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- Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
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Alexander Mladenov about the Ka-52 "Alligator"
Citat:Renowned foreign aviation analyst Alexander Mladenov devoted a long article attack helicopter Ka-52. As usual, the A2 is not too lazy to translate interesting and informative text.
In December 2010, the Russian Army Aviation announced the long-awaited decision on arms combat helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator" and the first supplies to combat units were held in May 2011
In August 2003, the then Air Force Commander Vladimir Mikhailov has publicly confirmed the readiness of the Air Force to raise funds for the development of a new generation of combat aircraft. Not one, but two helicopters were due to replace the worn and heavily loaded helicopters Mi-24. Informed observers initially thought that this statement is another PR action of the Russian military, or at best, a sincere expression of secret dreams general. But today, nine years after the event, a dream come true and Army Aviation, part of the Russian Air Force will receive three types of helicopters: Ka-52, Mi-28N, and Mi-35M.
Double coaxial helicopter Ka-52 (NATO code: «Hokum-B») is the most perfect of all three. Was originally designed for the Russian Air Force to procure a limited number of these helicopters, which were to support special operations forces, but in the end the number of Ka-52 military aircraft exceeds se Mi-28N.
The Ka-52 can apply heavy system of guided and unguided weapons, equipped with modern (at least by today's standards, the Russian military electronics) clock surveillance systems and systems of data exchange. This two-seater helicopter is positioned as particularly effective in irregular warfare (counterinsurgency war - and is much more suited for this than its predecessor, the single Ka-50 and Mi-24 helicopters of date), and a very effective anti-tank and direct support troops.
The initial batch of 12 Ka-52 military aircraft was ordered in 2009, and in December 2010 the first four helicopters were accepted by the customer and sent to the 344th center deployment and combat training in Torzhok. These helicopters were used to train the trainers who will train pilots combat units. Another objective of the Center is to develop new tactics to "Alligator." The remaining eight helicopters were handed over to the party in 2011, in the first drill squadron rearm for a new type and assigned to the 575th Air Base in Chernigovka the Far East. By October 2011 the squadron consisted of 12 helicopters. In the production of new helicopters are the party of 36 helicopters, four of which were produced in 2011, the last helicopter out of the party's plan to transfer to the customer by the end of 2013
It was reported that at the end of 2011 resulted in the state joint tests of the Ka-52 helicopter, and that is completely Bringing avionics, which includes a millimeter radar "Crossbow-52" clock gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system GOES-451 and fully operational airborne defense "Vitebsk". While none of these modern systems has not been installed on the first batch of helicopters sent in late 2010 - early 2011, there are plans to install them on the helicopters.
The predecessor of the Ka-52
The Ka-50 (NATO code «Hokum») made its first flight in 1982, and in the early 1990s. he was selected as a new attack helicopter for the Russian Air Force, which was intended to supplement and then replace the Mi-24. The Ka-50 was adopted in 1995, the same year the first helicopter entered service TsBPiPLS in Torzhok. Shortly funding ended, resulting in the 1990's. Was probably produced only four Ka-50.
Four more helicopters were delivered in 2008 and 2009. Two Ka-50 were used in Chechnya during the period from December 2000 to March 2001 The main reason why the helicopters were sent there, was the fact that the Kamov design bureau and the Air Force wanted to evaluate soosnuyuuskhemy new combat helicopter in real combat conditions. Helicopters in Chechnya 14 sorties, during which committed more than a run-up, spending 929 80-mm unguided rockets and 16 30-mm shells, and three anti-tank "Vortex-1." All issued munitions hit their targets.
Development of a double version of the basic single-seat Ka-50 began in 1994 under the direction of chief designer Kamov design bureau SV Mikheev. He is known as the father of the Ka-50 and is the longest running chief designer of the modern Russian aviation industry, leading the Kamov design bureau for over 40 years.
