MIL MI-28 Havoc


MIL MI-28 Havoc

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Fun-тест: Лопасти власти


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  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 603

za novo naoruzanje je razumljivo, ali zasto novi sistem upravljanja (ustvari integrisana avionika) na helikopteru koji se tek uvodi...
To znaci da ili nesto ne valja ili spremaju nesto radikalno bolje

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23389
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Ништа чудно, хеликоптер се стално модернизује.

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 603

Malo mu je rano za modernizaciju top tipa, s obzirom da je u postupku uvodjenja u naoruzanje.

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23389
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Кад је први Ми-28 ушао у наоружање?

Данас их у јединицама имаш преко 80.

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

Neke informacije koje bi mogle da se odnose na to sta ova vest prenosi:
Citat:At the conference, the participants talked about using a higher level of integration of information and interaction of crews of military helicopters and command center, radio-electronic systems, and detection and response in a rapidly changing battle situation.

It was also affected by the hot topic of video-informative and laser technologies development for the helicopter industry. The enterprises of KRET created a unique helmet-mounted target designation and indication system for helicopter Mi-28N, and later for the helicopter Ka-52 Alligator.

It is designed to automatically determine the direction of the weapons on the chosen target by a pilot and to obtain the necessary information on the background of the external environment. The data come in airborne optic-electronic system, which helps to manage armament, thermo-graphic camera, radar and other equipment. The high technical characteristics of the system while keeping the helmet mass of less than 2 kg make it the most advanced development, which has no analogues in Russia.
Citat:Rosoboronexport reported about the start of the export of the new combat helicopter Mi-28NE with a new onboard avionics system, the main developer of which is Ramenskoye Device Design Bureau, a part of KRET.

The aircraft has a special system for pilots’ protection and can “see” the enemy at a distance of 35 km even in the dark.

The integrated avionics system for combat and attack helicopter Mi-28N ensures the safe piloting at extremely low altitudes. In addition, the equipment allows the simultaneous detection of targets via optical, television, laser, infrared, and radar monitoring channels.

Helicopter avionics includes the automatic thermal television system from Ohotnik family
there are a high-speed digital interface for transmission of video signals with vibrations and roll the helicopter, which also provides an automatic detection and tracking of targets.

At the Ryazan factory of KRET, the radar that detects dangerous objects and meteorological formations has been developed for the Mi-28N. Its main feature is the receiving-transmitting antenna module in a millimeter waveband.

An individual place in the exposition of the Group at HeliRussia-2014 is occupied by the laser optical-electronic jamming station, which is part of the electronic warfare system President-S, designed by the Samara Scientific-Research Institute Ekran; the station is responsible for individual protection against guided missiles with infrared homing heads of the attack helicopter Mi-28NE

In the modernized helicopter Mi-28N, a unique GRPZ development – a helmet-mounted target designation and indication system is used, which is capable of projecting images onto the visor. The system automatically determines the direction of proliferation in the selected target by a pilot, and helps him to obtain the necessary information on the background of the observable external context. The data from the helmet system are transferred to the onboard optical-electronic system, which completes crucial tasks of navigation, fire control, observation and control other equipment. The helmet-mounted target designation system was also presented in the stand of KRET at HeliRussia-2014.

Russian army adopted officially the combat helicopter Mi-28N Havoc by the end of December 2013. Its serial production for the Russian Air Force started in 2007 in the Rostvertol, which is a part of the holding Russian Helicopters. In total, the Russian Air Force is already using more than 70 aircrafts of this type. In addition, the helicopter is built to be exported to Algeria, Iraq and Egypt.
Citat:According to the Deputy CEO of research and development of onboard equipment of the Radioelectric Technologies Group, Givi Janjgava, the helicopter Mil Mi-28N Night Hunter will receive the high-precision weapon, a new control system and the “electronic cockpit” in two or three years.

We are fully updating the computers, and the display and navigation systems,” said Givi Janjgava, according to ITAR-TASS.

The new missile is characterized by a good inertial system, terminal guidance.

