zixo ::Citat:9M1154Shturmand i 9M120 Ataka
Ipak meni se cini da su po TT karakteristikama slabije od Hellfire.
Na papiru da, ali u praksi . . .
Live-firing trials were limited to
the Apache's rocket system, as
Sweden already has the Hellfire in
service (as a coastal defence missile)
and is familiar with its performance.
There were also cost and safety factors
in this decision. A manual rocket firing
was made and the rockets missed the
target area by several hundred meters.
A total of 99 hours was flown by the
two aircraft during the four-week
evaluation. During that time, there
were periods when one or both AH-64As
were unserviceable. The Apaches
suffered from software problems in the
FCC and badly maintained rocket pods;
an APU clutch had to be changed, a TV
camera had to be replaced, a laser unit
had to be replaced, several bulbs had
to be changed, one gun suffered a
hardware failure and rotors needed
repairing. As a result, five of the
planned 20 missions were cancelled
due to technical problems. Additional
missions were also cancelled to allow
ground crews more time to prepare for
weapons tests. The Apache's
navigation and fire control systems
suffered several problems. Co-ordinates
in latitudes higher than 65°N could not
be entered and, as a result, planned
night attack missions were not flown.
A evo rezultata kod MI-28 . . .
The official Swedish Army Aviation
Centre report on the evaluation stated
that the Mi-28's weapons accuracy
was "good and astonishingly
repeatable," particularly taking into
account the range of firing parameters
and poor weather conditions. Both
9M1154Shturmand 9M120 Ataka
guided missiles were fired against
stationary targets (to a maximum range
of 4680 m/15,354 ft, with the Mi-28
flying at 200 km/h, 124 mph IAS), with
1-m (3.3-ft) accuracy. Rockets were
found to be accurate up to a range of
4000m (13,123ft), with 35 hits
registered from 40 firings. Four
unexploded rockets were later found
and questions were raised about the
production quality and safety standards
of Russian ammunition.
The Mi-28 was flown for a total of
30 hours, never failed to undertake a
mission, and experienced the minimum
of technical snags.