Suhoj Su-27 Flanker


Suhoj Su-27 Flanker

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12604

zexon ::Negdje dam citao da ce su27 imati prednost pri modernizaciji u ruskom RV.Pitanje je dali rusi prilikom remonta njihovih su27 ugradjuju novi IRBIS radar i integrisu rakete R77.Zna li se uopste broj ruskih aviona podignutih na standard su27sm

Ugradjuje se navodno radar "Pero" jer je najjeftiniji PESA radar. Nesto je losiji od BARS radara i kasnije ce moci da dobije antenu od Irbis-E tako da ce biti bolji od BARS (sada nije).

Broj aviona koje planiraju da unaprede je minimum 200. Od sada su odredjene vece jedinice opremljene sa SM.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13919

zexon ::Negdje dam citao da ce su27 imati prednost pri modernizaciji u ruskom RV.Pitanje je dali rusi prilikom remonta njihovih su27 ugradjuju novi IRBIS radar i integrisu rakete R77.Zna li se uopste broj ruskih aviona podignutih na standard su27sm
Modernizacija Miga-29 je trebala da otpadne u potpunosti zbog nedostatka para. Su-27 je prioritet. Mozda se nesto izmenilo od tada ili ce biti izdvojena dodatna sredstva za Mig.


pavlovicdo 92 ::tek sad sam primetio da obicni su 27 ne nose projektile ili bombe vazduh zemlja, vec samo rakete vazduh vazduh, znaci obican su 27 nije lovac bombarder vec obican lovac, ispravite me ako gresim.

inace su 30 pa nadalje je sasvim druga prica

Sigurno da moze nosti naoruzanje za napade na ciljeve na zemlji, ali pored Su-24, 25 i Miga-23/27 akcent je stavljen na V-V. Sto je i logicno. Danas su svi manje ili vise visenamenski...

  • Pridružio: 26 Mar 2009
  • Poruke: 4972
  • Gde živiš: Šid

evo mozda je vec bilo na ovom forumu..
al me zaista mrzi pretrazivati..
mozda nekom pomogne..
u svakom slucaju..
ima da se cita

Su-27 Flanker Variants Overview

NOTE: Below you will find an extensive list of proposed and actual variants of the Su-27 Family, although extensive it may not be 100% complete or accurate. Series-produced variants that have entered or will soon enter operational service are highlighted.

