


  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34830

Jeste Sremac apsolutno si u pravu evo već polako klizi i druga godina kako rusi bankrotiraju čak su se i upustili u intervenciju u Siriji a pred bankrotom su šta reći strašno. Wink Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Neki dan sam gledao film ` Povratnik` sa L.Di Kapriom u gl. ulozi .Veoma zanimljiv detalj/kadar .. u snu mu se javlja jedan Hram RPC a vreme radnje je 1823g u jednoj severnoj oblasti SAD uz granicu sa Kanadom ( S.Dakota i ostale drzave u tom podrucju ) ...

Mnogobrojni komentari na netu povodom te scene u filmu :

Citat:There is much displacement in the film, for example the stone ruins of a church with eastern icons preserved behind the altar, a crucifix in the center. The wood is burned. Where did this come from? Is it a vision, a memory, a reality? Russian Orthodox missionaries were working in Alaska in the late 18th century and conceivably could have come to Canada and the northern US and built wooden churches.

Citat:Factual errors
The ruined church shown in the dream sequence as constructed is clearly an Orthodox church based on the architectural style of what remains of the building, primarily the nave and iconostasis. The wall in front of the nave is covered with icons on both sides. However, behind this wall in the center is a crucifixion painting rendered in the style of early Renaissance. Such a "modern" painting would never be included with the rest of the icons which usually display the Prophets, Apostles, or Christ Enthroned in Byzantium style.

Citat:Less awesome were the dream sequences. What was with the Eastern Orthodox Church? I'm pretty sure that no character here is Eastern Orthodox. Not Leo and certainly not his half Native American son.

Citat:Set in 1823 Montana and South Dakota, The Revenant tells the story of a group of trappers lead by Captain Andrew Henry (Domhnall Gleeson) and includes such figures as Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), his half-white/ half-American Indian son Hawk (Forrest Goodluck) and Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy). The man also has a keen eye for scenery, with the most notable example being a rather haunting scene that takes place in an Eastern Orthodox Church.

The strange church in ruins was built for the occasion, as was the frontier fort, the Pawnee village and the mountain of buffalo skulls. Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Kako god ... mozda Ruje bas i nisu dolazile do kanadsko-americke granice ( tacnije tada Britanske Amerike koja se i granicila sa Ruskom Amerikom ) a ovo su neki podaci sa wiki stranice` Ruska Amerika`

Citat:The Russo-American Treaty of 1824 recognized exclusive Russian rights to the fur trade above Latitude 54°, 40' North, with the American rights and claims restricted to below that line. This division was repeated in the Treaty of Saint Petersburg, a parallel agreement with the British in 1825 (which also settled most of the border with British North America). However, the agreements soon went by the wayside, and with the retirement of Alexandr Baranov in 1818, the Russian hold on Alaska was further weakened.

When the Russian-American Company's charter was renewed in 1821, it stipulated that the chief managers from then on be naval officers. Most naval officers did not have any experience in the fur trade, so the company suffered. The second charter also tried to cut off all contact with foreigners, especially the competitive Americans. This strategy backfired since the Russian colony had become used to relying on American supply ships, and the United States had become a valued customer for furs. Eventually the Russian–American Company entered into an agreement with the Hudson's Bay Company, which gave the British rights to sail through Russian territory.

Although the mid-19th century was not a good time for Russians in Alaska, conditions improved for the coastal Alaska Natives who had survived contact, primarily the Aleut, Koniag, and Tlingit. The Tlingit were never conquered and continued to wage war on the Russians into the 1850s. The Aleut, many of whom had been removed from their home islands and sent as far south as California to hunt sea otter for Russians, continued to decline in population during the 1840s.

The naval officers of the Russian–American Company established schools and hospitals for the Aleut and gave them jobs. Russian Orthodox clergy moved into the Aleutian Islands to aid the people. The Aleut population began to increase.

Ono sto je sigurno je da ce dosta ljudi koji su gledali ovaj film zapitati se odakle zaista ostaci onog Pravoslavnog hrama u snu i sta to treba da znaci ... realnost ili masta rezisera ...Masta svakako nije a realnost je Ruska Amerika-danasnja Aljaska te ruske trgovacke i vojne baze na havajskim ostrvima i u oblasti San Franciska .

Mnogi ce Ameri mozda po prvi put u zivotu saznati da su u pomenutim oblastima pre njihovih predaka (zapadno- evropskog porekla ) bili niko drugi do Rusi ...

A film ima odlican naziv `Povratnik` sto moze da asocira na to da bi Rusi mogli biti ti povratnici . Razz

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11730
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Овај филм је настао под утицајем на филмове чувеног руског и светског редитеља Тарковског, тј. да будем прецизнији на редитеља филма повратник велики утицај имао је Тарковски, кога сматрају једног од најбољих редитеља 20 века.

Много сцена у повратнику је једноставно узето из неколико филмова које је Тарковски режирао са неким мањим изменама...

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3632

ray ban11 ::Neki dan sam gledao film ` Povratnik` sa L.Di Kapriom u gl. ulozi .Veoma zanimljiv detalj/kadar .. u snu mu se javlja jedan Hram RPC a vreme radnje je 1823g u jednoj severnoj oblasti SAD uz granicu sa Kanadom ( S.Dakota i ostale drzave u tom podrucju ) ...

