sremac983 ::Што се тиче овог из руских витезова, ту је била грешка пилота, јер је заборавио исти да извуче и човек је ето слетео на носаче ракета...заборавих име пилота, али знам да је покојни, и да је из прве поставе Витезова....
Mislim da se zvao Sergej Klimov.
Citat:Fighter force (UPDATE 1 APRIL 2014)
The front point of the Ukrainian aerial combat force has been short on much the last decade. Combat pilots only spend about 40 hours per year in the air. Of the formidable Sukhoi Su-27 (Су-27) air superiority fighter about 16 are operational and another four could be returned to flying duty. These Fulcrums fly with the 831st Tactical Aviation Brigade based at Myrhorod (Mirgorod). But as late as 27 February some Flankers were training from Zhytomyr Airbase near Kiev. Four Su-27s operated from Belbek Airbase at the Crimea peninsula (Krim) up to 24 February, to conduct security air patrols in support of the Olympic Games in Russian Sotji. As of 1 March 2014 the Flankers are said to have taken up Combat Air Patrol duties, as captured here by airplane spotter Andrey Rakul allegedly on 1 March 2014. Clearly visible are six R-27 (AA-10 Alamo-c) medium range air-to-air missiles and four R-73 (AA-11 Archer) short-range air-to-air missiles. Since we lack 100% confirmation of date and location the image might have been taken earlier, for example when Ukrainian Su-27 were flying CAP’s from Belbek.
Sve u svemu kad se pogleda nakon 20-tak godina na sta to sve spadne ,sa skoro 70 aviona pocetkom 90-tih na sad evo manje od 20 ...Jos nesto da dodam u vezi god. naleta po pilotu gledali smo prosle godine na snimcima da su ruski na `Suskama` imali i do 140 h naleta.
Citat:Приморский край напал на Хабаровский! На Дальнем Востоке прошли масштабные летно-тактические учения. За неделю - летчики провели в небе более 60 часов и налетали почти 40 тысяч километров.