The Mil Mi-28 was originally designed so that its actions can be coordinated with other helicopters, said Givi Janjgava, highlighting that it is now working on an updated system of allocation of flight for coordinated actions of helicopters, which, according to him, “it has already the grounds to be incorporated in a network-centric control system”. The system will allow the night hunters to communicate not only between each other but also to receive the information from aircrafts, ground control points, or terrestrial satellites.

“The helicopter will be more effective if it destroys not only the targets that are displayed by its own system, but those which are monitored by other helicopters,” said Givi Janjgava.

The helicopter will also receive an “electronic cockpit”, which practically excludes mechanical devices and classical control panels.

It is very close to the visual indication. The operations of the intellectual system allow to provide the final decision and options, from which the pilot can select the appropriate one. The artificial intelligence will be incorporated in the helicopter

We will gradually implement means of counterattack and electronic warfare in order to convert the Mil Mi-28 into the true universal hunter,” concluded Janjgava.

The design works on the Mil Mi-28N began in 2009. In 2013, the helicopter has been made operational. The updated version of the Night Hunter will significantly differ from its prototype.
Citat:The upgraded Mi-28N helicopter will be outfitted with a dual-control system, which allows the operator to co-pilot to take over in case of the injury or loss of the pilot. Previously, Radio-Electronic Technology Group added a mast-mounted radar system to the Night Hunter.

The Russian helicopters, among other things, should also receive a control system for landing in thick fog and at night. The Russian Air Force will give its updated version of the Night Hunter the designation Mi-28NM

According to Colonel Andrei Popov, the commander of the Torzhok 344th Combat Flight Crew Training Center for Army Aviation, the modernized helicopter will substantially differ from predecessors, even in its appearance, reports Lenta.Ru.

The helicopter will be equipped with very different weapons and equipment,” said Andrei Popov.

The Mi-28N was developed in the 1990s. Its modernization was launched in 2009, based on technical specifications established for development projects in 2008. ROSTVERTOL, part of the Russian Helicopters holding company, has overseen production of the Mi-28N. The Russian Air Force now has about 70 combat aircraft of this type.

Znaci iz ovoga meni izgleda ovako:

Razvija se novi model Mi-28NM, i postojeci helikopteri Mi-28N ce se modernizovati i biti uskladjeni sa tim modelom.
Menjaju se kompjuterski sistemi i avionika da pruzaju mogucnost za integraciju radara, novog naoruzanja, nove kacige sa nisanom i displejom, ugradnju Prezident-S sistema, umrezen rad helikoptera sa prikazivanjem ciljeva koje su mu poslali drugi helikopteri, avioni, kopnene snage ili sateliti. Ako sam nesto izostavio slobodno dopunite.

Evo jos koja slika sa HeliRussia 2014 u vezi sa ovim sta se ovde navodi:


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Dobar `izvestaj` mare . Smile Nego ,mi nije jasno to oko sistema `Prezident -S` .Zar to ipak nije izvozna oznaka za sistem samozastite L370 `Vitebsk` koji se vec nalazi na Mi-28N ? Naravno onaj toplopelengator( IC senzor za otkrivanje toplotnog odraza nadolazecih PAVR ) je samo jedan od podsistema tog Vitebska .

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

Koliko znam da, to je samo izvozni naziv, ali mozda jos nije ceo sistem na Mi-28N. Ove lasere na slikama mislim da nisam video na Mi-28N do sad.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


I meni se cini da onaj senzor nismo vidjali ranije ( tj i nema ga do sada na serijskim ) tako da bi to mogao biti samo dodatak tj novi podsistem za L370 `Vitebsk` na N i takodje na novim NM .

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

google trns

Citat:Rosvertol 2013 results report out. It seems Iraq (customer code K-8, 368?) Contracted 28 Mi-35M and 15 Mi-28NE. Imo, the original contract 6 Mi-35, 36 Mi-28 ) has been renegociated - probably they found Mi-35M more suitable-and this matches quite well with the recent numbers vehiculated of 43 helicopters (24 Mi-35M and 19 Mi- 28)

Citat:Turkmenistan, Egypt & Uzbekistan have shown interest in purchasing Mi-28NE attack helicopter from Russia.

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