Mnogobrojni komentari na netu povodom te scene u filmu :

Citat:There is much displacement in the film, for example the stone ruins of a church with eastern icons preserved behind the altar, a crucifix in the center. The wood is burned. Where did this come from? Is it a vision, a memory, a reality? Russian Orthodox missionaries were working in Alaska in the late 18th century and conceivably could have come to Canada and the northern US and built wooden churches.

Citat:Factual errors
The ruined church shown in the dream sequence as constructed is clearly an Orthodox church based on the architectural style of what remains of the building, primarily the nave and iconostasis. The wall in front of the nave is covered with icons on both sides. However, behind this wall in the center is a crucifixion painting rendered in the style of early Renaissance. Such a "modern" painting would never be included with the rest of the icons which usually display the Prophets, Apostles, or Christ Enthroned in Byzantium style.

Citat:Less awesome were the dream sequences. What was with the Eastern Orthodox Church? I'm pretty sure that no character here is Eastern Orthodox. Not Leo and certainly not his half Native American son.

Citat:Set in 1823 Montana and South Dakota, The Revenant tells the story of a group of trappers lead by Captain Andrew Henry (Domhnall Gleeson) and includes such figures as Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), his half-white/ half-American Indian son Hawk (Forrest Goodluck) and Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy). The man also has a keen eye for scenery, with the most notable example being a rather haunting scene that takes place in an Eastern Orthodox Church.

The strange church in ruins was built for the occasion, as was the frontier fort, the Pawnee village and the mountain of buffalo skulls. Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Kako god ... mozda Ruje bas i nisu dolazile do kanadsko-americke granice ( tacnije tada Britanske Amerike koja se i granicila sa Ruskom Amerikom ) a ovo su neki podaci sa wiki stranice` Ruska Amerika`

Citat:The Russo-American Treaty of 1824 recognized exclusive Russian rights to the fur trade above Latitude 54°, 40' North, with the American rights and claims restricted to below that line. This division was repeated in the Treaty of Saint Petersburg, a parallel agreement with the British in 1825 (which also settled most of the border with British North America). However, the agreements soon went by the wayside, and with the retirement of Alexandr Baranov in 1818, the Russian hold on Alaska was further weakened.

When the Russian-American Company's charter was renewed in 1821, it stipulated that the chief managers from then on be naval officers. Most naval officers did not have any experience in the fur trade, so the company suffered. The second charter also tried to cut off all contact with foreigners, especially the competitive Americans. This strategy backfired since the Russian colony had become used to relying on American supply ships, and the United States had become a valued customer for furs. Eventually the Russian–American Company entered into an agreement with the Hudson's Bay Company, which gave the British rights to sail through Russian territory.

Although the mid-19th century was not a good time for Russians in Alaska, conditions improved for the coastal Alaska Natives who had survived contact, primarily the Aleut, Koniag, and Tlingit. The Tlingit were never conquered and continued to wage war on the Russians into the 1850s. The Aleut, many of whom had been removed from their home islands and sent as far south as California to hunt sea otter for Russians, continued to decline in population during the 1840s.

The naval officers of the Russian–American Company established schools and hospitals for the Aleut and gave them jobs. Russian Orthodox clergy moved into the Aleutian Islands to aid the people. The Aleut population began to increase.

Ono sto je sigurno je da ce dosta ljudi koji su gledali ovaj film zapitati se odakle zaista ostaci onog Pravoslavnog hrama u snu i sta to treba da znaci ... realnost ili masta rezisera ...Masta svakako nije a realnost je Ruska Amerika-danasnja Aljaska te ruske trgovacke i vojne baze na havajskim ostrvima i u oblasti San Franciska .

Mnogi ce Ameri mozda po prvi put u zivotu saznati da su u pomenutim oblastima pre njihovih predaka (zapadno- evropskog porekla ) bili niko drugi do Rusi ...

A film ima odlican naziv `Povratnik` sto moze da asocira na to da bi Rusi mogli biti ti povratnici . Razz

Cool Wink

  • Pridružio: 06 Jul 2015
  • Poruke: 593

Alaska je bila Ruska teritorija i Ruski Car je prodao tu teritoriju Americi 1867 za $7,2 miliona (navodno danasnja vrednost oko $ 150 miliona). I dan danas postoje Ruske Pravoslavne crkve u nekim delovima Alaske ....

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

@stalker i sremac983

Hvala za detalj .. fino .. ruski uticaj u americkim filmovima ...Mnogima ce tamo `preko bare` kako rekoh biti za nauk sve to ...


Tako je .. imalo smo ranije dosta zanimljivih podataka o tome .. I danas na Aljasci ima Pravoslavaca ...Indijanaca,Aleuta itd itd . neki izvori pominju oko 100 parohija tamo na tom prostoru ...

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34830

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25781

Ruska tehnika je bolja od Nemačke medecine.
Upao im traktor Stalinec u živo blato 40e a nakon 70 i kusur godina ostao kao nov i još samo da je odma upalio...

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3632

ray ban11 ::@stalker i sremac983
Hvala za detalj .. fino .. ruski uticaj u americkim filmovima ...Mnogima ce tamo `preko bare` kako rekoh biti za nauk sve to ...

Тарковски је Тарковски...непоновљиви...


  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 34830

Ameri brejk densuju uz pemus Lenjin u Nju Jorku. Very Happy

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