- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16139
- Gde živiš: Lublana
An-70 ulazi u arsenal ruskog vojnog logistićkog vazduhoplovstva. Stvarno je izvanredan ovaj avion. Uf kad bi bila Slovenija iole malo veća država odmah sam zato da se uzme 2 kom. An-70 umesto 2 kom. C-27J. Možda bi bilo pametno da se uzme samo jedan An-70 i dogovori sa proizvođaćem da je kod remontra ili servisa odmah na raspolaganju jedan u najam za slućaj brze intervencije vojnicima u stranim misijama, to bi bilo najeftinije ili da se drugi avion uzme zajedno sa nekom od prijateljskih NATO država, recimo sa Slovacima i deli troškove popola. Pa bi imala SV jedan i po An-70 i Slovaci jedan, dva ili tri i po An-70. Svaka ćast Ukraincima na toj letelici.
Nije ni ćudo da Rusi nisu išli u vlastitu proizvodnju slićnog aviona, teško ga bi prevazišli.
Citat:Russian Ministry of Defense has become one of the two built an aircraft factory in Kiev military transport aircraft An-70 , told the president of"Motor Sich" Vyacheslav Boguslayev, transfers referring to"Interfax-Ukraine
"This aircraft is in an assembly. The Russian Defense Ministry has bought the AN-70, so that we could at this year's money to lay another plane," - said Boguslayev. He recalled that the aircraft factory in Kiev "Aviant" a few years, we construct two An-70 aircraft ordered the Defense Ministry of Ukraine. "That's one of the two aircraft procured for the Russian Defense Ministry itself," - said the head of "Motor Sich". According to him, with the Russian side agreed to all the testing program of the AN-70.
Earlier it was reported that after a long break has moved from a "dead" point program to create and deploy a production of the AN-70. In the state program of weapons of Russia until 2020 for the purchase of dozens of aircraft An-70.
Antonov An-70 has a unique flight performance and landing characteristics, including the stationing of ground on the runway.
Earlier genkonstruktor SOEs "Antonov" Dmitry Kiva said that the AN-70 can deliver the cargo weighing 20 tons at a distance of 3,000 km, taking off from unpaved runways total of 600-800 m. These characteristics do not have none of the existing military-transport aircraft that dimension. Due to only one of this quality can be 1.5-fold increase secrecy and surprise military transport operation, which increases the survivability of aircraft and landing about 10 times, said genkonstruktor.
According to its characteristics of An-70 surpasses all existing analogues today. For example, the European A400M inferior to him in terms of payload and cargo cabin (maximum load capacity of the AN-70 - 47t, announced A400M - 37 m, the volume of the cargo cabin of An-70 - 425 cu. m A400M - 340 cubic meters.). In addition, the AN-70 is twice lower cost and operating costs. According to European experts, the cost of the A400M is at present 145 million euros.
AN-70 - Ukrainian cargo mid-range (operational-tactical military transport), new generation aircraft, designed by the Antonov "Antonov".
The aircraft is designed to replace the obsolete An-12. Performed on the aerodynamic configuration four-engine turboprop vintoventilyatornogo vysokoplana odnokilevym with feathers and tail cargo hatch.
Used to transport troops from the standard military equipment and armament, air dropping paratroops and cargo, equipment and logistic support; evacuation of the wounded and sick, and participate in special humanitarian missions, cargo and equipment on commercial airlines.
The aircraft delivers a cargo of 20 - 35 m at a distance of 3800 - 7400 km at a cruising speed of 750 km / h, air dropping troops and equipment, including monocargo weighing up to 20 m with high and low altitudes. In the short takeoff and landing (KVVP) when used with unpaved runways provides transportation 20 - 35 tons of cargo in the range 1450 - 3000 km.
An-70 made by the normal aerodynamic scheme with high-wing moderate sweep raised aft fuselage, swept tail surfaces and tricycle landing gear with nose wheel. In the airframe are widely used composite materials.
In the large-diameter fuselage fitted with a stern ramp, placed the cockpit: crews (the bow) and freight. The cockpit is equipped with comfortable jobs with on-screen display system.Control of the aircraft by a "mini-control sticks" with high automation perform various tasks. Cabin is equipped with a buffet, places of recreation and toilet.
During the tests it was established six international and 15 national records, including lifting 55 tons of cargo to an altitude of 7350 m.
The first flight of the An-70 was held on 16 December 1994 in Kiev. In 1995, during a test flight has been lost a senior An-70 (crashed after colliding with aircraft maintenance), and in 2001 the second prototype was severely damaged by engine failure on takeoff from the airport of Omsk. He was soon restored. In 2002 both sides (Russia and Ukraine) have taken responsibility in equal proportions in the case of the collapse of production.
Initially, the Russian Air Force decided to purchase 160 AN-70, but then canceled the order because of the very high cost of the AN-70 (the price was 2 times more of these Russian counterparts, as IL-214 , Tu-330 and Il-76MF ). Ukrainian Air Force decided to purchase five AN-70. The Future of An-70 question - Russia refused to participate in the project in favor of IL-76MF and Ukraine invests little money in manufacturing.
As announced on August 14, 2009, the developer Antonov aircraft. Antonov, the completion of the first serial aircraft An-70 is planned for 2012 by the Customer two cars became Ministry of Defence. Within the state armaments program for 2011-2020 Commander of the Navy, Lieutenant-General Vladimir Shamanov said that Russia plans to buy 60 aircraft AN-70.
In flight tests proved the possibility of the aircraft with ground pads slabopodgotovlennymi length of 600 meters, even if on board the aircraft at the same time will be up to 20 tons of cargo.
Getting set characteristics is provided in the first place a unique propulsion system - the engine D-27 (Kiev) and propfan CB-27 (Stupino). Attempts to create this kind of power plants made by different engine building companies of the world, but really only implemented this project. Takeoff power power plant 14 000 horsepower. Due to very high compression of air in the compressor (πk = 30) achieved high efficiency (at maximum takeoff weights hourly rate for four power plants 3.5-4 tons).
High-pressure stream of air over the wing faster than the speed of the oncoming flow, resulting in an increase in the lift of the wing and flaps (60 degrees to the landing position) create the effect of rotation of the thrust vector. Thus, while landing with full flaps more than half of the lift on the wing is due to the blasting power, and smaller - due to the oncoming flow.
In testing the aircraft at high angles of attack were obtained by Su> 7 (C, - ratio of lift to the pressure of air flow, multiplied by the wing area). For comparison, the existing aircraft as the Su implemented the order of 2-3.