Poslao: 11 Mar 2022 21:09
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31294
+ Su-34, BelorusijaToni ::Nek stoji ovde sacuvano ako nesto bude jer sad tvrde da je Su-34( a neki Su-25).
Citat:The #Russian Su-34 strike bomber which crashed during landing at #Luninets air base, #Belarus had been damaged over #Ukraine after it was hit by a surface-to-air missile of #UkrainiainAirForce.
Nesto poveliko je tresnulo sa beloruske strane granice. Podignuti helikopteri za potragu.
Citat:A plane or a helicopter crashed near Luninets, Belarus.
It’s reported that today at ~21:00 Luninets residents heard a strong explosion and saw a bright flash.
According to preliminary information, a plane or a helicopter could fall in the area of agrotown Kozhan-Gorodok.
Navodno pao u mocvarno, piloti iskocili, zbrinuti u bolnici.
Citat:According to the information available, the aicraft fell in a swampy area and burned down. It is still technically difficult to evacuate the remains of the aircraft, and the approach to the crash site is cordoned off.
Citat:It is known that both pilots ejected and were found during a search operation, in which helicopters of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus were also involved.
An emergency beacon is installed in the ejection seat, with the help of which the pilots were found.
Citat:They were hospitalized with various injuries.
It is notable that local residents try to avoid this topic, as they are afraid to attract too much attention to themselves.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 11 Mar 2022 21:19
- Pridružio: 18 Okt 2010
- Poruke: 96
- Gde živiš: Kragujevac
Neprihvatljivo veliki gubici aviona, posebno modernih poput Su-34... Mnogo jos rada predstoji da se stvari dovedu tamo gde bi trebalo da budu...
Poslao: 13 Mar 2022 08:16
- Pridružio: 18 Nov 2017
- Poruke: 1445
Iako bi ocekivao da Rusi bolje ometaju sisteme koji su sami napravili ipak ne smemo da zaboravimo da sukob sa ovako velikim i modernim PVO sistemom nismo odavno imali.
Ali vecina pogodaka je zbog niskog leta (sem Rusa niko vise ne leti nizko) ili ima naznaka pogodaka necim tezim?
Neko vreme se pricalo o specijalnoj ometackoj verziji Su34, pa onda dodatnim ometackim kontejnerima (da postane tipa Prowler ili Growler) ima li nekih vesti na tu temu?
Poslao: 13 Mar 2022 10:39
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101735
Kazu jos jedan Su-34 kod Izyuma...ima dva padobrana na snimku...ako nije star snimak...cekamo potvrdu sa olupinom ili pilotima ako ih zarobe..snimak je na linku
Citat:Ukrainian Forces reportedly Shot Down a Russian SU-34 outside of the Eastern City of Izyum this morning, both Russian Pilots reportedly ejected and are in the Process of being Found and Captured.
Poslao: 13 Mar 2022 12:48
- Drug pukovnik
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 5522
Nešto…ne vidi se šta…moguće…ali se zato nalazi na temi Su-34.
Morao sam ovo napisati, dodao bi još nešto, ali ću mudro prešutiti
Poslao: 13 Mar 2022 18:57
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23389
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Други инфо је да је то украјински Су-24......
Poslao: 13 Mar 2022 19:02
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31294
Jesi uopste video i jedan Su-24 i ruski i ukrajinski do sada ?