Raketna krstarica klase Kirov


Raketna krstarica klase Kirov

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Ovo nismo imali

Lansiranje PAVR ZRK "Kinzhal" 3K95 sa Frunzea

Citat: A port view of the bow of the Soviet nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser FRUNZE as two missiles are launched from the SA-N-9 vertical missile launcher.1 January 1987

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 1088
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska,Banja Luka

Поморска верзија ТОР-а Smile

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Tako je a b/k kod Orlana je

Citat:Атомный ракетный крейсер «Петр Великий» (проект 1144.4) — 16 модулей по 8 ракет.

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  • Pridružio: 01 Feb 2014
  • Poruke: 1297
  • Gde živiš: Nacionalni park Srbija

Heh,znao sam i ranije da su ovo najteže naoružani brodovi (ne računajući nuklearne rakete),ali tek sad kad vidim ovu sliku skapiram koliko je sve to ogromno i nafilovano svim i svačim. Smile Bravo za sliku.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Orlani i jesu najnaoruzaniji brodovi (doduse jedan za sad koji je operativan znaci P.Veliki ali eto mozemo na to racunati od 2020 ).

Kad pomenu nukl. rakete i njih ima a to su P-700 `Granit` sa ABG od cini mi se 500kt snage .

Citat:The Kirov-class battlecruiser is a class of nuclear-powered warship of the Russian Navy, the largest and heaviest surface combatant warships (i.e. not an aircraft carrier or amphibious assault ship) currently in active operation in the world. Among modern warships, they are second in size only to large aircraft carriers, and of similar size to a World War I-era battleship. The official designation of the ship-type is "heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser" (Russian: Тяжёлый атомный ракетный крейсер), but because of their size and general appearance, the ships are often referred to as battlecruisers by western defense commentators.

Originally built for the Soviet Navy, the class is named for the first of a series of 4 ships to be constructed, the Kirov, which was renamed Admiral Ushakov in 1992. Original plans called for the construction of 5 ships, however the last was cancelled. In Russia this class of ship is usually referred to by the designation Project 1144 Orlan (sea eagle). Only the Pyotr Velikiy is still operational, but Russia plans to reactivate the remaining three vessels by 2020.

Stanje u VMF :TARKR ` Petar Veliki` / ex -`Juri Andropov`/-099 ( SF ) ,`Kirov`/ ex-`Admiral Ushakov` / -060 ( SF ),`Admiral Nahimov`/ ex -`Kalinjin`/-080 (SF) i `Admiral Lazarev`/ ex -`Frunze` / -019 (TOF ) .

5-ti brod P 1144 `Orlan` sa nazivima `Admiral Kuznjecov` i `Djerzinski` je otkazan 1990 g .Zanimljivo te je godine otkazana gradnja i 4 krstarice Projekta 1164 Altant/Slava .

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

Royal Navy sails to meet Russian Task Group

Citat:HMS Dragon, one of the Royal Navy’s most technically advanced warships, was able to pinpoint and monitor the movement of the seven-strong group led by Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov as it approached the UK.

As the Royal Navy’s Fleet Ready Escort – a designated Royal Navy Frigate or Destroyer that is maintained at high-readiness for UK home waters – HMS Dragon made ready her 200-strong ship’s company and sailed from Portsmouth.

Once the ships spotted each other they briefly sailed close by as a standard ‘meet and greet’.

As well as the Kuznetsov, the task group included the Kirov Class nuclear powered battle cruiser Pyotr Velikiy; three tankers; Segey Osipov, Kama and Dubna; one Ocean-going Tug Altay and the Landing Support Ship Minsk.

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  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Iz arhive ,kostao navodno 1 milijardu dol.

Citat:"Peter the Great" stuck in Severomorsk

The Russian Northern Fleet - updated: 1997-04-17

The new 1 billion USD nuclear-powered cruiser "Peter the Great" is stuck in Severomorsk, lacking funds to complete its test cycle. Set afloat last autumn, the disputed cruiser was scheduled for its first mission this spring. Now the already obsolete vessel may suffer the faith of its sisters.

"Peter the Great" arrived at Severomorsk on November 24 last year. In the beginning of 1997 the second stage of the cruiser's test program was to be performed. Lack of funding forced the Navy to postpone these plans. Now "Peter the Great" is stuck in the home port of the Northern Fleet, unable to continue testing because of a money squeeze, reports the St. Petersburg Times.

Captain Yaroslav Kalyanov, a spokesman for the Northern Fleet in Severomorsk, said that some 30 million USD are needed to complete the testing of the ship.

The construction of "Peter the Great" was launched in 1986. Due to lacking funds it took 10 years to build the vessel. Total construction costs amounted to 1 billion USD. A number of experts claimed that the Russian Navy does not need Peter the Great. The lack of functioning infrastructure in the Navy for vessels of this class makes them impossible to operate properly. Two nuclear-powered cruisers of the same class have been idling in Severomorsk for the last few years, due to technical difficulties with maintenance and refuelling operations.

In spite of the criticism, it was cheaper to finish the construction of "Peter the Great" than to dismantle it. The Ministry of Defence still owes the Baltiisky shipyard more than 11 million USD for building the ship.

Today the crew onboard "Peter the Great" is unpaid, while penniless civilian testing experts allege that thefts of equipment from the ship is a growing problem.

In case the necessary money is delivered in the foreseeable future, tests on "Peter the Great" will continue for another six moths. This is quite unlikely though, given that total state debts to the Northern Fleet have reached 260 million USD.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

Stigao je kuci....

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1246

ray ban11 ::Iz arhive ,kostao navodno 1 milijardu dol.

Па то и није превише за овакав брод,реално то би и данас била прихватљива цена за брод оваквих габрита и наоружања.

Колико је цена највеће америчке крстарице или како га већ они дефинишу???

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Собрать заново

Citat:Модернизация одного из самых мощных кораблей советского ВМФ позволит резко усилить возможности отечественного флота

Citat:«Разговоры о модернизации «Нахимова» идут уже давно – как минимум лет 10. Но реально к этому вопросу вернулись примерно года четыре назад»

Citat:Тяжелый атомный ракетный крейсер «Адмирал Нахимов» – «одноклассник» флагмана российского ВМФ «Петра Великого» – получит новое ударное вооружение, новые комплексы ПВО и новую электронику. Работы по модернизации корабля уже начались. В чем смысл радикального обновления начинки одного из мощнейших крейсеров в мире, разбиралась газета ВЗГЛЯД.

Citat:В России начаты работы по ремонту и глубокой модернизации тяжелого атомного ракетного крейсера (ТАРКР) проекта 11442 «Адмирал Нахимов». Сам контракт был подписан минувшим летом. Работы продлятся четыре года и завершатся в 2018 году.
Разговоры о модернизации «Нахимова» идут уже давно – как минимум лет 10. Но реально к этому вопросу вернулись примерно года четыре назад, когда составлялась Государственная программа вооружения на период до 2020 года (ГПВ-2020), в которой на данные работы были предусмотрены средства. Работы по выпуску проектной документации начаты Северным ПКБ в 2012 году, а через год был заключен и контракт на модернизацию корабля до проекта 11442М.

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