Kineski nosači aviona


Kineski nosači aviona

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

Citat:This is the PSed image of the J-15 Flying Shark Naval fighter jet onboard Chinese Shi Lang (Ex-Varyag) Aircraft Carrier. The J-15 Flying Shark is naval version of the J-11B fighter jet with folding wings, shortened tail to maximize the number of aircraft which can be carried by the aircraft carrier

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  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
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To je slika Admirala Kuznetsova, fotosopom su uklonjeni avioni na kraju broda.

Evo ga original:

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

Citat:Varyag returns from second sea trial

  • Pridružio: 27 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1286

China’s 1st aircraft carrier almost online

Citat:A commercial satellite has caught China’s first aircraft carrier as it was undergoing a sea trial. The vessel is part of China’s rapid military buildup, which some countries see as threatening.

The DigitalGlobe company said Wednesday it had captured the warship on December 8 as it was traversing the Yellow Sea. China is testing the brand new addition to its Navy, after it underwent a major overhaul at the port of Dalian in the north-eastern province of Liaoning. Beijing says it will be used for training and research, but some neighbors suspect it has more sinister plans for the giant once-Soviet vessel.

The Varyag aircraft carrier was laid down in the late 1980s by the Soviet Union, but was never completed. It ended up in the hands of Ukraine after the Union’s collapse. Kiev sold it to Beijing in 1998 as a shell, with no engines, weapons or navigation system.

China initially said little about its intentions, although rumors circulated that it may be used as a floating casino or shopping mall. It was later revealed that the ship would have a military purpose after all. The Chinese Navy is to use it as training area for naval pilots. The Varyag’s design will also contribute to China’s future aircraft carriers.

So far the vessel, which is unofficially dubbed Shi Lang, has undergone two rounds of sea trials, Chinese media reported.

Military experts believe that the warship will be operational by year’s end, but it will take more time to arm it with aircraft. China has several vehicles designated for the ship, including J-15 and JT-9 jets and Z-8 combat helicopters.

China’s increasing military spending is unnerving several countries, which have standing conflicts with Beijing. Washington fears that the effort may tip the balance of power in the region, which is currently in favor of the US and its allies.

The rising superpower has a record of spectacular technological achievements over the last few years. Despite the global economic crisis, it managed to launch a manned spacecraft, performed a spacewalk and begun building a national orbital station.

Kad ih uskoro počnu štancati... Zagrljaj

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Zanimljivo da taj izvor pominje nezvanican naziv `Shi Lang` ??? Confused

Inace ,primeto sam da vecina sajtova uopste taj NA nazivaju `Varjag `mada mu to znamo nije vise ime .

Steta sto nije bas `Varjag` ali tako je kako je ,kad nisu znali Rusi znali su Kitajci .

  • boksi  Male
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Da li ovaj nosac ima ili ce imati neko protivbrotsko ili protivpodmornicko naoruzanje?

  • Pridružio: 07 Dec 2011
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Lako moguće. U sklopu letjelica koje će nositi. Sve drugo ne bi imalo nikakva smisla.

  • Pridružio: 08 Jul 2009
  • Poruke: 927

Tako sam i mislio.Kinezi idu na "pravi" nosac aviona.Tako ce vjerovatno i Rusi sa njihovim sljedece godine.

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
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  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Citat:Military experts believe that the warship will be operational by year’s end, but it will take more time to arm it with aircraft. China has several vehicles designated for the ship, including J-15 and JT-9 jets and Z-8 combat helicopters.
JT-9 teško da će na nosač. Ako će neki trenažni, onda je to L-15.

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