objekat 505 ::Mozda cu otici u OT ali mislim da je lepo na ovoj temi napisati par recenica o jednom Srbinu
Nikola (Nikolaj) Kibaljcic razradio je prvi u svetu orginalni projekat kosmickog pilotirajuceg raketnog leteceg aparata sa mlaznim pogonom pokretanim gasovima, na osnovu cijih je crteza 70 godina kasnije svoje projekte kosmickoh brodova izradio cuveni sovjetski naucnik Sergej Koroljev.
Kibaljciceve ideje je sledio i razradio poznati naucnik Konstantin Ciolkovski i nazvao Kibaljcica PRAOCEM RAKETNE TEHNIKE I KOSMONAUTIKE, ostvarivsi i njegovo prorocanstvo, da ce put ka zvezdama trasirati ljudi iz Rusije.
Poštovani kolega, izgleda da ste pomešali Nikole Kibaljčiće.... Rus koji ima veze sa raketama i Cilolkovskim se zaista i zove Кибальчич, Николай Иванович, čovek je 100% rus...bio je i revolucionar i naučnik.... ali nema blage veze sa Srbijom...
Evo par linkova o njemu:
Iz najbolje zelje napisacu sledecu poruku
Nadam se takodje da se neces uvrediti
Na internetu postoji gomila podataka ali mnogi podaci su okvirni i ne zalaze dublje u temu.
Sto se tice Nikole (Nikolaja) Kibaljcica evo sledece
Rodjen je 1853 u porodici pravoslavnog svestenika. Nikolajeva porodica je izbegla sa Kosova i Metohije u Rusiju bezeci od Turskog zuluma i terora kao i mnoge porodice u to vreme. Dovoljno je pomenuti samo Arsenija Carnojevica...
Pogubljen je 1881 godine jer je organizovao atentat na ruskog cara Aleksandra II.
Zasto ga je organizovao
Kibaljcic je znao svoje korene i ko je i sta je. 1877 se potpisuje Sanstefanski mir gde Bugarska zahvaljujuci Rusiji postaje najveca u svojoj istoriji i proteze se od Crnog mora pa nisam siguran ali mislim do Jadranskog mora. Veliki deo teritorija dobija koje su bile nastanjene srpskim zivljem i Srbi su smatrali da njima pripadaju. Iz revolta prema tome sto je na stetu Srbije napravljena velika Bugarska organizuje atentat
Inace u svojoj zatvorskoj celiji dok je cekao izvrsenje smrtne kazne, razradio je svoje ideje.
Ako idemo logikom mesto gde je ko rodjen onda ispada da je Nikola Tesla Austrijanac jer je rodjen u Austro-Ugarskoj
Izvinite na OT
Well, what is readable of the documents are orders from one Long-Range Rocket Abteilung 980's command post at Zarnefanz (Pomerania) from 6 July 1944 for 1st through 3rd Battery to assume coded positions during the night to be ready to fire three rockets per battery onto an equally coded target by 0600 on 8 July.
The situation is portrayed as enemy landing forces concentrating with numerous warships and transports in southern Sweden, surprise airdrops to be expected (though this is crossed out by the pencil with which dates were entered into the prepared document, and some illegible remark scribbled in the margin), friendly forces ready to defend in prepared positions on the coast; FR-Abteilung 980, subordinated to Higher Artillery Commander 181, unloaded two days before at four different railway stations (again crossed out and modified to indicate a different advance), the three batteries and their respective fuel columns (again modified to be named I. through III. Abteilung of FR Regiment 980) now resting at different municipalities in the area. Air situation is depicted as increasing enemy air superiority, heavy bombing attacks on two coastal towns (Kolberg and Köslin, today Kolobrzeg and Koszalin) and two forage transport strafed by low-level attacks near Falkenburg (today Zlocienec) on the previous day.
It's an obvious pre-fabricated exercise scenario patterned after the Normandy situation, but with the area east of the Peenemünde test center standing in for France, hand-modified for a particular excercise. The big red stamp on the top right of the first picture even states an in-date of 30 June 1944 at "S Command Training Staff", and the situation report is headlined with "Planspiel" (map exercise, wargame), so there is probably not even any real equipment involved. The Lexikon der Wehrmacht knows no Harko 181, though there is a Harko 191 which was established as an HQ for the deployment of V-Weapons on 20 August 1943 under General Dornberger, motorized and given its eventual designation in 1944 and disbanded on 20 September that year. Neither can I find an FR-Abteilung, let alone Regiment 980; the deployed V 2-units were of course merely called Artillerie-Abteilungen (485 and 836), plus Lehr- und Versuchsbatterie 444 and SS-Werfer-Batterie 500. I would guess that it is part of an evolution to develop tactical procedures for use of the V 2.
Of course there is so much obvious nonsense in the Daily Heil text it's hard to know where to start.
Ne znam kako niko nije pomenuo R4M raketu, možda najbolje oružje te vrste Drugog svjetskog rata, a sigurno jednako uticajno na posljeratni razvoj sličnih sredstava kao i veći rođaci.