Ispovest bez kajanja


Ispovest bez kajanja

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 3245
  • Gde živiš: Gde ja zivim...

Одакле теби идеја, да су они који су интервијуисани, високообразовани буџовани?
Види се да су то неке сељачине ии ти white trash" како их зову у Америци.
Од када је сарказам нормална дискусија. Ја могу да будем и саркастичан и да нормално дискутујем, али не подносим глупост, генерализовање и ограниченост.

  • Pridružio: 14 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 103

Znači ti hoćeš da kažeš da su Amerikanci generalno široko obrazovani?

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 3245
  • Gde živiš: Gde ja zivim...

Partibrejker ::Znači ti hoćeš da kažeš da su Amerikanci generalno široko obrazovani?

Прво, шта теби значи генерално образован? Пропорционално броју становника, има глупих, образованих, паметних, ни мање ни више него у другим развијеним земљама.
Процентуално, оних са факултетом има више него код нас.

А то да имају проблема са светском географијом је истина. По природи ствари, људи због филмова итд. мисле да знају више о АМерици, него што Америкаци знају о свету.

  • Pridružio: 14 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 103

Nemaju oni problema sa svetskom geografijom nego su zombiji.
Pitaju onog lika da li smatra da je Kirgistan pretnja po američku bezbednost i on kaže da da, jer tako kaže predsednik... Hahahaha... Ili ono pitanje država na "U", to je kao da pitaju nekog Srbina da navede države na "S" i on da ne zna... O čemu mu pričamo uopšte...

  • ruso  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • sta stignem
  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 1974
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Znamo od cega su ameri nastali i kako mislim da nije potrbeno da dalje pisem ista

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 3245
  • Gde živiš: Gde ja zivim...

ruso ::Znamo od cega su ameri nastali i kako mislim da nije potrbeno da dalje pisem ista
Не, потребно је. Напиши како су Амери "настали" и шта то говори о њима.

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2007
  • Poruke: 733


Ne znam zasto si tvrdoglav. A ocigledno nisi skontao sta sam hteo reci.
Oba Amera koje sam upoznao su bili sasvim ok likovi.Jedan od njih je isao po Evropi i skupljao materijal za roman koji ce se baviti kulturoloskim razlikama izmedju Amerike i Evrope. Znaci,nikakvi redneckovi. Sa njima ne znam sta bih i pricao. Rekao sam da mi je dovoljno zato sto su mi njih dvojica pricala o tome kako se stide zbog toga sta Amerika predstavlja u svetu. Da vole svoju zemlju,ali da im je pun k...c licemerstva i ignorantnosti Americkog naroda.
Sa jedne strane su najveci vernici na svetu, a sa druge imaju najvecu (film-za-odrasle)-o industriju,najvise prostitutki,najvise narkomana,najvise ubistava,najvise smrtnih kazni .... U ZAPADNOM svetu.
Da ne bude zabune,i da ne branis Ameriku tako sto ces je porediti sa Afrikom ili Juznom Amerikom.
To bi ipak bilo malo degute,zar ne? Ipak je Amerika svetionik demokratije svim narodima sirom sveta.
Cvrsti bastion ljudskih prava,humanosti,porodicnih vrednosti (inace,juce procitah da je prosle godine broj vanbracnih zajednica prvi put premasio broj sklopljenih brakova)

