- sremac983

- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11776
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Napisano: 06 Jun 2012 15:57
рече да су му приписани уништени авиони у првим фазама напада на СССР ...
Citat:Hrabak assigned me to 7/III/JG-52 under Major Hubertus von
Bonin, an old eagle from the Spanish Civil War and Battle of Britain. We
learned a lot from him also. My first mission was on 14 October 1942.
како је могуће да му припишу те авионе, кад је прву мисију имао...
његово прво обарање у новембру 1942
Citat:That was a day I will never forget, 5 November 1942, a Shturmovik IL-2,
which was the toughest aircraft to bring down because of the heavy armor
plate. You had to shoot out the oil cooler underneath, otherwise it would not
go down. That was also the day of my second forced landing since I had flown
into the debris of my kill. I learned two things that day; get in close and shoot
and break away immediately after scoring the kill. The next kill came in
February the following year. This was when Krupinski came to Taman and
was my new squadron leader.
прича када је и како био "оборен" и како заробљен...
Citat:The Russians were attacking in our area and Hrabak gave us our orders. This
was in August 1943, and our mission was to support the Stukas of Hans-Ulrich
Ruedel in a counterattack. Then things changed. The Red Air Force was
bombing German ground positions in support of their offensive, so my flight
of eight fighters located and attacked the enemy, about forty Laggs and Yaks
with another forty or so Shturmovik ground attack aircraft. I shot down two
when something hit my plane. I made a forced landing and was captured by
Soviet soldiers. I faked that I was injured as they approached the plane. The
believed me and took me to their HQ and their doctor examined me, and he
even believed me. They placed me back in the truck (which was German) on a
stretcher, and as Stukas made their attacks I rushed the one guard in the truck.
He went down and I left out the back. As soon as I did that I heard the truck
stop, so I had to keep moving. I found myself in a great field of very tall
sunflowers where I tried to hide as I ran, all the while the men chasing me
were firing wildly in my direction. I found a small village occupied by
Russians, and decided to return to the area I had just come from and wait for
nightfall. [It was during this time that Mertens took it upon himself to take off
and find Hartmann, armed with only a rifle and water, being concerned when
his friend had not returned]. I reached my secure area and took a nap, and later
I awoke and took off again headed west. I passed a patrol of Russians, about
ten I think, so I decided to follow them. Then the patrol disappeared over a
small hill, and then there was a firefight. I knew that that must be the German
lines, since the men of the patrol came flying back over on my side. I then
walked to the other side and was challenged by a German sentry who also
fired a bullet at me, which ripped open my trouser leg. I was pretty upset, but
this man was in complete fear. I was welcomed into their position, given an
interrogation and was asked to prepare for contact. Another group of Russians,
obviously drunk walked towards our trenches, and the leutnant gave the order
to fire when they came within about twenty meters. They were all destroyed. I
was later told that a group of Russians had entered their perimeter speaking
fluent German, claiming to be escaped POWs, and when they came in they
pulled out some Tommy guns and killed some men. This explained their
caution over accepting me on face value, as I had no identification on me.
Everything had been taken when I was captured.
како је процењивао колико је који пилот који га јури искусан...
Citat: I knew that if an enemy pilot started firing early, well outside the maximum
effective range of his guns then he was an easy kill. But, if a pilot closed in
and held his fire, and seemed to be watching the situation, then you knew that
an experienced pilot was on you. Also, I developed different tactics for various
conditions, such as always turning into the guns of an approaching enemy, or
rolling into a negative G dive forcing him to follow or break off, then rolling
out and sometimes reducing air speed to allow him to over commit. That was
when you took advantage of his failing
мало о мустангу
Citat:This was in the defense of Ploesti and Bucharest, and also over Hungary when
the bombers came in and they had heavy fighter escort. I was recalled to take
over the command I/JG-52, and this was 23 June 1944. B-17s were attacking
the railroad junction, and we were formed up. We did not see the Mustangs at
first and prepared to attack the bombers. Suddenly four of them flew across us
and below, so I gave the order to attack the fighters. I closed in on one and
fired, his fighter coming apart and some pieces hit my wings, and I
immediately found myself behind another and I fired, and he flipped in. My
second flight shot down the other two fighters. But then we saw others and
again attacked. I shot down another and saw that the leader still had his drop
tanks, which limited his ability to turn. I was very relieved that this pilot was
able to successfully bail out. I was out of ammunition after the fight. But this
success was not to be repeated, because the Americans learned and they were
not to be ambushed again. They protected the bombers very well, and we were
never able to get close enough to do any damage. I did have the opportunity to
engage the Mustangs again when a flight was being pursued from the rear and
I tried to warn them on the radio, but they could not hear. I dived down and
closed on a P-51 that was shooting up an 109, and I blew him up. I half rolled
and recovered to fire on another of the three remaining enemy planes and
flamed him as well. As soon as that happened I was warned that I had several
on my tail so I headed for the deck, a swarm of eight Americans behind me.
That is a very uncomfortable feeling I can tell you! I made jerking turns left
and right as they fired, but they fired from too far away to be effective. I
was headed for the base so the defensive guns would help me, but I ran out of
fuel and had to bail out. I was certain that this one pilot was lining me up for a
strafe, but he banked away and looked at me, waving. I landed four miles from
the base; I almost made it. That day we lost half our aircraft; we were too
outnumbered and many of the young pilots were inexperienced.
и мало о скептицима који нису веровали колико је стварно уништио авиона, све сами немци...
Citat:Well, this happened to a few of us. Goering could not believe the staggering
kills being recorded from 1941 on. I even had a man in my unit, someone you
also know, Fritz Oblesser, who questioned my kills. I asked Rall to have him
transferred from the 8th Squadron to be my wingman for a while. Oblesser
became a believer and signed off on some kills as a witness, and we became
friends after that.
има тога још о Хартману, али и ово је превише јер није тема о њему већ спиту....
Dopuna: 06 Jun 2012 16:22
ја сам говорио о хартмановом Бф-190Г6, на ком је он летео 1944 године, не на Г10 верзији...
FW-190 A4 није имао MW-50, тек је на верзији А5 тестиран, а на А6 почео да се овај систем масовно примењује, ако и на свим каснијим верзијама и FW i Bf.....
NO2 jе грешка, тачно је N2O и није коришћен у опште масовно већ само у авионима за извиђање.....
немци развијају FW-190D, са јумо мотором који је имао и снаге и брзине да парира савезничким авионима....