Ne proizvode nove helikoptere Mi-8MSB (-V), vec remontuju i modernizuju stare.
Belorusko-Ukrajinska modernizacija Mi-8MSB-V podrazumeva:
- zamenu cak 40% oplate helikoptera
- ojacavanje zmaja helikoptera
- ugradnju novih motora ТВ3-117ВМА-СБМ 1В (tvrde - 20% niza potrosnja)
- ugradnju nove elektronike (NNS)
- ugradnju metalno-keramicke balisticke zastite.
Orsanski avioremontni zavod (OARZ) vec ima sertifikat beloruskih vazduhoplovnih vlasti za ovu modernizaciju, a ocekuje da ce uskoro dobiti i sertifikat od kompanije "Вертолеты России".
Inace, MotorSich kupuje viskove helikoptera Mi-8 od ukrajinskih vlasti (i drugih prodavaca) i salje ih u Belorusiju na remont i modernizaciju. Kupac bira koju modernizaciju zeli - civilnu ili vojnu.
Sa sajta OARZ-a:
When performing overhaul of various modifications of Mi-8, Mi-8MT, Mi-8MTV-1, Mi-17 helicopters in the amount and in accordance with requirements of technical documentation, at the request of the customer the following additional works can be performed:
- Refitting helicopters into cargo/passenger modification;
- Installation of vibration absorber;
- Replacement of TV2-117, TV3-117V, TV3-117MT engines for TV3-117VM, TV3-117VMA engines;
- Examination of the technical condition for restoration of helicopters after failures and accidents at the company and customer bases;
- Improvement of a helicopter with additional outboard fuel tanks increased capacity;
- Equipping a set of lighting equipment AMI-8 (compatible with night vision goggles);
- Performance of works on assessment of technical conditions in order to prolong resources and service life of the helicopter;
- Replacement of SARPP-12D1M registrator for BUR-4-1.SDK-8 registrator;
- Installation of reset reflectors automatic device (ASO-2V);
- Ensuring of R-862 (R-863) radio stations work with a step of the grid frequency 8.33 / 25 kHz and Baklan-20 (-5) radio stations work with a step of the grid frequency 8.33 / 25 kHz;
- Installation of an additional UHF radio station (Baklan-20) with an extended range (118.0-136.975 MHz) and a step of the grid frequency 8.33 / 25 kHz;
- Replacement of the radio station "KARAT M24" and R-860 for the radio station "Yadro-1 A" and R-863;
- Replacement of the roentgenometer DP-3 A for the roentgenometer IMD-1 A;
- Replacement of the icing indicator RIO-3 for SO-121VM;
- Replacement of the radio altimeter RV-3 for A-037;
- Installation of the weather radar 8A813TS;
- Installation of a satellite navigation system (GPS);
- Installation of GTX 327 aircraft transponder and A-350 converter.
Beloruski remontni zavod je ozbiljan igrac, koji se u vreme SSSR-a bavio remontom bombardera. Tokom svoje istorije uradili su 1726 (!) remonta aviona TU-16 i 68 remonta aviona TU-22. Sa remontom helikoptera Mi-8/17/24/35 krenuli su 1993-e.