cinoeye ::Одличан графички проказ пуцњаве у Фергусону.
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12/7/2014 4:10 PM GMT+0100
As presented to them, the grand jury made a reasonable decision. Wilson, however, gets a D- or F for police work. Any good training officer, white, black, brown or green, given anonymity so as not to incur "breaching the blue line" wrath, could point out a dozen failures. Just two:
1. The entire screeching in reverse NASCAR maneuver after the two failed to leave the middle of the street showed flawed emotional judgment and poor situational awareness. Emotionally, a better graded cop says, "Guys I want you out of the street after I circle the block and come back here." When you do not know who your subjects are, you do not place you and your vehicle in a position of potential disadvantage. The two shots in the vehicle are fine but stem from the emotional and situational failure.
2. Absent an intent to execute someone who slapped you and put his hands on your weapon, the entire 50 yard foot chase is poor police work. In fear for your life, you exit the vehicle to chase someone who cannot hide. Telling were the words from the first cop to arrive, "Where is the other guy?" Wilson did not know. Again, not knowing who your two subjects are, you do not lose situational control. Does the other guy have a weapon? Is he behind me? Good police work says wait for your help, control all possible subjects, make the arrest. Wilson went 50 yards out of his way to do none of that. Do not believe the "I accidentally changed radio frequency, so help did not hear me."
Ukratko prevedeno, on Vilsonu daje ocenu od 2 ili 1 za obavljen posao. Inicijalno obracanje subjektima nije bilo adekvatno, pravilno bi bilo: ,, Kada ja okrenem krugo oko bloka, vas dvojica bolje da niste na kolovozu!" Onda postavio je auto u takvom polozaju da osumnjiceni ima prednost. Jurio je pedest stopa (15 m) osumnjicenog, iako se bojao za svoj zivot. I nije znao gde se nalazi drugi osumnjiceni, da je Jonson ima oruzje (i ludu glavu) situacija bi mogla da bude jako kobna po policajca.