 148 CBP i PL)
Letovi na Su-30 trajali i do 10 h ?
Citat:The aircraft was designed to meet a PVO requirement for a long-range, high-endurance interceptor that could secure Russia's enormous borders and provide air cover for naval forces. The requirement included a 10-hour endurance stipulation, necessitating provision for inflight refuelling, systems proved for 10 hour's continuous operation and identical twin cockpits housing two pilots, either of whom can assume command at any stage of the mission. Range of the aircraft is given as 3000 km (1,620 nm; 1,864 miles) with internal fuel, and 5200 km (2,808 nm; 3,231 miles) with inflight refuelling. Development funding was ensured by changing the designation to Su-30 (existing aircraft projects being starved of resources). The Su-30 has a new miniaturised navigation system, based on that fitted to Aeroflot's international airliners with a GPS and Loran, Omega and Mars navigation equipment. The prototype made its maiden flight on 30 December 1989 at Irkutsk, in the hands of Yevgeni Revunov. Since then, a small number of production Su-30s have been built, including a pair which was specially constructed to meet an order from the 'Test Pilots' acrobatic team. The latter aircraft were fitted with the IFR probe and navigation system, but lacked all combat equipment and military systems.
One of the Su-30 prototypes refuels the T-10-37, a canard- and hook-equipped forerunner of the Su-27K that lacked folding wings, outboard ailerons and double-slotted flaps.
Poslao: 05 Mar 2012 23:14
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Evo i prave slike na kojoj se vide Bort brojevi ,znaci 52 i 54
Pa ako znamo da su one zastave sa grbom Moskve i Rusije `Sv. Djordje ubija azdaju` na vertikalcima dobili tokom `97 onda je slika nstala sigurno ranije a mozda i tokom te godine ?