Citat:Экипажи многоцелевых вертолётов MH-60L из состава 160-го авиационного полка специальных операций ВС США ведут огонь по целям на земле с применением 30-мм автоматических пушек M230 и неуправляемых авиационных ракет Hydra 70 в ходе учений.
Toni ::^^^
The Government of Croatia has requested to buy eight (8 ) UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters; nineteen (19) T700-GE 701D engines (16 installed, 3 spares); twenty (20) AN/ARC-231A RT-1987 very high frequency (VHF) / ultra high frequency (UHF) / Line of Sight (LOS) satellite communications (SATCOM) radios; ten (10) AN/AAR-57 Counter Missile Warning Systems (CMWS); twenty (20) H-764U Embedded Global Position Systems with Inertial Navigation (EGI) and Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) (or future replacement); and eighteen (18 ) M240H machine guns. Also included are: AN/ARC-231 RT-1808A (or future replacement) VHF/UHF/ LOS SATCOM radios; APR-39C(V)1/4 radar warning receivers; AVR-2B laser detecting sets; APX-123A Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) transponders (or future replacement); ARC-220 high frequency (HF) radio with KY-100M; VRC-100 ground stations; AN/PYQ-10 Simple Key Loader (SKL); KIV-77 Common Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) crypto applique computers; KY-100M; communications security (COMSEC) encryption devices AN/ARN-147(V) VHF Omni-Directional Range (VOR)/instrument landing system (ILS) receiver radio; AN/ARN-149(V) low frequency (LF)/automatic direction finder (ADF) radio receiver; AN/ARN-153 tactical air navigation system (TACAN) receiver-transmitter; AN/APN-209 radar altimeter; AN/ARC-210 radios; EBC-406HM emergency locator transmitter (ELT); Encrypted Aircraft Wireless Intercommunications Systems (EAWIS); Improved Heads-Up Display (IHUD); signal data converters for IHUD; signal data converters for heads-up display (HUD); forward-looking infrared (FLIR) with electro-optical and infrared (EO/IR) capabilities; EO/IR cabin monitoring systems; EO/IR digital video recorder; AN/ARC-201D RT-1478D (or future replacement); Enhanced Ballistic Armor Protection Systems (EBAPS); Internal Auxiliary Fuel Tank Systems (IAFTS); Fast Rope Insertion & Extraction System (FRIES); External Rescue Hoist (ERH); rescue hoist equipment sets; Dual Patient Litter System (DPLS) Sets; Martin Baker palletized Crew Chief/Gunner seats with crashworthy floor structural modifications; External Stores Support System (ESSS); Integrated Tow Plates Production Assets; universal software loading kits; 60k volt-ampere (VA) generator kits; instrument panel sets; external gun mount systems; Black Hawk Aircrew Trainer (BAT); Black Hawk Maintenance Trainer (BHMT-M); Black Hawk Avionics Trainer; Maintenance Blended Reconfigurable Avionics Trainer (MBRAT); training devices; helmets; transportation; organizational equipment; spare and repair parts; support equipment; tools and test equipment; technical data and publications; personnel training and training equipment; U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The estimated total cost is $500 million.
Citat:Ukupna vrednost osam helikoptera UH-60M blek hok iznosi 273,8 miliona američkih dolara. Četiri helikoptera stižu u Hrvatsku putem donacije SAD, a četiri će biti plaćena iz hrvatskog budžeta. Finansijska pomoć Sjedinjenih Država pokriva 51 posto ukupnog iznosa, a MORH će u trogodišnjem budžetskom periodu od 2025. do 2027. obezbediti preostali iznos.
Svi helikopteri s opremom trebalo bi da budu isporučeni Hrvatskoj tokom 2028. Hrvatska ima četiri helikoptera UH-60M blek hok, a dva od njih donirala je američka vlada.
Jedan pogled na elektronsku opremu MH-60M Blackhawk u Block 1.0 konfiguraciji.
PS - potkrala se greška oko oznake radara AN/ALQ-187 - treba da stoji AN/APQ-187
jazbar ::HRZ nema više Mi-8 - donirani su Ukrajini, a što je sa Mi-171š? Izgleda da i oni idu u donaciju.
EŠ-evi ostaju do 2027-28 do isteka resursa međutim po intervju generala Križanca, zapovjednika HRZ rečeno je da je RH zainteresirana za jedan tip helikoptera kojega će se SAD odricati po modelu Kiowa. Predpostavlja se Chinook. Također je rekao da 12 Black Hawka nije konačan broj kao i da se Kiowe moderniziraju novim optoelektroničkim sustavom i avionikom te se razmatra o novom sustavu naoružanja većega dometa. Sada su naoružane sa AGM 114 Hellfire - Romeo i nenavođenim 70 mm projektilom Hydra.
Intervju general Križanec:
Citat:160th SOAR(A) MH-60M DAP sporting the new maritime camouflage wrap as tested under Project Genesis.
The aircraft also is fitted with the Raytheon AN/APQ-187 Silent Knight multi-mode radar, Fulcrum Concepts' CLAW pylon system, and CIRCM.