Apok ::Упозорила пилоте да иду Ф16це па ови се дали у бежанију. Живо ме занима како зна који је који авион и зашто би избегавали Ф16. Па са ким би они хтели да се бију? Индијци свашта причају. Пакистанци показаше комплетно наоружање 21ца. Да не помињемо како су причали о свом бомбардовању а оно мућак.
Poanta je u tome, što ovo dobro prikazuje, kako super savremeni AFNET uopšte ne funkcioniše, kako Su-30MKI uopšte nemaju data linkove a indijske komunikacije izrađene na osnovu izraelskog Tadirana su sasvim bez zaštitne i lako se ometaju, Tarang RWR je neefikasan. Francuska navigacija nije dovoljno precizna, da bi Abhinandan i ostali u komandnom punktu na zemlji znali, gde se ko nalazi, itd.
A ono, što je još interesantnije…
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Citat:“Each HAL-built Su-30MKI fighter costs around $70.3 million, where as a Russia-supplied fighter costs around $42.15 million,” the senior Air Force official said.
A senior MoD official said that Russia last month tried to pressure the Indian government to order an additional 72 Su-30MKI fighters with HAL, but the Indian Air Force is reluctant to place new orders in such a large number.
“The HAL built Su-30MKI fighter is not fully indigenized, only 51 percent is homemade, where the remaining 49 percent of supplies still comes from Russia,” said Bhim Sigh, a retired wing commander with the Indian Air Force.
Singh noted that most of the raw materials are sourced from Russia, including titanium blocks, forgings, aluminium and steel plates, as well as low-tech items such as nuts, bolts and screws.
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Citat:As reported by Deccan Chronicle, it has come to light that Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has delivered at least 18 Su-30MKI fighters to the Indian Air Force that are fitted with second-hand engines.
“It was noticed while checking the records…that AL 31FP engines fitted in certain aircraft was in Cat B condition at the time of inspection / delivery to Indian Air Force (IAF),” according to a report that was seen by Deccan Chronicle.
Each IAF Su-30MKI is powered by a pair of AL-31FP turbofan engines.
Noteworthy Cat 2 (category B) or secondhand engines were installed into brand new Sukhoi 30 MKIs by HAL facility at Nashik without the knowledge and approval of the defence ministry.
However according to the report, what is surprising is the acceptance of such aircraft by the IAF. “Certain aircraft with one new and one old engine were wrongly accepted by IAF and the Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance. As these arrangements were not in tune with contractual provisions, it should have been rejected by IAF and DGAQA…. In any case, IAF should have obtained approval from MoD for accepting aircraft with one second hand engine.”
Su-30MKI izrađen u HAL u Indiji košta 70,3 milijona $, a Su-30SM iz Rusije košta 42,15 milijona $. Puno više para za puno lošiji avion. Pa i to nije sve. U novi avijon oni ugrađuju jedan novi i jedan stari več upotrebljeni motor. A na kraju indusi ne može da proizvede ni obične "šraufe" i moraju da ih uvoze iz Rusije.
A na kraju če Indusi ponovo reči, kako Rusi proizvode loše avijone...