dozorni ::... testiranja novog nuklearnog raketnog motora sa tecnim gorivom.
Sta li je nuklearno na raketnom motoru na tecno gorivo? Sa druge strane, ako ima reaktor, cemu "tecno gorivo"?
Ako nije neka sprdnja po nekim izveštajima krivi su piloti, što i nije mnogo neverovatno, ali je zanimljivo da će piloti morati da plate štetu . To se ne sećam da sam drugde viđao a moram da pohvalim ako je tačno jer 90% ovakvih udesa je glupiranje pilota.
Dopuna: 10 Sep 2019 19:50
Vladajuća partija Rusije – Jedinstvena Rusija – gotovo da je prepolovila većinu koju je imala u skupštini Moskve na nedeljnim izborima što je, pišu mediji, šokiralo partijske čelnike naročito jer ovakav ishod sledi nakon letošnjih masovnih protesta zbog zabrane oštrim kritičarima Kremlja da učestvuju na izborima.
Party’s over! New fire safety rules ban Russians from smoking & barbecuing… on their balconies Citat:Russia has tightened up its fire safety rules, banning people from barbecuing on their balconies. Smokers will also be affected.
The government has answered a plea by the Emergencies Ministry and amended the fire prevention regulations, making the use of an open fire on the balconies of apartments, dormitories, and hotels rooms illegal. The new rules will go into force within the next ten days.
Zabrana pećenja na balkonima.
Citat: Russia and its neighbouring post-Soviet republic Belarus have inked a roadmap with the aim to form “an economic confederacy” by 2022, the Kommersant business daily reported on September 16.
Specifically, Minsk and Moscow also seek to unify their customs and energy policies by 2021. The union state tax code is expected to be adopted by April 1, 2021. Russia-Belarus economic confederacy entails the creation of a single tax code, civil code and list of foreign trade rules, in addition to unified oil, gas and electricity market regulators by 2022.
The roadmap does not address integration between the two countries’ state security, defence, law enforcement and judicial domains.
Dugovi koje je otpisala RF prema drugim zemljama...
Citat:Укупни износ дугова које је Руска Федерација отписала земљама света од 1992. године износи 132,6 милијарди долара.
И шта су обични Руси добили за тај новац дониран другим земљама?
Смешно је, али највећи отписи су почели управо са „јаким патриотом“ - Путином.
Плаћајте порез.