Не, тема није да ли је рат у Авганистану оправдан или не. Исто важи и за Ирак. Сви добро знамо ко је АМерика, шта ради по свету и шта су нама радили.
Тема је кренула у вези књиге, па се расточила на ратне америчке криминалце и злочине.
НИје у питању да ја браним неодбраниво, већ то да ви генерализујете акције појединих људи, као да је у питањи цела нација.
Дакле треба издвојити власт и карактер рата кој Америка води, и оно што раде појединци и Америчкој војсци. Па рат у Аваганистану се води годинама, много је напаљених клинаца отишло и раде глупости и то наравно само још више шкоди како свет види Американце.
АКо је Вељко Булајић з филмовима представљао једни страну као зле, ако то ради Анђелина Жоли или филм Иза непријатељских линија или како већ... и ако нама то смета када запад све Србе представља као злочинице....зашто исто то ви радите? Неки коментари нису усмерени на одређени догадађај, већ на осуду једног народа и то није по правилнику форума.
Ако већ постављате америчkе коментаре, са форума које екстремни и који подржавају ово пишање, зашто не поставите и оне који га осуђују.
Jan 12, 2012 1:40:44 AM
This it ain't about what the world thinks about the vid. No, it has everything to do with our Armed Services and having unprofessional idiots in our ranks. If they can **** on dead bodies, they have the potential to kill innocent civilians since they have low regard for the values that the Marines teach. Trust me, it is not that big of a leap and who only knows what these clowns have done during their tour. Also, we are not even sure if they were actually enemy since all I saw was a turned over wheel barrel and no enemy weapons. These idiots could lead to a number of people getting relieved of command and demoted for their actions.
Jan 12, 2012 1:42:29 AM
These Marines are acting like 15 year olds. Even on the battlefield, discipline must be maintained.
Jan 12, 2012 1:43:31 AM
This is pretty sad: Americans are supposed to be better than this.
Jan 12, 2012 1:12:59 AM
This isn't any different from those Rangers/pilots bodies being dragged through the streets or Marines bodies being mutilated by the Japanese in WWII, but thats the difference between us, we have morals and live by the Corps values. What the taliban does is inexcusable but this shouldnt be done.
Jan 11, 2012 11:05:45 PM
Disgusting undisciplined embarrassments of our nation, and everyone who has served.
Jan 11, 2012 11:14:49 PM
No matter what, we have to keep our core values. Shame of them and they should be punished for their harsh action.
BablaMArine an 11, 2012 11:13:29 PM-
(thefenders) And the problem is...? or the problem are?? ******* The problem is/are that this will put our troops in danger around Muslim countries. Maybe you don’t understand but this will help terrorists to recruit more people in to their organization as well.
Soldiers and Marines are trained to kill the enemies of the United States. If this video pisses off muslims so the f***k what? If this puts the troops 'in harms way' as the ***** politicians claim, please understand that our warriors want to be put in harms way- THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE TRAINED TO DO- kill the f***ing enemy. STFU.
Majami Herald 11, 2012 10:33:44 PM--
Thomas Chamberlin
Brilliant logic. They act like barbarians, so we should too. Absolutely brilliant.
SoBeDog 4 comments collapsed Collapse Expand
All you animals who are ok with this have obviously never served. This is an embarrassment on the core, our men are held to higher standards of honor than the barbarians they are now fighting.
Thomas Chamberlin 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand
Exactly. Listen to these low-class morons defend the desecration of corpses, whereas if the video showed Taliban doing the same thing to our guys, they would be screaming to nuke Afghanistan. Such idiots on both sides perpetuate needless war and suffering.
Zero thought for the fact that by committing this war crime, these Marines have provoked even greater hatred among the enemy and put their fellow Americans in even greater danger. Hopefully they'll be courtmartialed by the Corps, which doesn't deserve to have it's glorious reputation sullied by the actions of a few bad men.
All emotion, no brains. That's how they vote, too. And yes, for you stupid commenters, I'm referring to you.
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