Ruska vojna podmornica u kojoj je izbio požar nuklaerna je podmornica tipa AS-12, javio je portal RBC pozivajući se na neimenovani vojni izvor.
Podmornica AS-12 je nuklearna podmornica specijalne konstrukcije i namene, i moze da zaroni na nekoliko hiljada metara dubine, potvrdjene su dubine od 2.000 - 2.500 metara.
Od preminulih 7 je imalo cin kapetana a 2 su odlikovana "Heroj Ruske Federacije".
Incident se desio u ruskim teritorijalnim vodama.
U medjuvremenu:
#EU Commission's Security adviser is called for an URGENT meeting at EU HQ in Brussels.
#Pence plane that was going to New Hampshire, turned around because of a "URGENCY", event cancelled.
#Putin cancels participation in a forum going instead to an URGENT meeting with Sergey #Shoigu.
Ovo bas ne mirisi na slucajnost i uzimajuci u obzir svrhu podmornice, vrlo je verovatno da tu ima nesto vise od obicne nesrece. No pitanje je da li ce se to ikad saznati.
Head of ‘banking department’ of Federal Security Service and his 2 subordinates detained on suspicion of bribe taking on large scale Citat: Head of a directorate of the Federal Security Service - Colonel Kirill Cherkalin - has been detained on suspicion of bribe taking on a large scale, reports TASS with reference to the Public Relations Centre of the Federal Security Service.
“Head of a directorate of the Federal Security Service - Colonel Kirill Vladimirovich Cherkalin has been detained within a case into bribe taking on a large scale,” the Federal Security Service reported.
They noted that 2 other ex-employees of the same directorate - Frolov Dmitry Alekseevich and Vasiliev Andrey Valerievich - had been also detained. They had earlier been fired due to compromising circumstances.
Truba pod Neglinnoy (Pipe under Neglinnaya street) Telegram channel reported that Kirill Cherkalin had been the head of the 2nd department of the ‘K’ directorate of the Federal Security Service that supervised the Central Bank and banks. According to the channel, the detention is is tied to a case into an ex-owner of Yugra bank Aleksey Khotin. According to sources of Novaya gazeta, Cherkalin was “one of the youngest and up-and-coming employees.”
Criminal case against the ex-owner of Yugra bank Aleksey Khotin - who is being accused of embezzlement of 7.5 billion rubles ($115.6 million) - was initiated after a report by head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina to Vladimir Putin.
Citat:6 FSB officers, 3 from the elite Special Purpose Center Alfa unit, 1 from Vympel, and 2 from the K banking department, were arrested on suspicion of stealing 140-170 million rubles from a bank. The search of the bank was conducted using a fake warrant.
Polako ce uhvatiti prikljucak i u tome...bitno je da su ih ove sankcije valjda konacno opametile da moraju sve sami praviti i ne oslanjati se na druge..
Poenta je da oni ne prodaju samo poljo sirovine, vec da rade na sirokoj lepezi proizvoda koje ce plasirati u inostranstvo. Medvedev je ontome pricao i to ce im doneti jos vecu zaradu....ima da cenama i kvalitetom.potuku zapad...