A prototype of the Ka-52 with serial number "061" first flew on 25 June 1997 under the supervision of the Kamov design bureau pilot Smirnov. The helicopter was used extensively for a variety of tests, and participate in promotions. The composition of the sensors and avionics could change several times a year. In 2003, he completed a public flight tests to validate the stated flight characteristics. In 2006, the Russian Defense Ministry has allocated funds for the development of various systems of the helicopter, as well as the creation of a production line for AAC "Progress" in Arsenyev.
The second prototype of the Ka-52 ("062"), built on the "progress", first flew in June 2008 and the third prototype ("063"), which became the first pre-production helicopter made its first flight in October of the same year . It was followed by three more copies (№ № «051-053»), and all the helicopters took part in the final stage of state joint tests of helicopters, which were conducted with the participation of the Russian Air Force Kamov design bureau and successfully completed November 20, 2011 This made it possible to begin full-scale production of the helicopter, equipped with radar data exchange system and two types of anti-tank.
Coaxial propellers, which specializes Kamov design bureau, allows the helicopter to have a smaller size and weight compared to conventional helicopters scheme. When compared with a coaxial helicopter and conventional scheme identical to the same mass and engine power, it can be seen that the size of coaxial helicopter for 35-40% less. The lack of tail rotor drive means no tail rudder and appropriate transmission, which stretch beyond ometaniya rotor. This is an important factor for the safety and survivability.
EA Petrosyan, deputy chief designer of the Kamov design bureau, explained: "When comparing the safety of coaxial helicopters and classical schemes should take into account numerous factors such as reliability, durability, resistance to fatigue phenomena and combat survivability. It should be noted the importance of the "human factor" in ensuring the safety of the flight. In this regard, the coaxial scheme Ka-52 has advantages due to ease of management, better maneuverability, and higher aerodynamics compared to the classical scheme of helicopters. Moreover, the loss of the keel or rudder, for example, because of a hard landing in autorotation, not much impact on flight safety. "
In the design of the Ka-52 initial task was to achieve maximum commonality with the Ka-50. As a result, the level reached 85%, and the first production batch of Ka-52 were built using brushed Ka-50 fuselage and accessories.
Protection for the crew and pilot deployment "side by side"
The Ka-52 is the only combat helicopter in the world, which use placement crew "side by side". This is done by generalizing the practice test pilots Torzhkovskaya TsBPiPLS having vast experience of flying and combat use of the Mi-8 ("side by side") and the Mi-24 ("tandem"). Recognized as chief pilot of the Kamov design bureau and a former military test pilot A. Pope, who has logged more than 7700 hours, supported the view of his predecessors: "I can confirm that when the pilots are located side by side, the interaction is faster, more convenient and easier than with a tandem scheme. In most cases, they understand each other even without words, using only gestures - the so-called "common touch" ". His opinion is also shared by the veterans with combat experience of the Federal Security Service, in the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya is performed in complex terrain is extremely successful night flights on a modified Mi-8MN, armed with missiles and the ability to apply the clock. They evaluated the pilot location "side by side" due to better control over the situation and is much more effective exchange of information in the course of intense missions in the search and destruction of well-guided weapons concealed targets.
Cockpit Ka-52 is different from the Ka-50. Curved side glazing cockpit Ka-52 can withstand bullets hit a 12.7-mm, extra protection is provided by overhead side armor plates. Additional protection is provided by placing pilots side by side, thus they are close to each other from the fragments of shells and missiles flying sideways. This cruel sounding principle is the brainchild of chief designer S. Mikheev. This approach increases the likelihood that at least one member of the crew survive the blasting enemy ammunition side of helicopter. In the traditional arrangement of pilots risk to them is much higher.
