Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 12:02
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23389
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Ако су ''К'' онда су само баражни ловци. Ако су МК онда су и ловци-бомбардери са вођеним наоружањем ваздух-земља.
Ми не видесмо ту прву туру са наоружањем ваздух-земља.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 12:08
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Nakon ovog texta i nekih novih info ispada sve tako konfuzno sada .Dakle ovih 18 aviona u Baranovicima jesu 10 K i 8 MK-1 .Bilo bi dobro kad bi recimo mogli da `zavirimo` u kabine i K i ovih MK-1 .
Pitanje je da li je jos tada bilo integracije ne samo ruske vec i indijske i francuske avionike na njima ?
Sto se UBS tice nismo mogli da vidimo nista od savremenih vodjenih sredstava sto opet ne znaci da nisu mogla biti integrisana tj podvesavana .
Inace za podsetiti je da je pvi MKI ( izgubljeni prototip 01 ) imao prvobitnu oznaku upravo MK-1 .
Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 12:17
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23389
- Gde živiš: Beograd
А званично ипак знамо и да су то 18 Су-30К.
Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 12:44
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Tako je drugar .Sad sam bas sa jednim kolegom na pp oko toga raspravljao .Dakle u Belorusiji su svi K.
Zanimljivo da isti izvor ( text o MKI ) pise da MKI ne znaci M kao `Multifunkcionalni` dakle visenamenski vec `Modernizovani` .
Evo i pojasnjenja za ove u Bel.
Citat:Deal I (30 Nov 1996) : The IAF signed a US $1462 million (equivalent to Rs 5122 crore) deal with Sukhoi on 30 November 1996 for the delivery of 40 Su-30 aircraft and the associated equipment from the Irkutsk plant in phased manner, spread out over four years - from 1997 to 2000. The contract provided for setting up of a Service Support Centre in India which was to undertake extended second line repair tasks of aircraft, avionics, aero-engines and aggregates to avoid the need to despatch them to the manufacturer.
Under this original contract, Su-30s would be delivered to the IAF in four batches:
The first batch (Su-30MK-I) of 8 aircraft would be delivered in 1997. These were 'standard' Su-30s (a development of the Su-27UB) and contained 100% (probably) Russian components and are primarily sir-superiority aircraft only. These fighters were first delivered to India at Lohegaon AFS in March 1997. They were inducted into the IAF on 11 June 1997 by the then Prime Minister, Inder Kumar Gujral. These planes are currently in service with IAF with serial nos SB001 to SB008 in the No. 24 Hawks squadron based at Lohegaon AFS.
The second batch (Su-30MK-IIs) of another 8 aircraft would be delivered in 1998 and would be fitted with Sextant Avionique's avionics from France, liquid crystal multi-function displays (MFDs), a new flight data recorder, a dual ring laser gyro INS (inertial navigation system) with embedded GPS (Global Positioning Satellite), EW (Electronic Warfare) equipment procured from Israel's IAI (Israeli Aircraft Industries), a new electro-optical targeting system and a RWR (Radar Warning Receiver).
Deal II (September 1998) : The IAF decided to buy 10 additional Su-30Ks for US $277.01 million (equivalent to Rs.1187 crore) and thus bring the total number of IAF Su-30s on order to 50. These 10 were originally destined for Indonesia, but due to the financial crisis there Indonesia was unable to take delivery. The first 4 units were delivered in June 1999. These have updated electronic warfare suites, PGM (Precision Guided Munitions) capability and possibly updated radar. These planes are currently in service with IAF with serial nos SB009 to SB018 in the No. 24 Hawks squadron based at Lohegaon AFS.
Boldovani su ovi koji su sada u 558 ARZ
Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 13:29
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23389
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Дакле ''К'' као - комерчески, а ''МК'' - модернизовани комерчески.
Са друге стране ''МК'' је - многоцелевој комерчески.
Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 13:32
- Mercury
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 10393
sta te modernizovane komercijalne, cini modernizovanim ? odnosno koja je konkretno razlika izmedju tih Su-30K i MK u Belorusiji?
Poslao: 03 Jul 2013 15:14
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Drugar kao sto smo zakljucili tj kako je i napisano u gornjem textu ( citatu ) u Belorusiji su ipak samo Su-30K
A razlika je u sl ( opet iz citata )
Dakle K
Citat:These were 'standard' Su-30s (a development of the Su-27UB) and contained 100% (probably) Russian components and are primarily sir-superiority aircraft only.
i MK
Citat:The second batch (Su-30MK-IIs) of another 8 aircraft would be delivered in 1998 and would be fitted with Sextant Avionique's avionics from France, liquid crystal multi-function displays (MFDs), a new flight data recorder, a dual ring laser gyro INS (inertial navigation system) with embedded GPS (Global Positioning Satellite), EW (Electronic Warfare) equipment procured from Israel's IAI (Israeli Aircraft Industries), a new electro-optical targeting system and a RWR (Radar Warning Receiver).
Poslao: 04 Jul 2013 12:02
- mareCar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 3427
Jesam li ja jedini koji misli da ova sema (mislim da je ista kod Ugande i kod Vietnama) odlicno stoji tom avionu? Zeleno-Braon maskirne na avionima znaju da izgledaju dosta zastarelo, ali ovde dobro izgleda.