1. Initial Development Prototypes:BACK TO TOP
T-10 bureau designation for first two Su-27 prototypes. NATO ASCC codename FLANKER-A
T-10S bureau designation for revised design with redesigned wings, fuselage nose section, gear placement and tail section. NATO ASCC codename FLANKER-B
2. Basic Su-27 series:BACK TO TOP
Su-27S standard version based on T-10S design, with original air-to-ground capability. Often designated Su-27 without -S.
Su-27P standard version but without air-to-ground weapons control system and wiring. Often designated Su-27 without -P.
Su-27PD Sole Su-27P prototype fitted with inflight refuelling probe. Later it was used by the ‘Test Pilot’ aerobatic display team, its radar and combat capabilities having been removed.
Su-27UB basic training two seater version
Su-27SK export version of Su-27S, N001E radar, modified IFF system, payload upgraded to 8,000 kg, strengthened front wheel and different tyres for the main gear. Gardenia ECM system optional instead of the Sorbitsya. Also with various localization options.
J-11 Chinese designation for license-built Su-27SK.
Su-27UBK export version Su-27UB, with payload and wheel strengthening improvements idenitcal to the Su-27SK
Su-27SMK Proposed modernized export version based on the Su-27SK variant incorporating some of the improvements of the Su-27K and Su-27M. Phase I: increase internal fuel capacity to 9965 kg by fitting larger fuel cells, enable two 2,000 litre drop tanks, retractable refueling probe, increase number of hardpoints from 10 to 12, and modified N001M radar with R-77 capability. Phase II: integration of guided air-to-surface weapons and externally mounted weapons control system pod. Additional options included the Zhuk-27 radar, uprated engines, upgraded FBW control system and canards. One prototype converted by KnAAPO in 1995 from Su-27SK fitting the IFR probe.
Su-27SMK Second try for a multi-role Su-27SK, largely similar to the earlier Su-27SMK. Instead of Zhuk-27 radar, it is fitted with the N001VEP radar and firecontrol system, which has identical capabilities as the Zhuk-27 system. The cockpit is similar to the Su-30MKK with a third MFD.
Su-27SM Russian domestic version of the Su-30MK2-based SMK mid-life upgrade, with N001V radar which has an additional search/detection mode with greater range. Entering service today.
Su-27SM2 Stage two of the Su-27SM upgrade program. The Su-27SM2 upgrade package on offer to the Russian air force includes the NIIP Irbis radar, weapons system and engines of the Su-27BM (Su-35).
Su-27UBM upgraded version for PVO/VVS of Su-27UB, based on Su-30KN but without the IFR probe, 10 aicraft have to be rebuild until the end of 2001
Su-27UBM1 Upgraded version for Belarus of Su-27UB developed by 588th Aircraft Repair Plant and Russian Avionics design bureau.Similar to the Su-30KN upgrade: improved interface, digital control systems, air-to-ground precision guided weapons, RVV-AE air-to-air missiles, 5x 5in MFD instead of the monochrome TV display, upgraded N001 with new modes and improved detection ranges. So far two aircraft have been upgraded.
Su-27RV six replacement ‘Test Pilot’ display aircraft with westernised communications and inflight refuelling probes.
Su-27KRT (‘Razvedchik Tseleukazatel’ or recon/target acquisition), proposed version
3. Su-30 series:BACK TO TOP
Su-30 retractable air refueling probe, modified radar radar N001 (can attack 2 targets with R-27 simultaneously), upgraded navigation system, datalink APD-518, tactical displey SEI-31 in rear cockpit, rear seat position as mission commander for formations of single seat Su-27P/S, actually are upgraded on standard Su-30KN
Su-30I (‘Istrebeitel’ or fighter) test aircraft with canards added.
Su-30K export version of Su-30, 8 sold to India in 1997, but only in standard Su-27UB with retractable air refueling probe, next 10 with some French and Israeli systems in 1999, aicrafts from both batches will be rebuild to Su-30MKI standard
Su-30K2 planned training version, side by side seats like Su-27KUB, assembling works on first prototype started in 1998, but was abandoned
Su-30KI KnAAPO/Sukhoi proposed single seat export version for Indonesia, incorporating the Su-27SMK phase I changes. Prototype rebuilt by KnAAPO from its Su-27SMK demonstrator, first flown on June 28, 1998. Further plans included improved avionics, cockpit, phased array, 12 hardpoints and extending the weapons suite. The Su-30KI prototype was also used by the RuAF for testing the R-77 in particular and served as yardstick for its Su-27 fleet mid-life upgrade.
Su-30KN testbed for Irkut developed upgrade of Su-27UBs on UBM/BM and Su-30/Su-30K
