KANISTER 20 litara od ideje do realizacije.


KANISTER 20 litara od ideje do realizacije.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20358

Onaj u sredini nosi dve a ovi sa strane po jednu Smile

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25880

Da su imali još i ta bi dvoica krajnjih nosila u drugoj ruci još po jednu pa je onda taj u sredini naj bolje prošao jer nosi samo jednu a ovi po jednu i pola druge...

  • Pridružio: 25 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 67

Najviše bojno polje na svetu Sijačen lednik (oko 6700mnm) - Kašmir 1987.
Od kako je pokrenuta ova tema setio sam se ove slike, i ovih dana sam našao primerak National Geographic-a iz oktobra 1987. Piše da je gorivo namenjeno helikopterima i za potrebe logora a da je doneto na leđima nosača.

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25880

Nemački Wermaht je u svojoj opremi za snabdevanje imao i za to proizvedene uprtače pomoću kojih su se kanisteri kačili nazad na grbinu kao ranac ali nisam uspeo tu sliku da iskopam sem pisanja na par mesta..
Ovo je verovatno ista tehnika iznošenja kanistera na ovu inpozantnu nadmorsku visinu ..

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25880

Iskopao sam u traganju za kaiševima kanistere iz pred serije koju je Legija KONDOR testirala u Španskom građanskom ratu.
Kanistere je proizveo:
Schwelmer Eisenwerk Müller u. Co

Detalji izgleda spreda ka otvorima za istakanje:

Pogled sa strane,na model serije levo
Krst istrošenog rebra je izdvojen,spoljašnji uglovi su više zaobljeni a prednji kraj ručke je ojačan nauglu.
Prednji pogled na model levo:
Dodata obujmica sa oznakom,poklopac je u potpunosti pregledan, a njegov je sistem za zatvaranje bezbedan, produžava se sa raširenim donjim delom a protok mu je povećan sa ubacivanjem povratne cevi za vazduh.

pogled sa zadnje strane a u Španiji su nađena samo dva kanistera sa oznakom Ambi-Budd Presswerk G.m.b.H u to vreme drugim proizvođačem revolucionarnog izuma koji je još bio u nastanku.

From the archives of the Schwelmer Eisenwerk Müller u. Co., some new total showing some monthly production complete and authenticate these already published for F.& R. Fischer A.-G. manufacturer.

Those total show too the volume of production of Kennschilder "D" - named TAG in "Accessories" chapter, and their price in Reich Mark.
Wehrmacht Kanister :Kennschilder "D" :
Sep. 38: 33 000 à 8,64 RM.
Nov. 38: 40 000 à 8,64 RM.
Nov. 38: 100 000 à 0,12 RM.
Jan. 39: 45 000 à 8,64 RM.
Jan. 39: 150 000 à 0,12 RM.
Jun. 39: 40 000 à 8,50 RM.
Jun. 39: 120 000 à 0,12 RM.
July. 39: 40 000 à 8,50 RM.
Aug. 39: 45 000 à 8,50 RM.
Sep. 39: 49 200 à 8,50 RM.
Oct. 39: 55 000 à 8,43 RM.
Nov. 39: 58 500 à 8,43 RM.
Dec. 39: 54 185 à 8,43 RM.
Jan. 40: 55 000 à 8,43 RM.

The eight months of 1939 can to calculate an annual average likely around 580000 examples manufactured.

Typed page of the production of january of 1939 (Schwelmer Eisenwerk Albano-Müller Archives).

U obradi su mi i materijali sa ispitivanja ali ih moram prevoditi sa German pa će da sačeku...

  • KUZMAR  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 25 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 5407

Mozda bi ovo moglo biti to za nosenje kanistera na ledjima, pronasao na internetu bez posebnih dodatnih objasnjenja. Meni lici na nesto sto bi moglo sluziti toj nameni

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25880

Trebalo bi da je to taj modni detalj za kačenje tereta na grbinu ala kanister..
Nego evo nađo jedan lep prikaz u preteči kanistera koji je nastao raspisom konkursa WaffenAmt of 1936.

Ovaj pra kanister je čedo kompanije Schwelmer Eisenwerk Müller u. Co..
The logo of the Schwelmer Eisenwerk Müller, a M over a drum in a triangle with the name of the town of Schwelm, is adopting in 1925.

Before this time, some pitchers, cubic and triangular cans carry a transfer indicating the explosive risk of content for this range of products.

There is also this drawing on advertising inserts in magazines dated 1912.

Triangular can of 15 litres with these different transfers (Stephane Arquille collection).