Nije mi jasno zasto branis nesto sto je osudjeno na propast. Nesto sto se odrzava sirovom silom spolja i najvecim projektom lazi iznutra. Koliko Amera je svesno da je njihovo blagostanje (iako 40 miliona zivi od bonova za hranu,tj gladno je) nastalo na patnji citavog ostalog sveta?
Da sve sto imaju nisu stakli samo svojim radom,vec bezocnim crpljenjem tudjih resursa i bogatstva.Hocemo o cuvenom '' American ignorancy and denial''? Pa da se dotaknemo i tog cuvenog patriotizma.
Koliko Amera je svesno da su vec 50 godina najvece ubice i zlo danasnjice? Naravno da svaki Amerikanac zna za 9/11 i za 3000 mrtvih. Neverovatan zlocin. A koliko ih se upitalo koliko miliona ljudi su posredno ili neposredno oni ubili pre i posle toga?
Koliko je Amera protestvovalo zbog toga sto rade po svetu?Koliko je na Ocupy podiglo glas protiv americkog imperijalizma? Ne,protestvovali su zato sto ne mogu vise voziti dva dzipa koji trose 40 litara benzina koji su placali manje nego bilo ko na zapadu.Jesu li protestvovali zato sto je Americki san napravljen na potocima tudje krvi,ili zato sto vise toga nema?
Na kraju,nemoj misliti da imam samo negativan stav i mrznju prema Americi.Vrlo dobro znam koliko su pametnih i umnih ljudi dali covecanstvu. Pisaca,umetnika,naucnika itd. Samo je zalosno sto ja kao prosecan Srbin znam vise i o Americi i o svetu oko mene od prosecnog pripadnika najbogatije nacije na svetu.

Procitaj malo ove tekstove dole.Zao mi je sto ne mogu naci jedan jako dobar tekst.Nesto kao recnik Americkog imperijalizma.
Uglavnom,ja bih ti preporucio da bezis odatle sto pre.Zbog svega ovoga sto ti pricam,religijskog ekstremizma,izolacionizma drustva,ignorantnosti,melting pot-a,nevidjenih raslojavanja kakvih nema nigde na svetu.
Zbog svega toga,kod njih kad se desi revolucija bice krvavije,okrutnije I nehumanije od svega sto smo do sad imali priliku da vidimo.A desice se kad tad,posto ni jedna imperije nije pala spolja,nego iznutra.

Citat:What's the Constitution? Don't bother asking 70% of Americans: Alarming number of U.S. citizens don't know basic facts about their own country

First Christina Aguilera forgot the words to the national anthem.

Now it has emerged that 70 per cent of Americans do not know what the Constitution is, and six per cent don't even know when Independence Day falls.

Newsweek recently gave 1,000 Americans the U.S. Citizenship test and found that their knowledge of the history and running of their own country was seriously lacking.
Stumped: In the U.S. citizenship test, only 38 per cent of Americans passed and some didn't know answers to basic questions like who is the vice president?

Stumped: In the U.S. citizenship test, only 38 per cent of Americans passed and some didn't know answers to basic questions like who is the vice president?

Although the majority passed, more than a third - 38 per cent - failed, and some of the basic questions surrounding citizenship were answered incorrectly.

The U.S. citizenship test is administered to all immigrants applying for citizenship. It is comprised of 100 questions across five categories - American government, systems of government, rights and responsibilities, American history and integrated civics.

Newsweek found that there were huge discrepancies in the kinds of civic knowledge Americans collectively possess.

A mark of 60 per cent was needed to pass.

The questions that Americans could not answer went from the more challenging - how many justices are in the Supreme Court? (63 per cent did not know) To the most basic - who is the Vice President of America? (29 per cent did not know)

Q. What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

A. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.

Q. Who did the United States fight in World War II?

A. Japan, Germany and Italy.

Q. What did Martin Luther King Jnr do?

A. Fought for civil rights and equality for all Americans.

Q. Circle Independence Day on the calendar.

A. July 4.

An alarming number of Americans did not know basic information about the Constitution, namely that it was the supreme law of the land, that it was set up at the Constitutional Convention and that the first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights.

Newsweek reported that civil ignorance is nothing new. Americans have been misunderstanding checks and balances and misidentifying their senators for as long as they have existed.

And their ignorance is only highlighted by the knowledge of their European peers.

In March 2009, the European Journal of Communication asked citizens of Britain, Denmark, Finland and the U.S. to answer questions on international affairs.

Europe came out on top. Around three quarters of British, Finnish and Danish people could, for example, identify the Taliban but just over a half of Americans could, despite the fact they led the charge in Afghanistan.

Many blame it on the complexity of the U.S. political system.