1. phase radar with A-G and mapping modes, added guided A-G weapons, GPS, single colour MFD`s MFI-55
2. phase avionics from MiG-29SMT, Mil Std. 1553B, 2-3 bigger MFDs MFI-68 in each position, stronger engines
4. Upgraded Su-30 family with some features from Su-27M:BACK TO TOP
Su-30M upgraded avionics, added full A-G capability, 12 hardpoints, first real multi-role aircraft in Su-27 family
Su-30MK initial export designation for the multi-role Su-30M marketed by Sukhoi
Su-30MKK KnAAPO produced Su-30MK for China with Su-27M vertical tails. Improved N001VE radar and IRST for the upgraded fire control system with air-to-surface modes. Armaments include R-77, Kh-29T, Kh-59MK, Kh-31A, TV guided KAB series, R-27 and R-73 series.
Su-30MKI(?) unofficial designation for the two MKKs types sold to Indonesia.
Su-30M2 upgraded Su-30MK with ESA radar N011M and avionics from Su-37, with canards and optionable with thrust vectoring engines
Su-30MK2 Su-30MKK with upgraded electronics that enabled support for antiship missiles. Upgraded radar called N001VEP. Also intended to work with SAPSAN-E and Kupol M400 reconnaissance pods. Delivered MKKs is expected to be upgraded to this standard.
Su-30MK2V Su-30MK2 variant for Vietnam with minor modifications. Modifications include an upgraded communications suite and improved ejection seats.
Su-30MK2 AMV
Su-30MKV Aviacion Militar Venezolana (AMV - Venezuelan Military Aviation) version of the KnAAPO-produced Su-30MK2 for Venezuela. First delivered in December 2006. Also known as Su-30MKV.
Su-30MK3 Su-30MKK with Zhuk-MSE radar. Support for Kh-59MK antiship missile. Developed for or in cooperation with China, reportedly cancelled due to dispute or concerns regarding technology/knowledge transfer.
Su-30MKI Irkut produced export version for India with indigenous computers, French HUD Sextant VEH3000, nav. sys Totem INS/GPS, MFDs and some Israeli systems (RWR and ECM), 32 will be build in Russia, 140 in HAL company in India, first serial aicraft was flown on 26 November 2000, and then shown on Aero India.
Su-30MKM Irkut produced version for Malaysia based on the Su-30MKI with significant avionics changes. Israeli-produced systems are replaced by Russian- and South African-manufactured systems, with in particular ECM systems, such as the MAW-300 missile approach warning system, LWS-310 laser illumination warning system, SAAB Avitronics EWC electronic warfare controller. Also the Indian display processing unit of the Su-30MKI has been replaced by a Russian unit. Furthermore the Thales Damocles LD/TGP has been integrated.
Su-30MKA Irkut produced version of its Su-30MK for Algeria. The Su-30MKA is similar to India's Su-30MKI and Malaysia's Su-30MKM, but fitted with some alternative avionics. Like the Su-30MKM the French Thales Damocles LD/TGP is being integrated. First two examples commenced flight-testing in August 2007. Delivery of the first two aircraft started in December 2007 with official hand-over in January 2008.
Su-30MK(?) no official designation: Proposed Su-30MKK with NIIP Panda radar (N001VEP + Pero phase array).
5. Navalized Su-27K series:BACK TO TOP
Su-33 navalized fighter version, airframe with canards, folding wing and horizontal stabilizers, arrested hook, „navalized“ avionics, auto-landing systems, retractable air refueling probe, can carry buddy container UPAZ-A Sachalin, 12 hardpoints. See Su-33 section
Su-33M planned navalized multi-role version of Su-27MSee Su-33 section
Su-27KU proposed training version (seats side by side)
Su-33UB navalized multi-purpose combat training version, new bigger wing with area 70 m2 (older 62 m2), wing span 16m (14,7m) with better aerodynamics (15-20% longer range with the same amount of fuel), bigger canards and horizontal stabilizers, radar N010-27. See Su-33 section
Su-27KRC proposed recon version of Su-27KUB
Su-27KPP proposed ECM version of Su-27KUB
Su-33MK proposed export version of Su-27KM
Su-27K(?) Designation unknown, proposed upgrade of the Su-33 based on the Su-27SM2. Possibly the same as Su-33M. Because the Su-27SM2 is a gradual upgrade, might result in Su-33M2.
6. Multi role Su-27M series:BACK TO TOP
Su-35 upgraded airframe with canards, digital FBW, bigger radome and sting, ` higher vertical fins, 14 hardpoints, retractable air refueling probe, internal fuel 10250 kg, can carry 2 drop tanks each 2000 l, upgraded avionics, radar N011, rear looking radar N012 in sting, full A-G capability, glass cocpit (3 –4 monochrome MFDs) See Su-27M section
Su-37MR Proposed export version of the Su-27M with French avionics for UAE. Su-27M preproduction aircraft T10M-11 served as Su-37MR demonstrator.
