Taranis, britanski UCAV


Taranis, britanski UCAV

  • Pridružio: 30 Apr 2010
  • Poruke: 552
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Arrow Laughing Laughing Laughing Tekst u blicu - danas
Citat:Nova letelica, prema izveštajima, leti većom brzinom od brzine svetlosti i predstavlja prototip za prvu britansku nevidljivu borbenu bespilotnu letelicu koja treba da postane operativna 2030-ih godina, navodi AFP.

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Bill Swetman, zanimljiva analiza Taranisa

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Citat:This most likely indicates Taranis is designed to avoid detection by very high frequency (VHF) early warning radars such as those being developed by Russia and China as counter-stealth systems (AW&ST Sept. 2, 2013, p. 28. VHF radars can detect some stealth shapes with wing and tail surfaces close in size to their meter-range wavelengths. When that happens, radar scattering is driven by “resonant” phenomena not affected by the target's shape.

Vektorisani potisak

Citat:The one-piece elevons cannot provide yaw input that is independent of pitch or roll. There is no visible source of yaw control, which points to the use of thrust vectoring.

In 2010, BAE teamed with two British universities to build a small UAV called Demon with fluidic vectoring—using air injection inside the exhaust to vector the thrust, with no moving parts externally or in the exhaust stream—as part of a flight-control system with no moving surfaces. A Rolls-Royce patent filed in the U.K. in 2005 outlines a fluidic vectoring system designed to generate yawing moments in a high-aspect-ratio 2-D nozzle.


Citat:The navigation and guidance system for Taranis, perhaps not yet installed, very probably uses an advanced concept called simultaneous localization and mapping (Slam). BAE Systems Australia has been developing a highly autonomous Slam-based system and is responsible for the Taranis navigation and guidance gear, which it refuses to discuss (AW&ST April 1, 2013, p. 24).

Slam is suited to a stealth aircraft because it can use passive sensors—day video, IR or passive RF. Nor does it rely on a sometimes inaccurate terrain database.

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 307

black venom ::Arrow Laughing Laughing Laughing Tekst u blicu - danas
Citat:Nova letelica, prema izveštajima, leti većom brzinom od brzine svetlosti i predstavlja prototip za prvu britansku nevidljivu borbenu bespilotnu letelicu koja treba da postane operativna 2030-ih godina, navodi AFP.

"Beam me up, Scotty"

  • jazbar 
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Englezi su uvek pravili bolje letelice od Amerikanaca in ne sumnjam da će biti Taranis bolji UCAS od onoga što će se razviti iz prototipa X-47B

  • Pridružio: 07 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 736

i taranis je demonstrator kao i x47b.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103484

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31508

Dalje testiranje Taranisa

Posebno zanimljiv deo o samostalnosti Taranisa

Citat:Rowe-Willcocks also sought to emphasise the highly autonomous nature of the Taranis. “We tend to talk a lot about the engine, the sophistication of the shape and other techniques - but actually, there’s a lot more to it than that. The principle operation of the system is actually automatic, and therefore significant elements of the flight testing takes place under autonomous mission control.” Thanks to the systems intelligence providing high autonomy and operational effectiveness, the UAV has a fully-automatic taxi, take-off, and landing, and is capable of generating an autonomous search pattern during ISTAR and strike simulations.

To fulfil an airborne ISR requirement, BAE’s Image Collection and Exploitation (ICE) system will allow for autonomous collection and distribution of high-quality imagery with very low bandwidth allocation.

What BAE Systems engineers learn from the Taranis can ultimately be expected to contribute to the Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme, the goal of which will be an armed drone, jointly developed, produced, and utilised by the RAF and French Air Force. Closer defence co-operation between the UK and French governments was provisionally marked with signing the Lancaster House Treaty in November 2010, and the 2015 Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) recommitting Britain to continue its partnership with France on the FCAS.

Interestingly, both countries continue to work on their own stealth UCAS programmes, with the experiences gained from the Dassault nEUROn likely to contribute to the FCAS as much as the Taranis will.

The FCAS is currently in the middle of its two-year Feasibility Phase (FP), which began in November 2014 with the two governments awarding £120 million to six partner companies: Dassault, Safran and Thales in France, and BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, and Selex ES in the United Kingdom.

Goals of the FP include the maturation of operational UCAS concepts, the development of key UCAS technologies, the evolution of simulation capabilities, and the formation of a programme vision – including a proposal for the first phase of a demonstrator programme, ultimately bringing the accomplishments and experience of all six companies together.

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Neuron + Taranis = buduci evropski UCAV

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