Michael Schudson, author of The Good Citizen, said: 'Nobody is competent to understand it all, which you realize every time you vote. You know you’re going to come up short, and that discourages you from learning more.'

Others blame it on economic inequality in the U.S. as the top 400 households have more money than the bottom 60 per cent combined.

The Nature of American Denial

By James Hall

At the core of self delusion is the inability and/or the unwillingness of facing reality. While psychological disorders can often explain abnormal behavior in individuals, the exegesis for deviant social attitudes and accompanying conduct is reserved for society. Or so we are told! But does this make sense to you? As long as you accept that reality does exist and that it can be understood, it follows that we have the right, the ability and the obligation to comprehend it and adjust our actions accordingly.

Most Americans view, of their own personal identity, is inculcated by
the political culture. Delmar England, in his provocative work - Mind and Matters, The World in a Mirror - offers this valuable insights into our mutual and shared condition: "In human affairs, as surely as effect is preceded by action, action is preceded by belief, and belief is preceded by thought and conclusions."

Applying this standard to politics Mr England depicts government is this fashion:

"For all the sidestepping, dance arounds, word games, and confused rhetoric, the term government is easily defined; not by subjective agreement, but by reference to objective reality and the actual entities involved. First, we know that there is no such thing as an infinite entity and that the term, government, necessarily denotes a relationship. The actual entities involved are human individuals. The base options of relationships between individuals are non-initiation of force and non-coercion, or initiation of force and coercion. It makes no difference how many different subjective labels are put upon the situation, the objective fact remains that at the root of it all, these are the only two options. The former is in recognition of the individual as a self-owned entity. The latter is based on the idea of an individual being the property of an "infinite entity"; which is the "justification" for rule by the individuals who hide behind the abstracts and exercise their will to dominate and control all others."

"The subjective and arbitrary labels arbitrarily associated with government such as democracy, socialism, communism, etc. are purely for the purpose of self-delusion. Although form of implementation may vary and some versions start closer to ultimate self-destruction than other versions, the common and identifying objective content of each and every one is initiation of force and coercion. Millions may volunteer for such an anti-social system and play self-deluding word games for the sake of preferred self-image, but all the pretense in the world and "definitions by agreement" will not erase the truth about government, nor prevent the certain violent consequences of initiation of force and coercion."

No doubt, this is a correct assessment. Virtually every society and country operates with the implied and universal acceptance that government is natural and ordained. The individual accepts force and coercion as a substitute for avoiding the risk and responsibility of personal Freedom. MindMatters concludes with this point:

"Rather than freedom being the highest value sought by most, it is their deepest and most abiding fear. So much so that they can't even envision it."

American denial has caused an epidemic dysfunctional confusion. The delusion that our own self identify is equivalent with the "collective will" of society; which, in turn is synonymous with the government and its policies, is a sociopathic sickness. The antisocial behavior of the STATE demonstrates all the characteristics of a profile of a sociopath. Apply the top five to the demeanor of government: Glibness/Superficial Charm - Manipulative and Conning - Grandiose Sense of Self - Pathological Lying - Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. We are all taught what we should believe about government; but only the fool, the liar or the delusional accepts that our - self-owned entity - benefits from the force and coercion that the State demands upon us.

Robert L. Kocher has compiled a body of works far too numerous, on this topic to cite sufficiently. We urge you to review and absorb the wisdom in his insights. Most of the lessons detail the last administration, but are completely relevant to the current regime. One essay, especially compliments the Delmar England conclusion. Mr Kocher writes in American Mental Health and Politics:

"If some of us are appalled, frightened, and even driven half crazy by the maddeningly and complacently silly or psychotic levels of denial, by the superficiality, by the abysmal immaturity, by the primitive level of personality structure, by the too-easily employed distorted rationalizations, by the lack of contact with basic reality that we deal with in our daily lives, hear in our college faculties, and see on TV and in high political office, we can nevertheless know that the reality of our perceptions is validated by mental health figures as well as those patients being seen in therapist's offices."