Postcard from 1921 with the triangular version of 10 litres of the can and close-up of the transfer (Schwelmer Eisenwerk Albano-Müller Archives).
A kao šlag i ova preporuka za knjigu o nastanku kanistera pre 80 godina uz cenu od 39,50 €

- Wehrmacht Kanister 20 liter -
- A german invention : The Jerrycan -
The Jerrycan for his universal use, nearly 80 years old after its birth, deserved a specific and in-depth study on its German origins.
Never addressed in a single book and with a preface by the grandson of one of the industrialist of this invention, the Kraftstoff and Wasser examples are shown in all their diversity : of the most common to the rarest in a catalogue of approximately 150 models.
The multiple manufacturers : the automotive OEMs, the coachbuilders, the ustensil's kitchen manufacturers, the conglomerates industrial are presented by chapter with a brief history.
This book develops all the themes of this revolutionary can : from the invitation to tender of the WaffenAmt of 1936 to the post war manufacturing, from the industrialization to the use doctrine, from the accessories to the export models, from original colours and painted markings to the shortage of gazoline of the IIIrd Reich.
50 unpublished original photographs show the fuel distribution chain and the use of the Kanister 20 Liter in the Wehrmacht.
Various profiles and graphics complete this book.
Hardback book - 160 pages - Bilingual book French-English - AVAILABLE - Price : 39,50 €

Uspeo sam da skinem dobar deo iz ove knjige pa ću ga polako obraditi i ovde okačiti a sav je prikaz po kompanijama koje su se sve bavile izradom ovog legendarnog pomagala koje je kažu doprinelo usponu Trećeg raiha...

  • goxin 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 7810
  • Gde živiš: Srpsko Sarajevo

Evo jedne modernizacije popularnog metalnog kanistera od 20 l.
Pogodan za lov , ribolov i za prezivljavanje u prirodi :
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25880

Da ja nastavim sa predstavljanjem OVE knjige koja dosta opširno obrađuje pregled svih proizvpđača kanistera za Wermaht.

Malo slika sa probnih opitovanja sa početka 1936.g.
The validation of the sealing is performed by turning on cans water pressure and gives the following results (we will keep the german unit atü is 0,99 bar) :

- 0,3 to 0,5 atü : no deformation is observed,

- 1 atü : the upper portion of the sidewalls under the seat of the handle grows about 5 mm,

- 2 atü : the deformation of the flanks becomes uniform and reaches the base of the handle,

- 3 atü : the swelling increases to a width of 215 mm, the gutters and the expansion rib are impacted, four bumps are formed at the lower corners and the first leakage is detected on the welds.

- 5 atü : some folds appear on the sides of the handle welds, the cap remains tight despite the deformation of its base and the maximum swelling, 260 mm, increases the useful volume of about 6 liters.

Pre-serie models of 1936, notice the tear of several centimeters of the weld on the rear side and the different deformations described above (Schwelmer Eisenwerk Albano-Müller Archives).

Technical drawing sized of the pressurizing deformations at 1, 3 and 5 atü dated of 1936 september. Note the location of folds (Falten) and bumps (Beulen) and the annotation estimating the increase in the volume of about 6 liters on the can tested to 5 atü (Schwelmer Eisenwerk Albano-Müller Archives).

Some french oil magnates, fuel dealers and garages swell voluntarily some Kanister and other Jerrycans after war to increase the useful volume of cans. (Frederic Charrier collection).
Da završim današnji prilog sa razglednicama pobrojanih fabrika u prošloj objavi.
Illustrations and postcards of factories
Alphabetically, they supplement the factories already presented in the book.

Illustration of the Ambi-Budd Presswerk factory, stretching 60000 m² in Berlin-Johannisthal, extract of a flyer of 1936 (Stephane Arquille collection).

Illustration of the Ernst Hecker - Metall- und Lackierwarenfabrik factory in Aue, extract of a flyer of 1926 (Stephane Arquille collection).

Postcard of 1935 of the Sandrik factory in Dolné Hámre in Slovakia (Stephane Arquille collection).

Postcard of 1927 of the Eisenwerk Vogel & Noot factory in Wartberg in Austria (Stephane Arquille collection).

  • blake  Male
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Nov 2006
  • Poruke: 976
  • Gde živiš: HR

Sud za vodu SV-20, Miloje Zakić, Kruševac
(vjerojatno isto što i kasniji Trayal, ili gumena kanta GK-20 što ju je RJ postavio:

(ovo 2326 liči prije na neki model FAP-a)
(inače, još uvijek tragam za platnenom kofom 17 litara iz kompleta alata i pribora Fapa 2026)

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