Poslao: 23 Jun 2021 19:15
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Eight upgraded Su-34M fighter-bombers to arrive for aviation regiment in the Chelyabinsk Region
"Citat:Until the end of the year, the air regiment stationed in the Chelyabinsk Region will get eight upgraded Su-34M planes.
Do kraja godine 8 komada Su-34M. Nije mi sasvim jasno, stari nadgradnja ili novi?
Poslao: 13 Jul 2021 18:24
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Upgrading of Russia’s Supersonic Su-34 ‘Hellduck’ Bombers is Underway https://aviationnewz.com/upgrading-of-russias-supe.....-underway/
Citat:The Su-34NVO jets are in fact early production Su-34s refitted fighters. At a reported cost of only $1 million each at the Chkalov Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant, the jets will receive new avionics and equipment to support powerful new reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and targeting systems.
SU-34NVO su stari iz prve serije, koji su bili svaki svoj. Nadogradnja 1 miljon dolara.
Citat:The key new feature introduced in the Su-34NVO is compatibility with interchangeable UKR pods slung under the Su-34’s underbelly, between the engines. The system is collectively known as the Baseline Reconnaissance Complex-3 (BKR-3). While the three pods mount different types of sensors, they share a common databus and all can transmit their findings via a wide-band datalink in real-time to friendly aircraft and command centers.
The UKR-OE variant pairs an M433 Raduga-VM infrared scanner with an Antrakt camera system. The UKR-OE variant radio-technical model uses an M410 electromagnetic sensor (miniaturized from the M400 used on the Tu-214R surveillance plane) designed to snoop on and geolocate the radar signals of other country’s military systems.
Finally, theUKR-OE variant embeds an M402 Pika-M side-looking radar which can scan for air, maritime, and ground objects at ranges of 180, 60, and 30 miles respectively, has high-enough resolution classify tracks by type, and which is also touted as improving the Su-34’s all-weather capability by ‘seeing’ objects in low-visibility conditions.
Između motora Baseline Reconnaissance Complex-3 (BKR-3).
UKR-OE, infracrveni i kamera,
UKR-OE varianta, elektromagnetni senzor, za pračenje radarskih signala,
UKR-OE varianta, boćni radar.
Poslao: 14 Jul 2021 09:06
- aleksmajstor
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 1365
- Gde živiš: Zajecar
Samo su omašili oznake verzija.
UKR-OE (optoelektronski), UKR-RT (radiotehnički) i UKR-RL (radiolokacioni).