According to Mikheyev, the nose of the helicopter is protected from the shells of 20 mm caliber, and he argues that the weight of armor in the set of the Ka-52 is less than having the same protection scheme tandem helicopter. Additional protection covers the most vulnerable parts of the helicopter: for example, the propeller blades withstands 20-mm shells. Other security measures include experienced pilots ejection seat K-37-800 (also installed on the single-seat Ka-50), which provide both simultaneous escape from the helicopter pilots. During a forced landing crew chances of survival are increased by the combination of a rigid chassis and a high-impact energy-absorbing seats.
Improved sighting system
The Ka-52 is set integrated on-board electronic equipment with an open architecture "argument-52" (also known as avionics-52), which is based on the interface of GOST R 52070-2004 (equivalent to standard Mil-Std-1553B). Available drivers are five color LCD screen on the instrument panel, plus one smaller monitor on the ground between his legs left pilot. There is also a light on the background of a windshield HUD-31 pilot for the left, which is used to pilot helicopters and weapon on the course. Helmet targeting system to restore onboard weapons under development, but until now the Russian electronics industry has not been able to establish such a system comparable to Western ones.
Gyro-stabilized electro-optical system GOES-451 production UOMZ installed in the nose of the helicopter and is equipped with a TV camera (wide and narrow field of view), thermal imager, laser range finder, target designator, and laser irradiation sensor-guided ATGM. The final version of the Ka-52 to the left of GOES-451 is set smaller "ball" of the system TOES-520, which has a TV camera and thermal imager, used for night flights. Cabin lighting allows for night vision goggles, the Ka-52 pilots provided night vision goggles 3rd generation GEO-ONV-1-01K, developed by "Geophysics-NV".
Radar "Crossbow-52" X-band (wavelength - 8 mm) developed by "Fazotron-NIIR" and is used for flying at night and in poor weather conditions, provides obstacle detection and enables ultra-high-rises on the flight and in the mode of mapping and identifying purposes. Radar has the ability to display moving targets, and can be applied at a minimum height of 10 to 50 meters.
According to Mikheev, "the integration of radar went surprisingly smoothly thanks to a significant experience with radar, which our company has gained in the development of maritime helicopters Ka-25 and Ka-27. We abandoned the idea of placing radar radome nadvtulochnom as radar installation in the nose gives a definite gain in weight helicopter. For example, there are no restrictions on the size array and mass and size characteristics of instrumentation radars. In addition, there is much less felt vibrations. "
Flight tests of the radar "Crossbow-52" on the first prototype of the Ka-52 in 2004, confirmed the project characteristics. Although the radar is not possible automatic target recognition, this mode can be added in the future. According to the pilots, the display mode of moving targets also functioned well.
The guided missile
According to Mikheev, compared with the Ka-50 Ka-52 can be used much more extensive arsenal. To do this, a helicopter has four main points of the suspension, and when to hang twin launchers "Sagittarius" with missiles "air-to-air" Igla-V, they are mounted in an extra pair of suspension points near the wing tips.
Of the "air-land" include affordable and proven ATGM "9M120-1 Attack" and "Vortex-1." "Attack" is used as a package, consisting of six containers. Initially the system was guided by radio command, but then it was replaced with a laser that uses the GOES-451. The Ka-52 will be basically a modification 9M120F equipped with high explosive / thermobaric warhead to destroy manpower in the open and under cover, which has range of 6 km.
ATGM 9A4172 "Vortex-1" has a range of up to 10 km, and is the main weapon to defeat armored targets. The missile is used with hanging installation AAP-6 six missiles (the helicopter can carry up to two AAP-6), it is equipped with a tandem warhead, can penetrate up to a meter of armor for active protection system. ATGM equipped with impact and proximity fuses, depending on the type of target pilot can choose the type of fuse. When using a proximity fuze "Whirlwind" can be used as an effective weapon in the class "air-to-air", capable of hitting targets moving at speeds up to 800 km / h
Another system ATGM, which can be installed on the Ka-52 is a two-stage long-range missiles "Hermes-A", which is a test launch of the Ka-52 was first used in 2003 This is a very large system - transport and packaging container has three pancake , 5 meters high and weighs 107 kg. The system can be used on a "shot, watched corrected" and "fire and forget". It is equipped with a tandem high-explosive warhead. Besides bronetseley, ATGM can be used to destroy hardened shelters, ships and aircraft. The Ka-52 can be suspended for up to four missiles "air-to-air" 9M39 "Igla-V", equipped with infrared seeker and used in the launcher on the two missiles.
