Teski tenk T-10 nikad nije izvezen van SSSRa


Teski tenk T-10 nikad nije izvezen van SSSRa

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18835

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25874

Jedan od Egipatskih IS-3M koga su Izraelci zaplenili.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35480

Još 2 fotke

U vezi egipatskih IS 3 sa wiki naravno
During the early 1950s all IS-3s were modernized as IS-3M models. The Egyptian Army acquired about 100 IS-3M tanks from the Soviet Union.[47] During the Six Day War, a single regiment of IS-3M tanks was stationed with the Egyptian 7th Infantry Division at Rafah and the 125th Tank Brigade of the 6th Mechanized Division at Kuntilla was also equipped with about 60 IS-3M tanks.[47] Israeli infantry and paratrooper units had considerable difficulty with the IS-3M when it was encountered due to its thick armor, which shrugged off hits from normal infantry anti-tank weapons such as the bazooka. Even the 90 mm AP shell fired by the main gun of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) M48 Patton tanks could not penetrate the frontal armor of the IS-3s at normal battle ranges.[47] There were a number of engagements between the M48A2 Pattons of the IDF 7th Armored Brigade and IS-3s supporting Egyptian positions at Rafah in which several M48A2s were knocked out in the fighting. However, in one engagement between a battalion of IS-3s and 90 mm gun-armed M48A3's, 7 IS-3s were destroyed. The slow rate of fire, poor engine performance (the engine was not well suited to hot-climate operations), and rudimentary fire control of the IS-3s proved to be a significant handicap, and about 73 IS-3s were lost in the 1967 war. Most Egyptian IS-3 tanks were withdrawn from service, though at least one regiment of IS-3 tanks was retained in service as late as the 1973 October war. The IDF itself experimented with a few captured IS-3M tanks, but found them ill-suited to fast-moving desert tank warfare; those that were not scrapped were turned into stationary defensive pillbox emplacements in the Jordan River area.

  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 10398

Vredi pogledati svaki sekund u 4K Smile

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25874

Т-10М. ГСВГ, конец 1960-х годов.
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  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25874

Još jedna potvrda da je T-10 izvezen izvan SSSRa u Germaniji...
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Танки Т-10М из состава 9-го отдельного танкового батальона 115-го отдельного танкового полка 3-й общевойсковой армии Группы советских войск в Германии; ~ 1968-1970-й гг.
Vk.com grupa Бронетехника 20 - 21 века
od otoič slike...Neke se poklapaju pa sam ih izostavio a ove izdvajam ..

  • alchemy
  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
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  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

У тексту каже да је у служби совјетске војске у Немачкој...технички није извежен Smile

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31441

Kurilska ostrva 80-ih.

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Ostatci IS-4 na granici sa Kinom.

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