Ne svidja mi se ovo sa polovnim osmicama (Mi-17) iz Bugarske. Nadao sam se da ce mo kupiti nove helikoptere, sa rampom pozadi, dvoje vrata, radarom, SAR opremom (ukljucujuci termovizijskom kamerom) itd..dali bi to sad bile 17ice ili bilo koji drugi (poput Ka-62) nije toliko bitno.
Bugari rasprodavaju staru i propalu tehniku (sigurno ne prodaju ona 3 operativna Mi-17) da bi zatvorili rupe u budzetu...
"Wednesday, 30 November 2011
The Bulgarian military and Ministry of Defense is undertaking a fire sale of its hardware in order to close gaps in its 2012 budget."
"Also being put up for sale is the Bulgarian Air Force's entire fleet of Mil helicopters, which includes six Mi-17s and 12 Mi-24s.";Itemid=57
Ovde vise o stanju Bugarskih Mi-17, potrebama za remont i koliko bi kostao isti ako ga oni urade (10 Miliona po komadu)...
"he Bulgarian Armed Forces currently possess 12 MI-17 helicopters, only three of which are in flying condition. The remaining nine require approximately USD 10 million (per airframe) of repair and upgrades to be fully mission capable. "
"The team found that at twenty-one years of age, Bulgaria's nine non-operational helicopters would require substantial repairs and overhauls to become fully mission ready. Terem, a state-owned Bulgarian company, estimates the required investment would be approximately USD 10 million per airframe. "
"According to a NATO report, the repair and upgrades would take approximately 12 months and would extend the life of each helicopter by seven years and 1,000 flying hours. These preliminary quotations do not include cockpit or fuselage ballistic protection or upgraded engines"
Vek im se produzuje za 1000 sati ili 7 godina.
Po mom misljenju bi bilo bolje kupiti nove helikoptere, ili kvalitetne, novije, polovne.
Da se to remontom njihovih isplati, sami bi svoje remontovali umesto da kupuju nove helikoptere.
Na ovom sajtu imaju novi Mi-17 (2011 i 2010) iz Rusije (direktno iz grada Ulan Ude, znaci iz fabrike) i Ukrajine za oko 12,5 Miliona Dolara (oko 9,6 Miliona Evra), a polovni iz 2002e godine imaju za 7,5 Miliona $, sta dodje oko 5,7 Miliona Evra.
Drzavni organi mogu da dodju do jos dosta vise ponuda.