General Atomics Predator/Reaper/Avenger


General Atomics Predator/Reaper/Avenger

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99508

Japan potpisao za dva MQ-9B SeaGuardian
Japan Coast Guard orders two MQ-9B SeaGuardians
Citat:The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) has signed a contract for the purchase of two SeaGuardian® Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), scheduled for delivery in 2025. This follows JCG’s ongoing Company-Owned, Contractor-Operated agreement with GA-ASI for operating SeaGuardian, which began in April 2022.

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  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99508

India to finalize $3.9B deal with US for 31 MQ-9B Predator drones
Citat:• Drones to be assembled in India
• Contract likely signed mid-October
• India PM to visit US for Quad summit in September 21

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99508

I jedan Sea Guardian MQ-9B im se srusio
Citat:An Indian Navy Sea Guardian MQ-9B drone crashed into the sea off the coast of Chennai, with the Navy describing the incident as a "controlled ditching" due to a "technical failure."

A detailed report has been requested from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), General Atomics of the U.S. The drone, leased in 2020, was being used for surveillance operations in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99508

Italijani razmatraju MQ-9B STOL
Italian Navy eyes MQ-9B STOL for Carrier-Based Airborne Early Warning role

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