MarkoFTE ::Sken patern odnosno trasa skeniranja (ocima pilota) prikazanih informacija na tabli odnosno displejima nije intuitivna i nema neki smisao. Tako da je potrebno dosta fokusa na tablu kako bi se prikupile relevantne informacije. Sto povecava dosta radno opterecenje pogotovo prilikom dinamicnih manevara i situacija kada pilot treba ili je pozeljno da gleda napolje kroz HUD.
Broj operacija (pritisaka na dugmad) koje su potrebne da bi se selektovala zeljena konfiguracija naoruzanja / radara/ zahvatio zeljeni cilj, odnosno promenio cilj koji je automatski selektovan u dinamicnom manevru i pri opterecenju koristeci HOTAS.
Raspored i nacin prikazivanja informacija na displejima HUDu i ostalim indikatorima prilikom vanrednih situacija.
Odabir boja, fonta, oblika simbologije i karakteistike displeja koja nije intuitivna i zahteva dodatnu paznju..
Ima toga jos, ovo je onako uprosteno i svedeno....
Pre nego što zaboravim, da se vratim na ovaj deo. Razmišljao sam malo o ovome. Čitao sam i gledao emisije gde su poredili Američke i Ruske avione tokom '90. Nisu ni svi Američki avioni isti po mogućnosti (poređenja radi F/A-18 i nekadašnji F-16). Da li je kod novih derivata ipak napravljen značajan napredag u odnosu na stare MiG-29 i Su-27? Mislim i na angažovanje (rad) pilota i situation awareness, itd.
Citat:A shocking 50% of the Indian Air Force's (IAF's) Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter fleet is on the ground due to unresolved servicing issues with the aircraft's Russian manufacturers. This has also eroded the combat capability of India's frontline long-range strike aircraft and compromised even that part of the fleet which is capable of being flown.
Citat:The managing director of HAL's Nasik complex, which is tasked with assembly and repair of the IAF Sukhois, has, in vain, desperately flagged "multiple cases of repeated failure of Mission Computer-1 and blanking out of Head Up Displays (HUD) and all Multi-Function Displays (MFD) in flight" with earmarked representatives of both Rosboronexport — the Russian government's arms export agency — and Irkut, the original manufacturer of the Sukhoi-30.
"As the displays blanking off is a serious and critical issue affecting the exploitation of aircraft (it) needs corrective action/remedial measures on priority," he pleads in a letter dated 28 February this year, reminding the Russians that he's been raising the issue since 7 March 2013 but to no avail.
Jos nista od servisnog centra
Citat:What seems even more worrying is the Russian go-slow, which has severely hit the maintenance and availability of the fleet. Even five years after the signing of contract for the setting up of Su-30 repair and overhaul facilities in India at HAL, there's no progress despite "agreements" and assurances even at the level of the Defence Ministers of the two countries.
"Due to non-availability of facilities for overhaul of aggregates (aircraft parts), the serviceability (availability for flying) of Su-30MKI is slowly decreasing and demand for Aircraft on Ground (AOG) items on the rise," HAL's Nasik division again pleads with Russia's Rosboronexport in a telling letter dated 24 December 2013. Even the revised deadlines committed the Russians to set up the repair-overhaul facility at HAL by December 2013, and overhaul the first aircraft by June 2014. This seems nowhere on the horizon. (excerpt)
Citat:The Su-30MKI sports a Russian radar and optic locator, French navigation and heads-up display systems, Israeli EW and weapon-guidance systems, and Indian computers.