Nude Emiratima 60 komada. Pre koju nedelju su uzeli 12 baterija KM-SAM.
Citat:Following the landmark KM-SAM Cheongung Block II surface-to-air missile deal with the United Arab Emirates, South Korea is now reportedly offering Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 advanced jet trainers to the Middle Eastern country. A deal could be worth as much as $4.5 billion
Ocekuju posetu UAE ministra sledeci mesec
According to the relevant authorities, UAE special defense minister Mohammed Ahmed al-Boardi is expected to visit Korea next month to visit Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI).
The UAE Defense Minister's visit to Korea is due to the country's project to introduce the next-generation trainer. Earlier, after the UAE promoted the introduction of a trainer in 2008, it chose an Italian model, but it was canceled for various reasons.
The UAE's purchase of trainers is known to be about 60 units, and if the purchase of trainers is decided with the T-50, the export value of trainers alone is expected to reach 3 billion dollars (3.5 trillion won).
Citat:This year's BACE-P will include twelve USAF F-16s assigned to the 13th Fighter Squadron and ten PAF FA-50PHs assigned to the 5th Fighter Wing. US fighters reached the Philippines on 12 March.
According to PAF spokesman Colonel Maynard Mariano, the ACM activity will involve four FA-50PHs versus four F-16s. It will be much more intense than in previous joint exercises.
The ACM is that "tactical art of moving, turning and/or positioning your fighter plane to reach a position from which you can make an attack on another plane."
The activities will be conducted in the northwestern area of central Luzon.
Mariano said this year's BACE-P will also include the Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) on how to use and defend against surface-to-air missiles (SAMs).
The exercise will focus on a wide range of missions such as air-to-air engagement, basic defense; air traffic navigation and integration coordination; air battle management, air defense command and control operations; radar and radio operations; and planning of operations and deployment of surface-to-air missiles.
Citat:The Philippine Air Force (PAF) now has its first woman fighter pilot. 1st Lt. Jul Laiza Mae B. Camposano-Beran was recently qualified to fly combat missions on the S.211 and has so far clocked 150 hours on the jet.
PAF spokesperson Col. Maynard Mariano said Camposano-Berran will transition to the FA-50PH once she clocks more than 300 hours on the S.211.
Mala digresija u temi posto vidim da nosi fiksnu protezu. Iako se bravice fiksnih vezuju bondom i kompozitom za povrsinu zuba i ostvaruju vezu koja je itekako otporna a cak i u slucaju pucanja iste i oslobadjanja fleksibilne zice koja sluzi za ispavljanje niza zice se danas pazljivije obradjuju tako da je sansa za povredu svedena na minimum takoreci, ipak me zanima da li je ovo uopste reseno pravilnikom? Konkretno protetske i ortopedske nadoknade?
Petar u praksi sam vidio do sada kada zica pukne pogotovo u podrucju premolara i zabije se u unutarnju stranu obraza tj napravi dublju ranu,ali do sada nisam nikada vidio mobilnu protetiku u ustima pilota ali fiksnu jesam za moga radnoga vijeka ,a to mi je struka.Kao mladji dok nisam radio taj posao tamo prije 90 tih koliko me sjecanne sluzi isto nisam vidio nikada mobilnu da je neko nosio od pilota.Zanimljiva tema za razmatranje.Pozdrav