Rusija planira nove nosace aviona


Rusija planira nove nosace aviona

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

Kakvih 80 aviona tj lovaca na jednom nosacu

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Aleksandar Milicevic
  • Pridružio: 17 Mar 2013
  • Poruke: 731
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

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  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3520

Треба им онакав којим могу да искористе авионе које имају колико им треба за функцију коју хоће...
Ако је мали носач и авиони могу да им понесу мало терета недоволјно за оно што им треба и чисто реда ради за ваздушну одбрану онда и нису баш за неку доминацију...пак ако су превелики и пола им зјапи ко америма и служи за потенционални сукоб који нема шансе да се деси због нуклеарки...по мени је идиотизам...
Дакле неки средњи..
Код амера је важна још једна чињеница...они направе пар носача поставе у персијском заливу господаре и отплате их...исто тако и на далеком истоку и остатку света...дакле и сврха је важна...и притом користе свако жариште да се позиционирају и демонстрирају силу уз намећање своје воље...после чега опет отплате ту демонстрацију...али њима од тога и зависи опстанак, јер они без јефтиноће размене добара и нмг да опстану,па им ни та цена носача није велика...с друге стране Русија мора да буде веома пажљива и опрезна...

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

znam za projekat storm taj super nosac od 100 000t ali ta cifra od letelica je nerealna imat ce 48 lovaca 4 eskadrile i 20 tak helikoptera kad ga budu sagradili ..(Ako ga budu sagradili uopste)
Puno realnije je 2 nosaca tipa velicine DeGaula nego jedan super. Ali i za to ti treba pratnja.

  • Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 6175

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Пише до 2025-те.

  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 8630

Razvojem novih hipersoničnih raketa bliži mi je koncept manjih nosača sa EM lansiranjem aviona nego gradnja grdosija od 300 i kusur metara.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103146

Russia developing new launch catapults for aircraft carriers

Citat:Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) is developing new launch systems for warplanes based on aircraft carriers, USC President Alexei Rakhmanov told TASS on Wednesday.

"We closely follow developments in shipbuilding in the leading sea powers and do not sit idle. Work is currently underway to develop systems that can also be used on modern aircraft carriers. For example, we are working on special modifications of new aircraft launch systems," he said.

The United Shipbuilding Corporation president did not specify the characteristics of these systems or the timeframe of their creation.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 861

Russian Navy should operate at least four aircraft carriers, expert believes

Military & Defense July 26, 12:33 UTC+3

The US Navy currently operates 11 aircraft carriers

MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/. The Russian Navy should operate at least four aircraft carriers, Scientific Head of the Krylov State Research Center Valery Polovinkin told TASS on Thursday.

The Russian Northern and Pacific Fleets "should have aircraft-carrying ships by definition," the expert noted.

Russia’s sole aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov to enter 7-month trials after upgrade
"Simple arithmetic shows that a ship cannot constantly stay in operation and should undergo various types of maintenance, repairs and so on. So, even theoretically, there should be at least two ships per region," Polovinkin said.

Speaking about the US Navy, which currently operates 11 aircraft carriers, the expert noted that the United States had an excessive number of carrier-led groups but the availability of only one aircraft carrier was a "deadlocked situation."

This ship "won’t be able to accomplish the entire range of missions and a half of the fleet will only have to deal with protecting it," the expert said.

"As for the displacement of the future Russian aircraft carrier, I would give the figures of 60,000 to 100,000 tonnes. This range is easy to explain: the displacement choice directly depends on the type of the ship’s powerplant and the lineup of aircraft," the Krylov Center scientific head said.

Aircraft carriers in Russia

The Russian Navy currently operates the sole medium-sized conventional aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov (the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser under the Russian classification). The Russian Navy has said it expects to get the promising nuclear-powered aircraft carrier by late 2030 and its displacement should be no less than 70,000 tonnes.

The Krylov State Research Centre has developed and presented to the public at large the conceptual design of an aircraft carrier for foreign customers, which was earlier offered for the domestic fleet as well. The Project 23000 was called Shtorm (Storm). The conceptual design envisages the aircraft carrier to displace 80,000-90,000 tonnes and feature a combined powerplant (a nuclear reactor and a gas turbine engine). The ship’s air group should comprise up to 60 aircraft.

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Russia to build new aircraft carrier no sooner than 2030 — expert

Military & Defense July 26, 16:02 UTC+3

No less than a decade will be required to build it, given favorable conditions, the expert said

MOSCOW, July 26. /TASS/. The construction of a new aircraft carrier in Russia will take at least a decade and this warship is likely to appear no sooner than 2030-2035, Scientific Head of the Krylov State Research Center Valery Polovinkin told TASS on Thursday.

Russian Navy should operate at least four aircraft carriers, expert believes
"The Russian factories’ technological potential allows solving any assigned task. But from my viewpoint, a new aircraft carrier won’t be built sooner than 2030-2035," Polovinkin said, adding that "no less than a decade will be required to build it, given favorable conditions."

However, "it is inadmissible" for the Russian Navy to have a small aircraft carrier because in this case it would be able to accomplish partial missions only, lacking reconnaissance, radar surveillance and target acquisition planes, attack and air support aircraft, the expert said.

"At the same time, I don’t support the viewpoint that Russian aircraft carriers should necessarily have their displacement similar to the displacement of US warships: 100,000 tonnes and more. The UK aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth in its gas turbine version has a displacement of about 60,000 tonnes and all the required aircraft," Polovinkin said.

The comparatively small displacement of future Russian aircraft carriers "can be offset through radical changes in their hull’s shape," the scientist added.

According to forecasts of Russia’s Economic Development Ministry, the construction of promising blue-water surface ships, including aircraft carriers, may be postponed until 2035 under the conservative scenario of the Russian economy’s development and a shortage of funds.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 861

Крыловский центр разработал аванпроект легкого авианосца

Армия и ОПК 21 августа, 17:23 UTC+3

Новый проект будет стоить, по предварительным оценкам, почти в два раза дешевле предыдущего концепта тяжелого авианосца "Шторм"

Аванпроект легкого авианосца
© Дмитрий Решетников/ТАСС

КУБИНКА /Московская область/, 21 августа. /ТАСС/. Крыловский научный центр разработал на экспорт аванпроект легкого авианосца, который может быть интересен в том числе российскому ВМФ. Об этом сообщил во вторник ТАСС представитель компании. Концепт авианосца представлен на стенде центра в рамках форума "Армия-2018".

"Это инициативная разработка на экспорт, но рассчитываем на интерес в том числе государственного заказчика", - сказал собеседник агентства.

По его словам, новый проект будет стоить, по предварительным оценкам, почти в два раза дешевле предыдущего концепта тяжелого авианосца "Шторм". Однако качественный состав авиакрыла (количество типов самолетов) на нем будет такой же. Корабль такого класса можно будет строить на "Севмаше", на керченском заводе "Залив" или Балтийском заводе.

В случае поступления техзадания от заказчика, на разработку конструкторской документации у Невского ПКБ, отметил представитель Крыловского центра, уйдет около 2 лет. "Затем закладываем на постройку примерно 6-7 лет", - добавил он.

Из сопроводительных материалов следует, что новый авианосец будет иметь водоизмещение полное 44 тыс. тонн и сможет нести до 46 летательных аппаратов. Энергетическая установка корабля будет газотурбинной.

Международный военно-технический форум "Армия-2018" проходит в подмосковной Кубинке 21-26 августа.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 861

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