Turska BPL Akinci


Turska BPL Akinci

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102129

djox ::Libija ga dobila tj GNA
Akinci drone spotted in Libya
Citat:A single Turkish-made Akinci unmanned combat aerial vehicle has been seen in Libya, confirming that Libya may have taken the drone into service.
The Akinci drone was spotted in Libya during Turkey’s Chief of General Staff Gen. Metin Gürak visit to Libya.

Arrow https://www.military.africa/2024/07/akinci-drone-spotted-in-libya/

Srusio im se...

Citat:Wreckage of the Akıncı UAV, that reportedly crashed in Suwainiya, ~15km west of Ajaylat

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