Currently, the national mood is absorbed in the illusion that Americans are at risk and that they are in danger from terrorists abroad. While reality demonstrates that enemies of America are plentiful, the disconnect that their veridical hatred is focused upon the U.S. Government and its policies, is concealed. Vast numbers of Americans feed their denial that they are the target of madmen; while they seek comfort in the fallacy that support for the WAR Party will make them safe.
The force and coercion that the government imposes upon you, under the pretext that it is necessary and protective, diminishes your safety as it destroys your Liberty. The utter fraud of national security policy, seeks only to preserve the government, no matter how much harm it inflictes upon citizens.

So why do so many misguided flag-waving zealots rally to a jingoistic cause? Kocher provides the answer: "We now live in a society where many people no longer want or value freedom. Personal freedom and the responsibility that goes with it are abrasive intrusions or demands upon a crippled self-absorbed internal state."

"American Denial" prevents the admission that U.S. policies only benefit the government. Their own personal delusional perceptions are interchangeable with a phony litmus test, judged by their support for State illusions. The thought of exercising the Freedom to think, criticize, condemn and resist is far too disconcerting to the sheeple. They view their own self worth as an adjunct of an abstract deception; while, the true motives of the government are to control society and all individuals, using force and coercion. Both England and Kocher have it right. The association between an individual and an infinite entity denotes a relationship; and the reluctance or unwillingness to exercise freedom and responsibility, allows the government to implement force and coercion.

"Eternal Vigilance" is no longer enough to preserve Liberty. Sound mental health, appreciation for your own self worth, trust in the integrity of reality and the courage to do battle with the forces that seek to delude your own dignity are all necessary to win this struggle. America is NOT the Government. When policies are dishonest they must be opposed. When officials are depraved they need to be removed. And when your neighbor demands your allegiance to a corrupt government, it is your duty to confront his delusion.

We can no longer afford to be silent in the face of "American Denial".

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 3245
  • Gde živiš: Gde ja zivim...

Partibrejker ::Nemaju oni problema sa svetskom geografijom nego su zombiji.
Pitaju onog lika da li smatra da je Kirgistan pretnja po američku bezbednost i on kaže da da, jer tako kaže predsednik... Hahahaha... Ili ono pitanje država na "U", to je kao da pitaju nekog Srbina da navede države na "S" i on da ne zna... O čemu mu pričamo uopšte...

Па причамо о томе да сам упознао људе који мисле да сам из Сирије или Сибира кад кажем да сам из Србије. Али сам исто тако упознао људе који не само да знају где је Србија, већ сматрају да је Америка неправедно бомбардовала Србију и издала старог севезника.

Оно о чему причамо овде и о чему нећемо причати је то да ти 300 милиона људи видиш као да су ити. То је истина само ако су сви људи у Србији исти и знају све исто. Од професора БгУ, баке што продаје цвеће на пијаци у Крушевцу, пољопривредника из Куршумлије...

Као што рекох, ако тако размишљаш, то више говори о теби, него о њима. Да чујемо још од тебе, који су народи паметни, а који глупи, направи неку листу, много је земаља и онда поткрепи своје тврдње.

  • ruso  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • sta stignem
  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 1974
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

cinoeye ::ruso ::Znamo od cega su ameri nastali i kako mislim da nije potrbeno da dalje pisem ista
Не, потребно је. Напиши како су Амери "настали" и шта то говори о њима.

1.Nastali su na temelju genocida.
2.Nastali od evroposkog "white trasha".

To govori da se nisu promjenili uopste od svojih predaka i da jos uvjek ubijaju gde hoce i sta hoce, a to smo i mi nazalost osjetili. Sad

  • lacko  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • doktor medicine
  • Pridružio: 10 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1529
  • Gde živiš: nis

Ajde malo po genetskoj osnovi,ja tvrdim da su im geni -trul-i najblaže rečeno, a da imaju tu sreću da je tendecija da se nakon ukrštanja različitih genetskih profila-dobije proizvod nešto boljeg kvaliteta.
Evo naučnog dokaza,šta nije jasno da objasnim...

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