Su-37 ESA radar N011M, thrust vector control system, 4 colour MFDs See Su-37 section
Su-35UB Two-seat combat capable training version of the Su-27M aimed at export market. One prototype built, first flown on August 7, 2000. Received bort number '801'. Later fitted with Zhuk-MSE radar for testing.
7. Bomber Su-27IB series:BACK TO TOP
Su-34 completely changed airframe, seats side by side, canards, bigger sting, flat radome, main undercarriage with two tandem wheels, 12 hardpoints, ESA radar B004, rear looking radar N012 in sting, new navigation sys., internal fuel 12 100 kg, max G limit 7G, can carry 3 drop fuel tanks each with 3000 l/ 2400 kg fuel, titan armour used on cockpit, some fuel tanks and partialy engines of weight 1480 kg, fixed geometry air intakes, without air brake, without ventral fins, retractable air refueling probe, added some stealth features and RAM, digital FBW, together 6 prototypes were built (2 used only for ground tests) See Su-34 section
Su-27R planned recon version of Su-27IB, probably the same equipment like Su-27KRC
Su-27IBP planned ECM version of Su-27IB, probably the same equipment like Su-27KPP
Su-32FN naval attack aircraft with SeaDragon FC system, MAD in place of N012, acoustic search system , sono buoys in pods, missiles Kh-31, Kh-35 Uran, Kh-41 Moskit, Yachont/Oniks, torpedoes, depth charges, rocket torpedos, prototype was T10V-5 introduced in FN standard in Le Bourget 1995, but was probably equipped with basic avionics See Su-34 section
Su-32MF proposed export version of Su-27IB See Su-34 section
8. Chinese developed J-11 derivatives:BACK TO TOP
J-11B Chinese developed Flanker derivative based on the Su-27SK (J-11) with 70% Chinese produced parts. Status unknown. Plans call for integration of the Chinese WS-10A turbofan. Possibly incorporating features from the Su-30MKK.
J-11BS Planned two-seater version of the J-11B, probably to be developed from a Russian-supplied Su-27UBK or Su-30MKK/MK2.
9. 4++ Generation Su-35 series:BACK TO TOP
Su-35 New Su-27 derivative (factory designation T-10BM) with NPO Saturn AL-41F1 (izdeliye 117S) engines and improved avionics, including the new NIIP Irbis-E radar, to be built around a rotatable passive phased array. Unveiled at MAKS 2007. First prototype designated Su-35-1 with bort number 901 first flew on February 19, 2008. Replaces the previous Su-35 (Su-27M) on the export market, retaining the Su-35 designation. See Su-35 section
(Su-37) Planned domestic version of the Su-27BM, possible re-use of Su-37 designation [Butowski, 2008]. Differs from the export Su-35 standard by having local IFF, EW, communication systems and Irbis radar with more advanced operating modes. See Su-35 section
NATO (ASIC/ASCC) reporting names:BACK TO TOP
FLANKER-A T-10 prototype
FLANKER-B Su-27/Su-27SK (J-11)
FLANKER-D Su-27K (Su-33)
FLANKER-E Su-27M (Su-35, Su-37)
FLANKER-F Su-27PU (Su-30), Su-30K, Su-30M
FULLBACK Su-27IB (Su-32, Su-34)
Note: NATO reporting names are officially classified, but have often been "leaked". For more recent variants, they are often based on guesswork by the aviation press [Parsh & Martynov, 2008]. [Editor: To my knowledge at least the last four in this list should be regarded as unconfirmed/guesses]

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6282
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

Кинезима није доста што дрско и безобзирно копирају руску технологију, него су почели и да краду. Брука GUZ - Glavom U Zid

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12286
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

  • Pridružio: 27 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 898
  • Gde živiš: Backa Palanka

Jel ovaj F-18 australijski?

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12286
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Ratnik ::
Jel ovaj F-18 australijski?

Da da, dolazi iz zemlje kengura.

  • x9  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 04 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 1180
  • Gde živiš: Vienna

a zasto on nosi naoruzanje a Suhoj ne? Laughing

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12286
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

x9 ::a zasto on nosi naoruzanje a Suhoj ne? Laughing

Zato sto mu je dovoljan samo top ! Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 27 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 898
  • Gde živiš: Backa Palanka

vlada78 ::x9 ::a zasto on nosi naoruzanje a Suhoj ne? Laughing

Zato sto mu je dovoljan samo top ! Mr. Green

Uze mi rec iz usta! Mr. Green

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