Na današnji dan 45 završni opiti sprezanja topa LB1 od 100mm na kupolu T34/85.
Kažu slab venac za trzaj LB1 i mala brzina paljbe uz mali BK .
Ko u narodnoj "kasno Marko...."
Sa fb TenkArhive slike i tekst izvorni..
Trials of a T-34-85 tank with a 100 mm LB-1 gun were completed on April 27th, 1945. The installation of a 100 mm gun was a considerable boost to the tank's firepower, allowing it to combat enemy tanks at twice the T-34's weight. Unfortunately, the larger gun came at a significant cost. Most significantly, the ammunition was larger and heavier than before. Only 30 rounds could fit into the tank and the aimed rate of fire fell to under 5 rounds per minute.
A later project mounted a new 100 mm ZIS-100 gun on a T-34-85 tank. This time, the turret ring was expanded and a larger turret was mounted. Trials showed that even this was not enough to fit a 100 mm gun. The T-34-85 never received another firepower upgrade.
Interestingly enough, Czechoslovakia had the same idea. Since the country was building both the SU-100 and T-34-85 under license, merging the two tanks was a rational decision. Two variants of installing a 100 mm gun in the turret were composed, but the Czechs ran into the same issues that the Soviets did. In the end, they switched to the T-54 just like the USSR.
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Поздрав колега,
Да ли, неко може да одгонетне који је евиденциони број овог тенка на слици?
Наиме, неки предлажу број 2583/26, али мени је врло нечитко и мутно на овој фотографији, наравно осим броја 26. Те бих желео да чујем више мишљења.
Ево пронашао сам још једну слику истог тенка, има видео на You Tubu:
Аутор видеа, представља тај тенк да припада војсци Републике Србске Крајине, период 91/95.