Australijska irma DefendTex proizvela je i predstavila mikro-BPL Drone-40.
U suštini, ova BPL je prerađena granata 40mm prilagođena za ispaljivanje iz podcevnog bacača M203.
BPL se sastoji iz tela granate sa profilisanim utorima u kojima su sklopljena četiri rotora koji se prilikom ispaljivanja rasklapaju i omogućuju stabilizaciju i lebdenje, b/g koja u zavisnosti od misije može da bude PO, rasprskavajuća ili dimna kao i kamere.
Drone-40 može da leti 12 minuta odnosno 20 u režimu lebdenja sa krstarećom brzinom od 20 m/s može da pređe do 10 km.
Širok je spektar upotrebe ove BPL - mogu se koristiti pojedinačno ili grupno (poput roja) u različitim i iznenadnim dejstvima na protivničku živu silu, zasedna dejstva po neprijateljskoj koloni m/v, zaprečavanje, zadimljavanje itd.
Poslednja isporuka za francuze
France receives last NX70 micro UAVs Citat:The Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), the French defence procurement agency, announced on its website on 30 September that it received the last of 27 NX70 micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems from Novadem during the summer.
The agency said over 50 systems had been delivered to French ground forces after they were evaluated by the army’s technical section. A system consists of two UAVs and a ground control station.
IDF je vec narucio
Elbit unveils new micro UAS Citat:Israel's Elbit Systems unveiled its Magni micro multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on 20 November, saying it is designed for squad, platoon, and company levels.
A senior Elbit source told Jane's that the Magni has already been sold to an Israeli customer he did not identify and that the company expects further sales to international clients.
The UAV weighs 2.5 kg and can carry a payload weighing 350 g that includes both day and thermal cameras, thereby enabling frontline units to "significantly enhance" their situational awareness, Elbit said. The Magni has a range of up to 3 km, a maximum altitude of 4,000 ft, and a 30-minute endurance.
powSrb ::Снимак пуштања јата дронова из ф-18 у лету.
Department of Defense Announces Successful Micro-Drone Demonstration
Citat:So, back in Oct the US released 103 Perdix micro-drones from 3 F/A-18 Super Hornets to demo swarm behavior.
Citat:60 Minutes covered the swarm during last night's episode. On the ground, David Martin said it "looked like chaos".
Ovaj dron je nastao kao rezultat studentskog projekta pod vođstvom profesora na MIT-u [1].
Razvoj je posle nastavljen pri ministarstvu odbrane SAD-a [2].
Zanimljive informacije se mogu naći u izvoru koji sam našao na Wikipedia-i [3].
Perdix are not preprogrammed, synchronized individuals. They share a distributed brain for decision‐making and adapt to each other, and the environment, much like swarms in nature. Because every Perdix communicates and collaborates with every other Perdix, the swarm has no leader and can gracefully adapt to changes in drone numbers. This allows this team of small inexpensive drones to perform missions once done by large expensive ones.
Controlling 100 drones individually would be overwhelming, so much like a sport coach, operators call “plays” (e.g., surveilling a field) and Perdix decides how best to run them. Because Perdix cannot change their plays, operators can predict the swarm’s behavior without having to micromanage it.
Israeli micro-tactical drone system Ninox may help in war or everyday life Citat:The Israeli company SpearUAV has developed an unmanned aerial vehicle, placed in a special capsule, through which it takes off into the air, similar to the process of launching signal flares or decorative fireworks, learned Such a microdron design should provide an opportunity for each infantry soldier to conduct operational reconnaissance of the situation on the battlefield to make a decision on subsequent actions.
The Ninox family of drones, according to the company’s website, was designed primarily to provide the end user with the most efficient way to achieve immediate tactical superiority in today’s chaotic theater of war. In this case, we are talking about a personal, personal apparatus. According to reports, these devices can also be used by law enforcement officials without the need for additional specialized equipment in the performance of their duties.