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Ten Commandments on the Warfare of the German Soldier
(10 gebote für die kriegsführung des deutschen soldaten)
On the first page of the Wehrmacht’s soldier’s booklet was a sub-index of the soldier’s behavior. (You know the rest)
1. A German soldier fights knightly for the victory of his people. The concepts of the German soldier regarding honor and dignity do not permit atrocities and cruelties.
2. A soldier is obliged to wear uniforms, wearing other attire is allowed, subject to the use of distinguishable (from a distance) distinctive signs. The conduct of hostilities in civilian clothes without the use of distinctive signs is prohibited.
3. It is forbidden to kill the enemy who surrenders, this rule also applies to surrendered partisans or spies. The latter will receive a fair punishment in court.
4. It is forbidden to bully and insult prisoners of war. Weapons, documents, notes and drawings are subject to seizure. Items of other property belonging to prisoners of war shall be inviolable.
5. Do not conduct causeless shooting. Shots should not be accompanied by facts of arbitrariness.
6. The red cross is inviolable. It is necessary to treat a wounded opponent in a humane way. It is forbidden to impede the activities of sanitary personnel and field priests.
7. The civilian population is inviolable. A soldier is prohibited from engaging in robbery or other violent acts. Historical monuments, as well as buildings serving the administration of worship, buildings that are used for cultural, scientific and other socially useful purposes, are subject to special protection and respect. The right to give work and official assignments to the civilian population belongs to representatives of the management team. The latter issue the relevant orders. Performance of work and official assignments should be on a paid, paid basis.
8. It is forbidden to attack (transition or flight) of a neutral territory. It is forbidden to shelling, as well as the conduct of hostilities in neutral territory.
9. A German soldier who is captured and interrogated must provide information regarding his name and rank. Under no circumstances should he give information regarding his affiliation to a military unit, as well as data related to military, political or economic relations inherent in the German side. It is prohibited to transfer this data even if it is requested by promises or threats.
10. Violation of these instructions, allowed in the performance of official duties, is punishable. Facts and information indicating violations that are admitted by the adversary in terms of compliance with the rules set out in paragraphs 1–8 of these manuals should be reported. Carrying out activities of compensated nature is allowed only in the case of a direct order given by the top army leadership.
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