Uncontrollable, but amazingly accurate weapon
Unguided weapons in the arsenal of the Ka-52 includes 80-mm and 122-mm unguided rockets that are launched from the missile 20 and 5 blocks. According to Papaya, 80-mm unguided rockets S-8 proved to be very accurate weapon when used with Ka-50/52 through a combination of stable platforms and precision aiming system. According to him, "if you start with the Ka-52 NURS inexpensive C-8 can not be considered a weapon that is applied on the areas, now it is high-precision weapons." NURS usually C-8 is used at a distance of 1.5 km.
The helicopter can also use bombs weighing 250 kg and 500 kg, container KMGU-2, and suspended UPK-23-250. In addition to the helicopter a 30-mm gun 2A42 gun on installing NPPU-80 with reduced mobility (ammunition 460 rounds). The complex is equipped with a hydraulic drive, which allows the gun to deflect 3,5 ° up and 37 ° down. Traverse is carried out by the turn of the helicopter, but its rate of spread comparable to the speed of rotation gun mount Mi-28N. NPPU-80 is a very accurate weapon in the mobile and fixed modes. According to Popeye, "We are in the normal course of training to reach the level of accuracy of angular 1.2-1.4 mil, that is at a distance of 1000 meters shells hit the target size of 1.5 mx 1.5 m."
Gun 2A42 was selected due to its reliability, especially in dusty and dirty, and with the ability to use the ammunition of the Army. Its rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute, rapid-mode and 200-300 shots in a slow, as a mode of firing single projectiles. Due to the high velocity of the projectile (980 m / s) and its relatively large mass, which leads to a more kinetic effect, 2A42 is one of the world's most powerful guns installed in helicopters, if not the most powerful. At a distance of 1,500 meters has armor piercing projectile of 15 mm at an angle meeting of 60 °. The maximum effective range of 4000 meters.
Alligator future looks promising
In 2011, the Ministry of Defence decided to purchase an additional number of the Ka-52, signed a contract for 140 helicopters, the last of which must be delivered in 2020, maximum capacity "Progress" is 24 helicopters per year (in 2011, 12 helicopters were produced , in 2012 and 2013. issue to increase to 15 units). As of September 2011 'Progress' released 17 Ka-52 (including two prototypes and three pre helicopter), and 12, appeared to be in various stages of assembly.
The Ka-52 is also considered as a new attack helicopter for use with UDC "Mistral". The first prototype of the Ka-52 was tested on the deck of the French Mistral UDC during his visit to St. Petersburg in December 2009 Marine version of the Ka-52K will be equipped with folding blades and wings, strengthened landing gear, life support crew at sea and anti-corrosion treatment of fuselage and equipment. On it in the bow also installed new radar centimeter review and targeting The Kh-35. In August 2011, the corporation "Fazotoron-NIIR" announced the development of a new phased-array radars for Ka-52K-based radar "Zhuk-AE". To test the first prototype will be launched in 2012
Wing each of the four UDC "Mistral" will consist of eight and eight combat air assault helicopters. Russian Navy will need at least 40 new combat helicopters, and, according to Mikheyev, the first production of Ka-52K is planned to supply the troops in late 2014 - early 2015., Which must be matched to the transmission of the first date of the UDC "Mistral".
He also believes that the Ka-52 has good export prospects, adding that it could be the new equipment and avionics Western model. Initial Ka-52 military aircraft of Russia will significantly improve the chances of signing export contracts and Russian media reported a helicopter with an interest of many countries.
By Alexander Mladenov