Citat:CASC has presented in Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition the latest version of their Rainbow CH-5H (only mock-up) reconnaissance & strike UCAV (in addition to their 2 previous models: A & B) with an increased endurance from 30/20h to 37/24h (unloaded/loaded)
Predstavili XC-150
IDEX 2023: Poly Defence unveils XC-150 UAV Citat:The XC-150 is a tactical UAV designed to conduct intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and strike missions. The UAV can take off and land with the help of three fixed landing legs at a maximum altitude of 4,000 m, in what a company official described as “strong breeze conditions”, and it can cruise in level flight in “gale conditions”. The UAV requires a take-off and landing clearance of 8×10 m, and can be deployed in 30 minutes.
Speaking to Janes , a Poly Defence official said, “The development of the UAV started a few years ago primarily to support ISR missions, and the armed capability is yet to be worked on.”
Citat:The Theatre Commander, Op. Lafia Dole, Maj. Gen. Yusha'u Muhammad Abubakar Watches Nigerian Air Force CH-3A Drone Pilots Carry Out Armed Recce While Seating In The Air Conditioned Ground Control Station.
Mugin-5 preko Alija kupovali ukri i rusi,pa sad ih jedni drugima skidaju...a mozda rusi koriste one koje prizemlje od ukra
Chinese-made drone, retrofitted and weaponized, downed in eastern Ukraine
Citat:This drone has been used for several months by the Ukrainian side,on the teritory of Russia. In the photo,Ukrainian UAV in the Crimea by means of electronic warfare.
It is sold on Aliexpress, TaoBao and Alibaba.
Zanimljivo kako su razvili radarski blizinski upaljač za minobacačke mjne 60mm. Čini mi se da nemaju pravi nišanski sistem koji treba da kompenzuje vetar, brzinu letelice odn. da se baziraju sami na ispuštanjem projektila iznad cilja. Vidi se da dva uzastopna projektila padaju 5m jedam blizu drugog od centra cilja sa visine od 300m. Mislim da bi trebalo preciznije (da se ubaci u rov, bunker).
I dalje mislim da je upotreba MB mina prelazno rešenje za ove lake letelice (logistička prednost). Optimalan projektil bi bio lagan, oblika MB mine, od plasične mase sa utisnutim kuglicama-fragmentima, sa pametnim upaljačem, možda i kumulativnim levkom. Na taj način bi takve lake BPL bile mnogo efikasnije.